Dragon Species in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Dragons are a race of quadrupedal, reptilian creatures. They are a proud race, and they are also considered the wisest. When a dragon speaks, everyone listens, and usually follows their orders (except for angels.) They stand anywhere from thirty to fifty feet tall, and have various different powers and abilities.   Dragons are the longest living race, leading lives of up to ten thousand years old. Dragons’ morality is generally good, but there are exceptions to everything. Some humans and dragons used to bond together for life, and it was considered a blessing to find your draconic partner, but since the War that is no longer the case. Eastern dragons are not unheard of, but tend to keep to themselves.   Dragons have one of the highest, if not the highest, magic pools in the world. A dragon's magical supply is massive, and they're incredibly skilled at using it, as well.

Basic Information


Dragons' anatomy varies, though generally, every dragon has four limbs, a tail, and two wings.

Biological Traits

Varying, but all dragons can live for at least eight thousand years, and if lucky enough will live even longer. Dragons are usually coated in diamond-hard scales. The arrangement or overlap of those scales ultimately depends on the subspecies. Some dragons have their scales layered over top of each other like roof shingles, while other dragons have a more reptilian, uniform appearance. Regardless of the species or layout of their natural armor (excluding extraordinary circumstances such as water and ooze dragons), their scales are nearly impossible to damage or even scratch.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons reproduce like any reptile, and give birth via eggs. However, dragon eggs are extremely durable, to the point of being invincible.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragons mature very quickly at the start of their life, both physically and mentally. As time passes, this growth slows to a normal rate, and stays that way for the rest of their lives. During the first six years or so, dragons will grow at an incredible rate.

Ecology and Habitats


Dietary Needs and Habits


Biological Cycle




Additional Information


Dragons and humans used to bond to each other, and doing so would greatly increase their lifespan, and also their magical ability when they were close to each other. Since the war, this is no longer practiced. Other races still bond with dragons, however.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Dragon scales, meat, teeth, tails, eyes, horns, claws, and organs are all highly valuable to humans, seeing use in, weaponry, armor, medicine, food, and many other uses besides. To all races but humans, harming dragons is considered a vile sin, and is punishable by death.

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence

Higher than human

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Varying, but all dragons have a certain set of abilities:
  • Breath Weapon
  • Magic Detection
  • Supernatural Magic

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragons only have one name, and it will usually be two words mixed together. For example: Goldwing, Darkfire, Freezeflame, Quicksilver, Fireswirl, and Flashstorm.

Major Organizations

Unnamed dragon kingdom, ruled by a dragon called Orpheus.

Beauty Ideals


Gender Ideals


Courtship Ideals


Relationship Ideals


Average Technological Level

Dragons put no faith in technology, using magic for everything.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dragons can speak and understand all languages.

Common Myths and Legends

There are hundreds of myths about dragons; that they can move entire mountain ranges, that they have some kind of divine power, that they're messengers of Heaven, demons from Hell, that they're immortal. Myths and legends about dragons are spread far and wide, and they are probably the most talked about species of mythological creature. And indeed, while dragons have no trouble getting along with other races, they like to keep an air of mystery around themselves and their culture.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most dragons get along well with most races. Like most races, they do not trust Hell's inhabitants, but seem to understand that evil is as necessary as good is, and are not actively hostile towards them.
Scientific Name
8,000-10,000 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
14-17 ft (4.3-5.2m)
Average Weight
Average Length
30-40 feet (9-12m)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking