The fall History of Geron Timeline

History of Geron

  • 17 Ylmadan Ago
    Korath The World Egg

    The Recallers of Skiath say that Korath is the egg from which the First World of Hamashal hatched. Korath was though to be a place of extremes, sometimes covered almost entirely in ice, sometimes covered in heaving volcanoes.

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  • 17 Ylmadan Ago
    Age of Endless Seas
    Era beginning/end

    Through the ages, many explorers have attempted to plumb the furthest depths of the worldtrees, traveling deep into the belly of the earth. While many of these paths lead into hellish depths that would bake would-be explorers alive, a few break out into structures that appear to have been created long ago by the first creatures who arrived here from Akashar, the Shixul. Known as the City, it is thought that from here the Elders conducted their experiments that led to the rise of life on Geron, seeded from the stock of their failing world. Accounts of this time are merely legend even to the creatures who descend from the elders, with various accounts stating that the Elders were sent to Geron as a punishment or that they were intrepid explorers in service to their masters.

  • 4.6 Ylmadan Ago
    Faralgithian Krixt
    Geological / environmental event

    The simple plants, jellyfish, segmented worms and the walking stomachs of the Faralgithian lived in oceans of Korath regularly inundated of flowing lava, earthquakes and constant upheaval.

  • 4.6 Ylmadan Ago
    Constant Rains Interregnum
    Era beginning/end

    The Constant Rains Interregnum is a 'missing' interregnum that separates the most ancient of ruins in the Archea from the Cthar ruins found in the Age of Skittering Beasts. Some event seems to have destroyed any trace of this era's geology, which was then crushed beneath millions of years ice and snow. The winter ice would eventually relinquish, birthing the world of Hamashal that would persist until the Sharad Moon Interregnum.

  • 2.3 Ylmadan Ago
    Kynrathuinian Krixt
    Geological / environmental event

    Kinrathuinian life proliferates through the world-egg of Korath in the form of complex worms and arthropods in a stunning variety of forms. Jellyfish and sea-scorpions rule an ocean landscape. Only two primordial continents jut from this soup of ancient creatures; the equatorial continent of Ctharn and south-pole continent of Shix. While a few lobster and crab-like creatures such as the Cthar wander amongst carpet-like algae covereing the sharp and rocky landscape, the surface is relatively lifeless.

  • 2.3 Ylmadan Ago
    Age of Skittering Beasts
    Era beginning/end

    The Cthar proliferate as the apex society in what is now called the Immortal Forest, an ancient proto-forest habitat that existed before the concepts of decay and rot came to be. The Immortal Forest was mostly comprised of strange and ancient fungal and ooze-born creatures as well as the very first proto-insects which crawled, jumped and hopped out of the sea. The Cthar themselves live primarily in lagoons and grottos which they isolated from the ocean with simple rock walls, creating warm pools often fed by thermal vents in which they could farm algae and other oozes on [[[ with which they can easily farm for algae. As the Cthar evolve, they begin to build their own burrows in what is now the Charnel Pools. These ant-nest like structures are used for storage of the Cthar young, as well as pets and livestock. Strange and organic stone-like formations are common within the Pools and the Forest, built by the Cthar with the cement they naturally produce for encasing their clutches. This durable waterproof material stands to this day, carved into ornate and wild patterns made by Cthar claw and mouth parts. Much of the Ctharian Cycle seems surprisingly intact thought to have been preserved by the noxious spirits common to that level of the Archaea.

  • 2 Ylmadan Ago
    Tichad'unian Krixt
    Geological / environmental event


  • 2 Ylmadan Ago
    Great Rot Interregnum
    Era beginning/end

    The Great Rot was one of the most impactful lesser interregnums in terms of the severity of it's climate and destruction, laying waste to Geron's first civilization, the Cthar. The remains of Cthar show signs of a sudden cold snap that dried up the First World's rivers and inland seas, leaving a swampy environment which seems to have brought with it a great petrification of life.

  • 1.8 Ylmadan Ago
    Age of Journeying Snails
    Era beginning/end

    Evidence of the Gir-Kla seems almost completely confined to the complex writings and inscriptions they left within the lowest levels of the Worldtree. These mysterious people were later worshipped and revered by the Thadrians and the Chiwan. Similarities between the Gir-Kla and the Chiwan script and language have lead some to believe that the Gir-Kla are completely fictional, leading this Archaea to be widely known as the 'False Cycle'. While recovered Gir-Kla scripts contain Chiwan characters and symbols, the context and meaning of the content is elusive. The disappearance of the Gir-Kla is dramatic and apocalyptic in Chiwan belief systems, with the Chiwan believing the Gir-Kla committed mass suicide to free their souls in advance of the Early Unmaking, an event which appears to have destroyed much of the surface of Geron.

  • 1.6 Ylmadan Ago
    Great Abandonment Interregnum
    Era beginning/end

  • 1.4 Ylmadan Ago
    Age Of Screaming Statues
    Era beginning/end

    The Ebokan interlopers first appeared around this time from a distant and still unknown Land Beyond, appearing first in Hamashal's west equatorial region of Cycathil. Parts of Cycathil can now be found Tawantisuyu, Shewar, Texcala, Ythill and western Ixgal. [[[ through members of a sophisticated but socially regressive civilization who enslaved and tortured lesser races for entertainment. The Ebokan warred with the Gir-Kla and the Elders indiscriminatly, primarily through the use of enslaved T'Chak and Cthar populations. The Ebokan prefer to live primarily underground and are thought to have lived somewhere beneath Tawantisuyu. The Ebokan were known to be powerful necromancers and fleshwarpers, notorious for their 'living statues' designed for the edification of the Ebokan royals. Such creations are brought to life through rituals which are well documented in vast subterranean galleries of unsettling reliefs believed to have been carved at the height of the Ebokan reign.

  • 1.2 Ylmadan Ago
    Early Unmaking Interregnum
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1.1 Ylmadan Ago
    Age Of Blasted Cinders
    Era beginning/end

    The trunks of the great world-trees can be found here, as well as the juvile Dyen-Beji. The Dyen-Beji are Outsiders who are responsible for creating the great basalt towers and their accompanying shafts and roots into the Archaea called 'the World Trees'. The appearance of these structures coincides with evidence of widespread calamity which appears to have decimated the Cthar, Gir-Kla and the Ebokani. The Dyen-Beji archaea is particularly conspicuous because the basalt structures which define this Archaea are prevalent throughout Geron today, though people have a tendency to bury or otherwise seal them. The thick walls of the basalt towers provide a sturdy point of ingress for expeditionaries interested in exploring the archaea of early cycles, and it isn't particularly unusual to find the shafts recently excavated by unknown creatures. The Age of Blasting Cinders concluded with a massive lake of fiery lava burning down much of Hilgar.

  • Second Sun, The Second World
    The Birth of Verdant Hamashal
    Geological / environmental event

    Hamashal verdant and green world said to be inundated at various times with all manner of lizards, giant insects, giant sea-scorpions, squamous plants, segmented trees and giant fungi. Hamashal is said to have 'hatched' from the icy world-egg Korath. The world of Hamashal is said to have been a giant crescent shaped landmass alone in a vast ocean, save for few islands and smaller landmasses that eventually merged with its megacontinent.

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  • 1 Ylmadan Ago
    Sharad Moon Interregnum
    Era beginning/end

    It's said that above the great ocean of lava and fire in Hilgar and the appearance of the second moon of Sharad in the choking black skies of Anthakar signalled the birth of the new world of Hamashal. The arrival of Sharad and the fires of Hilgar wiped out most of the creatures who lived in theEdrarmarian Krixt, bringing about the Adersharinian Krixt. At the end of this interregnum, a period of excessive rains lasting two million years brought significant change and led to the unusual traditions and architecture of the Age of Drifting Temples.

  • 8846 Sanghans Ago
    Age of Drifting Temples
    Era beginning/end

    A rich and resplendent civilization of Thragn arose from the cataclysms and floods of the Sharad Moon Interregnum. Their ruins are commonplace throughout this level of the Archaea, though they vary in styling somewhat from region to region. Such was the magnitude of Thragn advancements that their most revered places were floating cities whose crumbling forms would later dot Geron. The Thragn are known to have subjugated several lesser civilizations such as early relatives of the Duab, and they had extensive slave trade hubs connected by remarkably well preserved roadways. Near the end of the Thragnian cycle, large Duab monuments begin to appear off the coast of Thragn settlements. These structures lack any sort of clear markings and vary in structure and appearance. It has been proposed that they are underwater cisterns or stadiums of some kind used for breeding Duab slaves. The stories of the Duab say that the society of the Thragn, brought low by a period of ongoing war, developed into two radical factions; those who believed that their mastery of the arcane could be used to achieve total personal freedom, and those who believed that powerful magic could be used to create a stable society free of illness. They are said to have wiped eachother out with a powerful disease that only affected their own kind.

  • 8615 Sanghans Ago
    Drifter Collapse Interregnum
    Era beginning/end

  • 8423 Sanghans Ago
    Age Of Deep Ones
    Era beginning/end

    A series of tribal Elduathi kingdoms expand onto what is now part of Geron's surface world after a period of extreme inland flooding. The Elduathi architecture is typified by its large stone temples built partially in and partially out of shallow waterways in what were marshes, rivers and large lagoons. These temples were built with monolithic pieces whittled down with grinding and chipping to create very stylized and impressive reliefs. It is thought that these structures served as ceremonial access points to the surface world. Propositions as to their purpose vary. Many of these temples are thought to have taken generations to build. scholars believe that the depictions of Shi'Xul and Thragn-like creatures towards the top of many of these ruins indicate a resurgence of Thragn or Shi'Xul influence late in the seventh cycle, and the two parties are often represented in conflict. This is a period which coincides with increasingly elaborate and unhinged architecture which does not seem to serve a clear purpose within the society or religion of the Elduathi. The most prominent of these strange sites appear to be built on top of the remains of Thragn floating temples.

  • 8231 Sanghan Ago
    Pox Interregnum
    Era beginning/end

  • 7962 Sanghans Ago
    Age of Star Cauldrons
    Era beginning/end

    The eighth cycle marks a period of rapid Elduathi recline and the return of the Shi'Xul in a new varied degree of shapes and forms for reasons which are unclear. The normally reserved and cloistered Shi'Xul civilization thought to have persisted in the Unknown City spreads across much of Geron, allowing their culture to manifest a period of profoundly beautiful architecture and artifice. The quality and extravagance of Shi'Xul architecture follows over the remaining cycles and a number of wondrous Shi'Xul cities appear to have been sealed up from the outside.

  • Third Sun
    The Birth of Splitting Goradeen

    The Second World, Goradeen, describes the time between The Empty House Interregnum and the end of the Age Of Star Cauldrons. Great rifts had brought the ocean inward, dividing regions and turning the great inland seas brackish. Hilgorath and Alotha became a distinct continent and then split into several distinct continents, as did others. while islands formed between Alogorath and a new Southern continent now called Yugbarlek. At the time, these continents were simply called the equivalent of North and South, and then as they split further, named after the regions of which they were composed.

  • 7731 Sanghans Ago
    Empty House Interregnum
    Era beginning/end

  • 6923 Sanghan Ago
    Age Of Tangled Riches
    Era beginning/end

    Significant remains of the Elduathi, Shi'xul and Brin civilization exist simultaneously in the ninth cycle. The dimensionally invasive Eankabi split many of these former civilizations of Geron into small fiefdoms of slaves. Individual Eankabi establish subterranean burrows and primitive excavation sites, compulsively searching for treasure suitable for their ornate webs which are designed to attract the females of their species. The Eankabi are unique in that the female of the species moves between realms, eventually returning to the prime material plane towards the end of her life to lay her eggs. The webs built by males attract the females to nascent dimensional doors within the architecture of the web itself, and once she lays the eggs the male both inseminates them and throws them into the territory of rival males. The eggs have a mottled, rock-like pattern and consistency that makes them very difficult to detect.

  • 6731 Sanghan Ago
    Eankabi Pacification Interregnum
    Military action

  • 6423 Sanghan Ago
    Age of Silver Chambers
    Era beginning/end

    The Age of Silver Chambers is the age of the Chiwan, outsiders thought to have come from Athwei who subjugated and enslaved the Eankabi, herding them into vast slave dens where their silk could be harvested for powerful teleportation. The Chiwan went about uncovering the ruins and remains of Gir-Kla civilization. These former remains are gilt in a bizarre fashion, with the Chiwan constructing ornate chambers lined with a strange and lustrous metal which seems particularly impervious to attempts to remove it. The hive-like constructions of the Chiwan make these metallic structures particularly difficult to navigate, and would-be explorers refer to this network of caverns as 'The Squeeze'. While many of these sites are abandoned, the Chiwan themselves remain on Geron mostly in remote areas of Enkar.

  • 5577 Sanghan Ago
    Age Of Choking Ash
    Era beginning/end

    A now extinct group of forebearers develop a partially aquatic underground civilization which is eventually destroyed by war with the Dyen-Beji. This extinct branch of humanoids establishes the Kingdom of Koth and ruins which would later be renamed Kazmora by the Gorn. The architecture and remains of this civilization would serve as the mythological and real foundation for the beliefs and traditions of later terrestrial civilizations. Almost all of Koth civilization was abruptly wiped out in a cataclysmic event known as the 'Great Burial' which covered the remains of Koth in a thick layer of preservative ash. It appears that some of the Koth survived this event by returning to the deep sea where their distant children now live as a the Quinok, while others went on to be the forefathers of the Skenmir.

  • 3808 Sanghan Ago
    Great Burial Interregnum
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 2538 Sanghan Ago
    Age of Smoldering Peaks
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Dyen-Beji reigned with impunity over the survivors of the Great Burial and tunneled through the ruins of Koth, consuming and partially digesting metal equipment, coins and magical artifacts. This extensive network of middens remains choked with partially digested mounds of valuable metals and gems. For many ages, explorers thought that the Dyen-Beji were intelligent and had hoarded this treasure impulsively, but recent archaeological expeditions show that signs of intelligent, complex cilization in this cycle came from remnants of the Koth who fled to the surface after the Great Burial. It's now thought that the Dyen-Beji cast out these materials in a kind of pellet, much like an owl does with the bones of a mouse. Much of this level of the Archaea is now a confusing rat's nest of tunnels sometimes used by cultists and criminals attempting to flee justice from the surface world. Few of the creatures of the Archaea are comfortable in these former Dyen-Beji residences and will simply avoid the area.

  • 2308 Sanghan Ago
    Wormwinter Interregnum
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 2154 Sanghan Ago
    Age Of Splintering Ice
    Cultural event

    Survivors of the Koth diaspora rekindle civilization in the region now known as Meru after discovering a massive Chiwan library built in the remains of an ancient World Tree. Avoided by the Dyen-Beji for unknown reasons, this so called 'Tower of Meru' became a legendary refuge within the mountains of Shambala from which Meru grew, well above the ice and snow that fell after the Great Burial. From this hidden place of safety, the Meru struck out across the great fields of ice which blanket much of Geron, eventually becoming the Turasi, Kymir and Jorians.

  • 1846 Sanghans Ago
    Deluge Interregnum
    Geological / environmental event

  • 1577 Sanghan Ago
    Hmakhan Upheaval

    The seaway between the land of Magal and Esorath disappears and constant earthquakes break the region of Meru into a swath of extensive and dramatic mountains, creating the  Hmaka Teeth

    Hmakha Teeth
  • 1577 Sanghan Ago
    Age of Falling Leaves
    Cultural event

    The kingdom of Shanabal was an isolated kingdom of Skenmir forebearers laid in the remote valleys of the barrier mountains. Much like Meru, Shanabal is very difficult to reach without using a long network of Dyen-Beji tunnels that connect Shanabal and Meru to Kazmora. As Shanabal's population grew and diversified, tribes of Shanabal hunters struck out further and further across the icy peaks of the Barriers to find new sources of food, creating small villages along the way. Eventually, these small villages grew into towns in their own right, pushing past the barrier into modern Majya and beyond. Eventually the kingdom of Shanabal would become too cumbersome to maintain as the center of empire and it would become a remote province of Thadria.

  • 1423 Sanghan Ago
    Shanabal Exodus Interregnum
    Cultural event

  • 1304 Sanghan Ago
    Age Of Stone Towers
    Cultural event

    Shanabal hunters spread further and further across the icy peaks of Meru seeking new hunting grounds and brood territories, sewing the seeds of the future Thadrian state and pushing further and further from the relatively inaccessible Shanabal valleys. Migrating eastward along the temperature southern oceans over thousands of years, they eventually spread across the continent and reach the mist sea, following the prey-rich iceflows all the way into modern Tawantisuyu territory. Along with the expected settlement ruins, The Turasi built long-lasting stone towers of unknown purpose, with some scholars theorizing that these towers are designed to ward off young Dyen-Beji seeking new territories. Others believe the towers are an homeage to the Tree of Meru. Some of these towers remain on the surface in remote valleys of the barrier mountains. page revision: 1, last edited: 14 Aug 2020, 22:11 (421 days ago)

  • 1077 Sanghan Ago
    Great Rediscovery Interregnum
    Civil action

  • 885 Sanghans Ago
    Three Kingdoms War Interregnum
    Military action

    The Three Kings War

  • 769 Sanghans Ago
    Age of Burning Sorrow
    Era beginning/end

    The Three Kings War ends with the victory of the Turasi of Thrask, and the fall of Thadria and old Meru. For their disobedience, the Fodran and the Gorn are restricted to slave-castes and treated as 'prisoners', while the Kymir, Shanabali and Ashkodesians flee Turasian Thrask or are executed. Central to Thrask is the idea that the emperor commands both the 'Serpent and the Tree' which together make 'The Yidras', a force of both knowledge and destruction. A bloody civil war between the Fodran and the Turasi spurred on by crackdowns on Fodran disobedience by the Thrask army ends in widescale rioting and the burning of Tower of Meru. There are debates as to whether this act summoned Ganderwa or whether the church of the Yidras was some how able to bring about a second Great Burial, but Thrask, Old Meru and Thadria fell to to the Dyen-Beji quickly. The Gorn who commonly worked Thrask's mines are said to have fled into the Archaea and took refuge in the ruins of Koth, which they rename Kazmora.

  • 500 Sanghans Ago
    Ashwinter Interregnum
    Era beginning/end

    The Ashwinter Interregnum was caused by a massive supervolcano eruption called the Hadrachian Ashwinter which rained ash from the sky for an entire year, killing many people who didn't move underground. The ashes are thickest beneath the hichan modern Naabee territories where they are also accompanied by several feet of lava rock.

  • 346 Sanghan Ago
    Age of Stirring Mists
    Cultural event

    Emegal was originally established by westward traveling Thaku-Shanabali and Jorians escaping Thadria after the state of Thrask won the Three Kingdoms War. Ashkodesian populations moving eastward through the harsh mountains of Meru are thought to have settled the first eastward kingdoms. The Emegal encountered and enslaved various populations along the way.

  • 345 Sanghan Ago
    Arradashian Wasting
    Geological / environmental event

    A mysterious event where the Sea of Aklon became unseasonably dry and isolated, drying over centuries and creating a vast shield of salt, leading to the decline and abandonment of the Arradashian civilization.

  • 269 Sanghan Ago
    Aklon Sea Flood
    Geological / environmental event

    After afew million years of absence, the sea of Aklon floods back in, creating significant new waterways such as the Sister Seas.

  • 269 Sanghan Ago
    Highwinter Interregnum
    Geological / environmental event

    The Highwinter was an extended period of unusual cold in which the Ithaquans thrived. Girded by great tribal armies, the Ithaqua conquered and enslaved much of Hilgar, Esorath and Bhabolek. During the Highwinter Interregnum, recognizably different Alfari and Skenmir cultures began to emerge in Bhabolek amongst the Amathians in the form of the Witches of Amath and the Recallers of Skiath, back to which many arcane traditions can be traced.

  • 204 Sanghan Ago
    Age of Raining Arrows
    Cultural event

    As the second Highwinter befalls Geron, the great armies of Ithaqua led by the ancient Shi'Xul spread southward, capturing survivors of the fallen kingdoms of Meru, Thrask, Thadria and Kazmora and Particularly loyal and dedicated Fodran of the Ithaqua are rewarded feifdoms by the Shi'Xul, a custom known as 'Riad'. Eventually the captives of the Riad outnumber the Fodran and the Shi'Xul, leading to a dilution of the Fodran culture and the creation of courts, kingdoms and other institutes capable of managing the increasing populations of the Riads.

  • 142 Sanghan Ago
    Riad War Interregnum
    Military action

  • 58 Sanghan Ago
    Age of Stolen Faces
    Cultural event

    In the vacuum of power created by the Cassildan Betrayal, the Seers of Kasbenir centralize the power of the Riads in the West Seas, accumulating vast riches using their powers of foresight. The former masters of Ythill are put to work creating suitable homonculi for the reconstruction of the north Riad. Through a series of arcane experiments conducted by the Fleshwarpers of former Ythill under the supervision of the Eldriad, a race of shapeshifting creatures known as the Tekel'i are brought into being. After a period of great prosperity and the elevation of the lower races to due to the availability of cheap Tekel'i labor, the Tekel'i rebelled during the Red Night, bringing about the events of the Changeling War, a conflict which would call into question the Seers abilities to steward the Riads.

  • 29 Sanghan Ago
    Changeling War Interregnum
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Changeling War Interregnum was a period of time where changeling imposters who cemented their power in the Age of Stolen Faces proliferated.

  • 13 Sanghan Ago
    Age of Long Shadows
    Cultural event

    A time of great political dynasty, intrigue and exploration driven by a noble bloodlines of those touched with Changeling blood. Physical abnormalities such as increased height lead some to call this the 'age of giants', with notable heroes of the time reaching heights of 8 to 10 feet. Towards the end of this age, the Farseers of Kazbenir ruled much of Geron through proxy rulers, stewarding an age of relative stability and enlightenment.

  • 3 Sanghan Ago
    Gatamarian Nightwinter
    Disaster / Destruction

    The age of Long Shadows is considered to have ended some time around the destruction of Gatamar, when a massive volcano erupted there wiping out much of the civilization and brought years of endless night and winter to Geron. For thousands of years after, freezing winters and cold summers affected much of Geron outside of the equatorial regions and created great fields of ice on what were once green pastures.

  • 2 Sanghan Ago
    Cassildan Betrayal Interregnum
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Riads of Ythill, Carcosa and Alara rise from the darkness and poverty of the Nightwinter. An attempted coupe between prince Alar and princess Cassilda of Carcosa known as the Cassildan Betrayal leads to the destruction of all three Riads and the freedom of the Erd of Ythill.  Under the leadership Erdene Sech, the Erd overthrow and imprison the king of Carcosa. The Interregnum ends with a series of terrible climate disasters.

  • 1.9 Sanghan Ago
    The Burning Sun

    For a century or so during this period, life was driven away from Geron's surface by powerful, skin-searing sunlight, extreme lightning storms and powerful night time auroras.

  • 1 Sanghan Ago
    Disaster / Destruction

    A period of extreme cold brings glaciers to many of Geron's northern lands.

  • 16,000 Years Ago

    A period of great warming makes new rivers and lakes throughout Geron. This is considered by many to be the dawn of the Amanu, who in this time bloomed throughout Geron.

  • Spinner's Birth, The Carcosan Flood
    Aklon Sea Flood
    Geological / environmental event

    Water from the Sea of Aklon spills into the great lake of Carcosa, flooding Korahani coastal settlements and creating the Spinner Sea. This effectively puts most of Carcosa underwater.

  • 11,700 Years Ago
    Age of Crossed Swords

    A time of cool weather and many wars and consolidations in the wake of Carcossa's destruction which cultimated in a serious of geological and environmental disasters. The Age of Crossed Swords strongly resonates through civilization, forming the root of many Manu languages, beliefs and cultures.     The once flourishing but warring civilizations of this era were ultimately heeled by the Tlayacat-Riyan Winter and catastrophic series of meteorite impacts very possibly caused by the Akkan-Shai themselves.

  • The Great Drought
    The Great Drought
    Disaster / Destruction

    A great drought spread across much of Enkar and Qabir, turning these lands into desert.

  • 10,000 Years Ago
    Tlayacat-Riyan Winter

    Falling stars in the territories of the Tlayacat and Riyan civlizations causes mass destruction and chaos and period of hazy and cool weather across Geron. Wild fires, floods and cold winters lay waste to many of the civilizations of the day.

  • 9884 Years Ago, Year 1 of the Akkan-Shai Imperial Calendar
    Akkan-Shai Arrival Interregnum
    Cultural event

    The Akkan-Shai are last survivors of the realm of Akashar, a dying world from which the Shi'Xul were exiled in the First Cycle. The Akkan-Shai City of Shadows is said to have manifested within the kingdom of Kasbenir, the first to be destroyed. Consolidating power through a series of ruthless pacifications, the Akkan-Shai became the defacto rulers of the eldriad beneath the god-emperor Almu'a.

  • 9110 Years Ago
    Age of Silent Kingdoms
    Era beginning/end

    Age of Silent Kingdoms

  • 7620 Years Ago
    Great War Interregnum
    Military action

    The Great War started around the time of the Aidertharnian Ashwinter, a lesser supervolcanic eruption which triggered a civil war in the territories of Tawantisuyu which caused the Akkan-Shai throughout Geron to mobilize against the lesser races.

  • 5998 Years Ago
    Age Of Bleached Bones
    Disaster / Destruction

    During the Age of Bleached Bones, the former kingdoms of the Akkan-Shai underwent reconstruction and revitalization with the help of the freed Mnar. Compared to the rulers of Aklon, the Mnar were relatively benevolent, having little reason to war.

  • 4723 Years Ago
    The Cadoreen Ghostlights

    Historians in Cadoreen note a series of dancing, colored clouds filling the night skies, causing dream sickness, the malfunction of arcane devices and unexpected fires across Geron.

  • 4563 Years Ago
    The Great Qabirian Earthquake

    A series of possibly related natural disasters and phenomena that occured in Qabir. Strange clouds of glowing, dancing light in the night sky caused terrible earthquakes, fires and famine in the region.

  • 4550 Years Ago
    Mnar-Alsahra War Interregnum
    Military action

    A great earthquake Qabir would lead to misunderstandings between the Mnar and encroaching Sarnathi neighbors, leading to a series of ethnic cleansings in the midst of the Great Drought that would lead to the destruction of both Sarnath and Ib, setting off war between Ahl Alsahra and Mnar that would then spiral into a full-blown regional conflict between starving states previously held in check by Mnar authority. The decades of starvation and disruption would ultimately shatter east-west trade and collapse the great kingdoms of the era, bringing an end to the trade of tin, copper and luxury goods that fed the imperial armies. Starving peasant warriors rose up against their insulated, Mnar-supported rulers, snowballing into fleets of ethnically diverse raider fleets who would sail east and run roughshod over the warring states of the Crown Sea. Seasoned raiders wreaked havoc in Kemet, Shinar and Toprakkis, selling their swords to the highest bidder. These warriors ate at the slow decay of the both sides of the war, devouring their likely saviors before dispersing throughout the region in the form of militarized feifdoms.

  • 4540 Years Ago
    Temple of Two Suns Established

    The order originally started out as a volunteer watch composed primarily of the poor who were paid in food and shelter to protect the sun temples of Shegora during the Mnar-Alsahra War, which some people call the 'Second' or 'Lesser' Great War.

  • 3999995504 GA

    Last Meeting of the Dromarian Assembly
    Gathering / Conference

    The last meeting of the Dromarian assembly

  • 3230 Years Ago
    Altani-Wesjoran Civil War

    A conflict between Akashari and Ixgali practioners thriving in Aklon and Ixgal.

  • 3211 Years Ago
    Age Of River Kings
    Cultural event

    The River Kings coalesced out if the Mnar-Alsara War interregnum after the dissolution of Gadan and the events of the Altani-Wesjoranian Civil War, a conflict between the practitioners of the Akashari religion and rural Ixgali believers thriving in gold-rich Ixgal and bountiful Aklon. the states of Altanagal and Phl'geth used powerful translocational and elemental magic to build a network of portal-born waterways called the Nedhiwars. These networks stitched together rivers great and small into a series of waterways over which central rule could be exerted.

  • 1580 Years Ago
    Hadeem Everat Exiled
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The Grand Envoy of the Temple of Two Suns, a Chosen of Sehule known as Hadeem Everat was exiled in absentia by Jiram Berenzah after surviving Martyrdom in the pits of Bezerad. Hadeem went on to establish the Delver Kingdom of Dul'kun Xhac.

  • 1550 Years Ago
    Temple of Two Suns Abolished

    Berenzah dismantles the Temple of Two Suns amongst political pressures in 1534 BR, seconding much of the order back into the Light of Judgement.

  • 1578 Years Ago
    Gilded War Interregnum
    Military action

    The Gilded War interregnum was a widespread economic collapse resulting from the decay of the Nedhiwars and their surrounding civilizations. This collapse was likely a direct impact of the ban on literacy and the written word which plunged the world into a cataclysmic series of wars between the illiterate workers and the wealthy semi-literate nobles left behind by the disastrous ban on literacy enforced throughout Hilgar and Bhabolek in the Age of River Kings.

  • 1578 Years Ago
    The Gilded War

    The Altangates were controlled by dynasties of semi-literate merchant-kings who presided over the Toklai Synods, labor churches who carried on the knowledge of various crafts through semi-religious movements . While some precious few private collections of books which were spared from Sebab's pyres, a great deal of Geron's literature was ultimately lost. The means to upkeep Sebab's Altangates passed into obscurity along with the Arcane schools and their vast libraries, and soon the Altangates deteriorated. Eventytually only the wild Haru tribes were willing to transit the treacherous portals, learning circuitous and bizarre routes through Geron's waterways through trial and error. The Haru river people remain masters of Altan's pictographic and gestural replacement for the written word to this day, some claiming to still ply the scattered remains of Sebab's rivers to this day. Wars of famine raged over the last few portals connecting the Four Rivers, destroying them and trapping many in distant lands, including the Haru navigators.   This lead to the massive inflation in the price of food and water and a devaluation of gold that led to the Gilded War Interregnum.

  • 799 Years Ago
    Age of Nesting Snakes
    Cultural event

    An age of political intrigue in which the adherents of Keidon sprung from the misgivings of the Anterosian League.   The Anterosian League was a prominent civilization comprised of many port cities located around the Inner and Crown seas.   The Age of Nesting Snakes ends with the destruction of much of the Anterosian league and other kingdoms in the Fall Interregnum. It is said that the Anterosian capital of Kyranos was swept away by the sea after a star fell in the outer sea.   This star seems to have brought with it earthquakes and tidal waves that crippled many port cities and brought about a third highwinter.

  • Second Sharad, Sixth Sun Birth, Veilfall
    Fall Interregnum
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Fall Interregnum was an apocalyptic event known by hundreds of names across Geron in various languages, translating to things like 'Second Sharad', 'Sixth Sun Birth' and 'Veilfall'. While the exact cause of the Fall is unknown, witnesses of the event say that Geron's moon Sharad swelled enormously in size for several days, bringing with it a hail of falling stars that broke apart across Geron's lands and seas, ringing Geron as though it were a bell. Volcanoes erupted, tidal waves washed away coasts and ports, rivers surged inland, and the sky filled with smoke.

    More reading
    The Fall
  • The Great Flood
    Destruction of Anteros
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Anteros is completely wiped out by a cataclysmic heavenly visitor whose purple brilliance can be seen across the shores of the Sister Seas. A short time later, lands all along the ocean are devastated by a great wave that brings flood-waters dozens of parasangs inland. Many die or are displaced in the few night. Others in the weeks and months to come as the dead begin to claw their way ashore.

  • 1 GA
    The Exodus
    Population Migration / Travel

    Survivors of the coastal communities destroyed by the Great Flood spill into surrounding communities, seemingly bringing disease, starvation and the strange corruption growing from the carcass of Anteros. Camps spread across the countryside of surrounding communities, leading to riots, tension and conflict. Keidonian Stewards spread the word of the Bastions, attempting to lead survivors to salvation. There are far more people than the Stewards are able to accomodate, leading to overcrowding of the bastions. Books are burned in the depths of a harsh and acrid winter, seeds, livestock and even tools meant to restart society are consumed.

  • 27 GA
    The Dead Pilgrimage

    Strange sub-human creatures rise from the waters of the Aklon, attacking the survivors of the great flood. These disfigured creatures are often missing their faces which they scrape off on the bastion walls. Many refugees of the Great Flood die.

  • 32 GA
    The Bertarian Lights

    The Bertarian Lights were a series of unsual glowing patterns in the night sky visible throughout Geron which caused the random activation of arcane devices. The Lights (or following mass panic) were thought to be responsible for the fires that consumed the felled the bastion of Bertara. Perhaps apophrycal accounts claim that the ghost of Moda-Yur led prayer in the streets.

  • 187 GA
    Age Of Burning Bodies
    Military action

    The age of Burning Bodies was a period of extreme austerity and conflict in which the natural order of the world was completely disrupted by the appearance of arcane plagues, extreme episodes of dream sickness and other magnified arcane forces.

  • 187 GA
    Sleepless Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    Nauseating nightmares spread through the bastions, indiscriminantly tormenting people of all means and creeds. Seemingly undaunted by most medicines and rituals, the plague of strange dreams keeps many awake, causes rising tensions and secular violence. Some affected by the plague simply disappear beyond the walls never to be seen again while others kill friends and family members unprovoked.

  • 342 GA
    Grand Reformation Interregnum
    Civil action

    The Reformation Interregnum was a strange and turbulent period where the survivors of the Age of Burning Bodies attempted to re-establish various royal kingdoms, dynasties, senates and democratic experiments within the bastions, leading to strife and conflict often referred to as Blood War. These conflicts resulted in back and forth retribution killings and even genocides, occurring on a scale that caused some bastions falling to supernatural forces. Eventually, the Colleges, Guilds, Synods and Orders began to meet in secret, ultimately leading a revolt against the warring factions of the bastions. In the wake of this war, the Grand Accord was formed to bring about harsh new laws and preserve what remained of civilization, often going well beyond the original plans of the more hopeful Keidonian Stewardship.

  • 316 GA
    Kaptan Pass Massacre
    Military action

    A conflict between Gorshadi and Sovarkani often considered part of the Blood War, a series of political destabilizations centered around ethnic origins and customs.

  • 319 GA
    The Blood Wars

    Ethnic cleansings and power-plays by the cramped and traumatized residents of the bastions eventually lead to a number of ethnic cleansings throughout the Bastions. Hundreds of thousands are either killed or exiled beyond the wall.

  • 356 GA
    Grand Accord Seizes Power
    Civil action

    The Grand Accord seizes power from local rulers across several bastions through a short and relatively bloodless coupe by the various Schools and Synods formed during the Krenos Mediations.

  • 369 GA
    Ilkum Arcana Instituted

    After the Almorian Incident in which a young Skenmir child inherited ancestral knowledge of a powerful arcane spell and inadvertantly destroyed several neighborhoods of Almor, the Ilkum Arcana was proposed and instituted at the 13th Krenos Mediation. This unpopular statute makes all children with nascent arcane power wards of the state.

  • 379 GA
    Dissolution of Imperial Shinar

    Peace talks between Shinar and Toprakkis officially recognize Toprakkis as its own bastion authority. Ebih's stewardship turned over to the Grand Accord with conditions that it has no direct ruler and remains a free trade port.

  • 398 GA
    Age of Dissent
    Era beginning/end

    The survivors of the The Fall Interregnum live primarily in a series of walled cities known as Bastions, weaving a rich tapestry of culture from the ruined kingdoms of days past. Poor in resources but rich in diversity, these city-states maintain tightly packed fiefdoms, clans and tribes with their own traditions and quarrels within their walls. Few live beyond the walls, though brave hunters, farmers and woodsmen must inevitably fight the nightmares of the badlands for food and raw materials. Some are cast beyond the walls as exiles, a punishment doled out regularly by the Grand Accord for even trivial crimes, but others go beyond the walls intentionally to experience the freedom and space of an age past.