Draconic Cults Organization in The Disputed Lands | World Anvil
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Draconic Cults

Written by invadersforever

The Draconic Cults are Cults of Dragon blessed in direct service to their dragons. While all Dragon blessed (Allegedly) live to serve their creator dragon's interest, the Cult leads them in this. The Cultists are also the dragon blessed who interact most closely with the dragon.   There are 13 dragons in the dragon lands right now: Naerdras in Gix Aria; Keolora and Erith in the desert; Immor, Oniaxith Nox, and Oniaxith Ina in the mountains; Ceotyan, Diammu, and Viomre in the plains, Bythys in the swamp, Judra and Durvan in the north, and Imrus in the south sea. There are also a handful of other cults, such as the Keepers of End Mountain and the Krigi's Cult of Pidyr, that don't worship a known living dragon. It has also been pointed out that Duuloa Gix's dedication to their founder, the pseudo-historical Duuloa Gix could qualify them as a cult. However, they function in direct occupation to all other cults and do not act as a religious order.   While the cults generally compete with each other to fulfill their dragon's needs, direct and large scale conflict is extremely rare. Typically, groups who are close together will have competition for resources, will hunt on each others' lands, and occasionally fight. Still, large scale combat is avoided, mostly out of fear of one or both dragons getting involved.


While each cult has subtle differences, they all function on one of two structures. Option one, they are built around a single, ritualistically chosen leader. Beyond that, the cult is divided into subsections; leadership, maintenance for religious sights, sacrifice barers, ect. The second option is where they are built around a council, and have a pyramid-like hierarchy.   A few cults combine traits from both models, but those are rare.

Public Agenda

The first and foremost goal of any draconic cult is to feed their dragon. Dragons are very large and require lots of food, and rest. In order to conserve their dwindling power, the dragons rely on the dragon blessed to bring food for them while they rest between hunts. The dragon blessed often must hunt powerful and in some cases magical prey in order to satiate the dragon's hunger. In recent times food has been growing increasingly scarce, and the cults have began sacrificing more and more dragon blessed to keep the dragons full. Each cult must also defend their dragon's territory. While there is frankly very little they could do if a rival dragon entered their lands, they can and will chase out other cults or dragon blessed who trespass. Those who are caught or killed are sacrificed to the dragon whose lands they entered.   The draconic cults also serve as the leadership in dragon blessed society. They lead in every aspect of life, including spiritual, peace, and military. This is, however, their last priority.
Religious, Cult


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