Draklings Species in The Disputed Lands | World Anvil
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Draklings (Drake-ling)

"Damned draklings got in the meat store. We'll have to set traps."
 "But Daaaad-"
"We are not keeping them!"
Wherever there are predators as large as dragons, hunters as fierce as dragon blessed, and lands so dangerous as the dragon lands there must be scavengers. Enter the humble drakling. Standing only a few centimeters tall and only a little longer, these dragon-like lizards can be found all over the dragon lands. Their origins are subject to much debate. Some argue that since their markings often match the colouration of local dragon blessed varieties, some believe they were created by the dragons.   One thing that is known for sure about the draklings is their appetite and mischievous nature. While their antics can often be endearing, these clever creatures can sneak in small cracks, scale walls, and even bypass simple locks. Draklings are scavengers who have a taste for almost anything they can get their mouth on, be it carcass, vegetation, remains of a draconic sacrifice, or stew left unattended too long.   While draklings are largely viewed as pests, some dragon blessed befriend a drakling, or a pack of draklings. THese lucky few find the little guys to be loyal and crafty friends, as well as excellent pranksters.

Basic Information


The drakling is a small, lizard-like creature. Its head is small, and has a short stubby snout with a variety of teeth. Draklings have four legs, and their claws are primarily designed for climbing about. However, these claws can also be a formidable weapon against threats or rival draklings.    The most impressive feature of the drakling is its tail. These are typically at least half the total length of the drakling, and form a wide flat shape. The drakling's tail is prehencial, and they often use them to grab onto their young or hang upside down.

Genetics and Reproduction

Draklings mate for life, and heterosexual mates will produce anywhere for 2 to 7 liters of 4 to 10 eggs durning their lifetime.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Draklings have phenomenal smell and eyesight, but poor hearing. They rely primarily on smell to recognise threats, food, and friends.
10-20 years
Average Height
10-15 cm for males, 13-19 cm for females
Average Weight
0.3-1.2kg, The largest female drakling ever recorded was 1.5 kg, and measured 22 cm tall and 46 cm long. She only lived 3 years.
Average Length
20-27 cm for males, 25-35 cm for females
Geographic Distribution


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Jul 6, 2023 00:30 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Awww, they sound adorable! <3 I would love to befriend one. :)

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 10, 2023 15:01 by Theo

It's a fairly simple process. If you consistently provide food and are not mean, they will start following you around and bestowing gifts in no time.

Jul 7, 2023 12:11

I need at least five of them to give them all adorable snoot boops. <3

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Jul 10, 2023 15:02 by Theo

Packs are usually 10-25 draklings, so there are plenty of snouts available for boopage.

Jul 7, 2023 13:49 by Annie Stein

oh my god they're so smol. little babies!!

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