Krigi Ethnicity in The Disputed Lands | World Anvil
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Krigi (kree-gee)

Written by invadersforever

Also known as desert dragon blessed, the Krigi hail from the cold desert in the central Dragon lands. They are among the smallest dragon blessed, and the only dragon blessed to have wings.   The Krigi were originally created by the dragon Pidyr. After Pidyr's death, the people have been divided between his twin offspring Keolora and Erith. At first, the Krigi Keolora and Krigi Erith lived in peace. However as resources grew scarce violence between the two groups has grown. It is unlikely that clerics on either side will ever declare war, as that would be blasphemous to Pidyr.   A disturbing rumor has recently emerged that Keolora is dead, and her clerics are taking her sacrifices for themselves. The Cult of Keolora maintains that this is simply Krigi Erith propaganda, but Keolora has been especially inactive lately.  

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Radra, Gier, nakri, naig, erridra, rigi, iggi, igas, asna, naerkri, rira, nakri, nadra, eras, asgi


Major language groups and dialects

The Krigi speak their own dialect of Draconic, which is most similar to that spoken by the {Plains}.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Krigi are primarily nomadic, but return frequently to their dragon's temples. The Cults live in the temple complexes, which are carved into the rock.   The Krigi don't use modern writing, and thus have a rich oral and musical tradition. Most stories centre around the triumphs of Pidyr, or his children, though some evoke the glory days of  The Draconic Empire  Interestingly, carvings on the walls of some temples are in Divathan, thought no one can tell exactly what they say. This may be a sign that the constructions of these temples predate the end of the Draconic Empire, or that they were built soon after.

Shared customary codes and values

The most important thing in all dragon blessed's lives is (allegedly) their dragon. However, the Krigi also place great importance in a connection to the land and desert. This is why metal working is so central to their culture: to shape the land's creations is to take the position of creator, passing on the dragon's blessing to another thing.   There is also strong value in returning to the same lands. Krigi often return to the temple where they presented their first sacrifice at least once a year. it is believed that even if the temples were destroyed that land would still remember the Krigi's loyalty to their dragon, and welcome them.

Average technological level

The desert where the Krigi live is rich in many metals, including copper in tin. This has allowed their technology to progress quickly, particularly in metal working and weapon making.

Common Dress code


  It is common to wear some kind of head or neck covering, especially while traveling. The most common form of this is a veil that is tied to or across the horns, then hangs down behind them. Krigi of higher status, especially priests, will have a crown of precious metals and gems attached to the veil.  


  The Krigi typically wear light or beige-y clothes, with dyed accents. They typically wear a wrap-like top and a skirt or lion cloth. It is common to add gems or metals to the belt to add decoration or denote importance.   They also tend to wear a number of rings. Krigi of especially high status may wear necklaces.

Art & Architecture

The primary form of architecture is stone temples, which are built into the side of cliffs. These buildings often look simple on the outside, but the insides are covered with intricate carvings, sculptures, paintings, and metal in-lays to honor the dragons and their cults.   Krigi art is mostly centred around metal working and gems. They have many distinct jewelry styles, and are excellent weapons smiths. This has been a golden opportunity for many Krigi looking to escape the increasingly hostile desert and/or forward their dragons' causes in Gix Aria.   The Krigi are also able to make a number of vibrant paints and dyes from the desert plants and minerals they mine. These are used to decorate tents and clothing, as well as in makeup.

Coming of Age Rites

The first sacrifice is a ritual that takes place when a Krigi is between the ages of nine and fourteen. The dragon blessed will complete their first solo hunt and sacrifice to their dragon. If a young Krigi does not complete the required quest within the age limit, they either go into exile or become the sacrifice.    The temple where a Krigi completes their sacrifice is now bound to them. It becomes their religious home, the place their faith is the strongest and most powerful.

Common Taboos

Mentioning the religious struggle, implying that Keolora is dead, implying that Keolora's priests are cannibals, Blasphemy against Pidyr, mating with non-Krigi dragon blessed


Beauty Ideals

The main beauty standards come from scale colour, horn size and colour, and wing appearance.  


  Krigi scales are typically black, grey, dark green, and/or dusky red. Shiny scales are considered ideal, as they indicate good health. Black and red is the most common scale colour combination, while dark green and black is the most sought after.    Scales can develop hunger lines, or small cracks where the dragon blessed wasn't getting proper nutrients while the scales were growing. These are considered unsightly, and are often covered up with mineral paints.  


  Straight or slightly curving horns are currently most popular. Big horns are always a good bet though. Horn colour also comes into play. Krigi horns come in bronze, gold, silver, and ivory. The Krigi Keolora find the gold preferable, while silver is preferred by the Krigi Erith. Ivory is extraordinarily rare, and considered supernatural. Dragon blessed disagree on whether it is a gift or a curse to be born with ivory horns.  


  Large, colourful wing displays are highly sought after. Reds and oranges are considered the best, purples and pinks next, and blues and greens are seen as the worst. Interestingly, blues and greens are often associated with the ivory horns' supernatural nature. Blue/green wings are much more common though, and the two features don't seem to have a genetic link.  

Eyes (and not-quite-blasphemous standards)

  It's extremely common for Krigi to have heterochromatic eyes, one flamey red-gold, and the other green flecked red. (or one gold, one red, though that is less preferred) These are considered most perfect, as they reflect the heterochromatic eyes of Pidyr. If a dragon blessed has homochromatic eyes, the colour that matches their current dragon is most preferred. Thus, the Krigi Keolora prefer flamy or gold, and the Krigi Erith prefer green-flecked or straight red.

Major organizations

Cult of Keolora

  The cult of Keolora worships Pidyr's daughter, Keolora the Bright. They operate primarily in the north, which is said to be her hunting ground. Rumors have started recently that Keolora has succumbed to the desert, and her cultists are now taking her sacrifices in order to make themselves more powerful. This has also led to accusations of cannibalism within the cult, with a suspicious number of failed First Sacrifices in recent years.   The Krigi Keolora insist that this is only Krigi Erith propaganda, and their dragon is alive and well.  
"These accusations are a poor attempt to cover the Erith's cultists' over hunting and robbing our Queen."   An angry Keolora cultist

Cult of Erith

  The cult of Keolora's twin brother operates in the south, where he has been spotted out hunting multiple times in the past decade. The cult is suspected to be the source of rumors surrounding the cult of Keolora. The Krigi Keolora have accused the Cult of Erith of over hunting and robbing Keolora's lands of sacrifices. They cite Erith's unusually frequent activity at the same time the sacrifices are dwindling as evidence for this.  
"If we're over hunting, why doesn't Keolora come take it back herself? oh right, because she's dead."   A disdainful cultist of Erith
Cover art is mine, the rest was made in hero forge.
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