Painted Sand Caves Geographic Location in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil

Painted Sand Caves

The painted sand caves in the The Raikirian Desert are a fantastic sight. While some of this ravine has been mined, many of the sandstone caves are intact. The painted designation comes from the fact that several distinct colors of sandstone are found here. While the majority is of red, pink and orange coloration there are layers that are mint, charcoal, lavender and a blackish green in coloration.    Two noted caves are the Cathedral, and the Slides. The cathedral is a naturally arched cavern with multiple openings on top, letting the light filter down in a dramatic fashion changing throughout the day. It is made of fantastic hues of red, orange, pink and a thin stripe of blue sandstone. The slides are a set of smooth sandstone channels that empty into a deep lake. The slides have little light in them during the day, but are home to some green bio-luminescent lichen and there is water year round in this deeper cave.


The ravine containing the caves is home to a small seasonal oasis which provides the water for small Jorash Trees, and a population of rare sand Cabbots. The caves have a few pools of water where algae, grubs, and slugs proliferate. The frequent sand storms make it generally not suitable for sentient inhabitation though there are regular visitors to the oasis during the short lived wet season.

Localized Phenomena

Visions and hallucinations are not uncommon for avians, elves, and most long lived races. It is unknown why they are most affected. It is also heightened during sandstorms and can lead to madness. Halflings are the most immune of any sentient species known.

Natural Resources

The sandstone of various colors is quite prized, though mining it and transporting it are not particularly easy. The fact that dwarven mining barges steer clear due to the chance of hallucinations makes transporting anything out a significant task. Some say that there are gem deposits below the caves, though most consider it far too much of a risk.


The local history suggests that a beast named The Reflection Beast is responsible even now for the visions and hallucinations. It is considered so powerful that some feel it's curse can never be broken. For this no one for at least the last few thousand years has done much mining or exploring here. Most visitors stay just long enough to admire the surface caves, water their camel's or horses and leave.
Location under

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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