Cabbit Species in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil


The Cabbit is something similar visually to a cat and rabbit or perhaps a miniature fox or tiger and squirrel. Several distinct breeds exist. While all breeds are not common, a few varieties have been considered extinct.  

Sand Cabbit

This breed was considered extinct until a small group was found by Origol Puzzler-Abid inhabiting some newly found caves in the Painted Sand Caves  This breed has a distinctively long pointed ears, sandy coloration and a love for eating bugs, slugs and on occasion some sedums and cacti. Their long, though retractable, claws and puncture resistant skin prevent damage from cacti needles and make it easier to dig in the sand.  

Jungle Cabbit

This variety has a darker brown striped fur, with shorter(for a cabbit) but independently constantly moving ears. These rabbits love fruit as well as insects, whom they catch with lighting reflexes.  

Forest Cabbit

The forest cabbit is the most common variety and looks more like a fox-squirrel hybrid or with more stripes and looks like a tiger-squirrel hybrid. Their long ears and distinctively bright green eyes make them quite recognizable. This variety is one of the only ones known to have some that have been fully domesticated. Popular among wizards and witches as familiars.  

Horned Cabbits

Thought to be extinct, there are two known breeds of horned cabbits. The single horned variety, and the branching double horned variety. The horns are prized for decorative use, especially in handles of small tools.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Living for 6-20 years on average they grow to sexual maturity in one year.

Ecology and Habitats

Various varieties have developed adaptations to a wide range of environments.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

As Smart as a cat but more friendly and willing to cooperate in groups and with other species. Sometimes known to be mounts for the fairy.
Average Height
8-12 inches

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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