Terris Intel Report: Tesin Movahesh Document in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Terris Intel Report: Tesin Movahesh

This dossier contains descriptions, photos, and video about Tesin Movahesh, broken into nine sections spanning various years of her life. Each section describes a version of Tesin Movahesh in between Splintering sessions at the hands of Shalema and Project 9.  

#1: Early Years (296-301 AG)

Tesin was born in 296 AG, after a recon mission by Junior Agent Shalema went south. She was contaminated by an ooze-like creature by the name of Ololot, which I believe to be some kind of ancient variant of a Gray Goo. This was a little after we'd discovered the identity of Doctor Benijet, who was quickly disposed of and replaced by the ever-mysterious Doctor Uma Pencile. We think he delivered the baby, and oversaw Tesin's development from her birth up until early 317 AG.   Outside of doctor visits, our best guess is that Shalema was put on an extended maternity leave, and was allowed to live with her daughter like a semi-normal parent. I can't find a single record of them leaving the apartment complex in Qabarat, so I assume all the necessities were delivered. Poor Tesin barely stepped outside, and saw most of the world through a TV screen, but it was likely better than years of Project 9 experiments with no parent to speak of.   From the packages we were able to scan, she liked milk chocolate, and was obsessed with superhero movies. Not that she had a dedicated catalogue to browse from, of course. A few books, but mostly tales that feature pro-Lashunta race theory.   In 301 AG, a previous member of the Board, Director Saurusal, showed up to retrieve Tesin. While we didn't have eyes in the room, we've since confirmed that Tesin was not taken to be wiped -- as is standard protocol -- and was instead Splintered by her mother. Treading into opinion territory, I think Shalema did this so that the "lost" memories could one day be restored, and the two could have a relationship again. Whether or not that was advisable can be judged by examining Tesin's current mental condition.  

#2: Project 9 (301-312 AG)

As far as these years go, Tesin was essentially in a black box. We saw her go into Station 9, and then she didn't come out again until she was 16. We can only assume based on what we've gathered about their training process. Ruthless drills, unethical psychosurgery practices -- essentially a lifetime of messed up shit, turning Lashunta children into nationalist, psychic assassins.   What's truly of note during these years is Shalema's track record. Corporate espionage, black market deals, assassinations, torture -- even a little bout of genocide out in the Vast. Despite all evidence suggesting otherwise, she became Project 9's star agent, taking any and every job, eventually earning a spot as a Senior Agent (which excluded her from post-mission memory modifications). Suddenly, she lands a spot performing the very memory wipes she suffered from, and starts taking over for all of the Junior Agents. A bad move on the Board's part, but Saurusal had already been "retired", and the new generation just wasn't as quick.   While I didn't know it at the time, we know now that she included specialized programming in all of her victims, including her own daughter, which facilitated her murder of Jessel Kesh in 317 AG, and allowed her to successfully escape the agency. Of note, when Tesin's head came up on the wiping block between 312-316 AG, Shalema chose to continually Splinter her daughter instead, preserving her memories deep in psyche, but with increasing risk.   For the record, I have no idea how she pulled this off without killing Tesin. Even cutting-edge research (back when such research was legal) only ever managed three sessions before nigh-immediate death...  

#3: Yakuta Cleanup (312 AG)

A still from a security feed is included with this file, which shows a teenage Tesin standing in an alleyway covered in blood and surrounded by bodies. Judging by the architecture, she is on Absalom Station.   This is our next sighting of Tesin, sometime after her first job on Triaxus. If anything like our records indicate, that job was a trial run to confirm her Junior Agent status, after which she was given her second official "wipe". Forward to Absalom Station, where this sweet sixteen starts gunning down gangsters from the shadows, and leaving fingers on doorsteps. While relatively unskilled compared to her targets, Project 9 training goes a long way -- especially when said targets are drunk and surprised.   The job was to wipe out a rebelling offshoot of the Hotwire Bandits, which had defected from their contract with the Black sect of the Yakuta Family. Fun fact, this was around the same time our boy Deku Ollivander joined on, after the group became hungry for new blood following the purge. Over the course of three months, Tesin killed eighteen gangsters (ranging from ages fourteen to twenty-seven), two dock workers, a police officer, and an old man who saw too much. While she was considered successful, the extra bodies were notably sloppy on her part -- which we can likely chalk up to inexperience, as opposed to bloodlust.   She returned to Station 9 later that year, and was presumably Splintered again.  

#4: Castrovel Job (313 AG)

Attached to this file is a data drive, which contains footage from a web feed: Terris Intel Files: The Castrovel Job.   The boy, Lorin Vehara, died not long after the video cuts out. They found Maheera Vehara a few blocks away, two bullet wounds in her back, kicked under a dumpster.   A photo is clipped to this section of the report. A young Lashunta girl stares blankly up into the night sky, face lit by stars and neon, crime scene holo lines already drawn around her.   They never found Relum Vehara, but we did. She dropped him in the river on her way out of town -- a six-month-old baby thrown aside like an old toy. The family was notified in private against my wishes. Senator Hatal Vehara took his life that evening, along with his wife.   A whole family destroyed, to save Agent Idryll from custody. While the two grew up in the same class, evidence suggests that they disliked each other, so it was likely that Tesin was just following orders. For a while, I thought the deaths were part of her orders too. To send a message to the government, or something similar...   This is when we realized something was going on. Wiped agents usually don't change personality traits so quickly -- it's like a hard reset. They go back to who they were before, albeit with some psychological smoothing to ignore the passing of time. Tesin was like a different person every mission. The core traits were all there, of course: gifted, clever, quick. But where the Yakuta cleanup was a product of inexperience, this job was a straight-up bloodbath.   Tesin slaughtered the Veharas because she wanted to, and then return to Station 9 for another Splintering.  

#5: Triaxus Firefight (313 AG)

Tesin got progressively worse as the year passed, leading up to a firefight on Triaxus. She'd been hunting an excommunicated agent through the Pact Worlds for months, leaving bodies dabbled about the underworld, before catching the bastard in broad daylight. From what we can gather, he was meeting with a transport smuggler that could set him up in the Vast, hoping to use the daylight and the cover of the crowd to avoid his pursuers. For the most part, he was right -- the other Project 9 agents noted his location, and then decided to tail him to a location more suitable for the kill.   Tesin waded into a busy downtown with thousands of innocents, and unloaded an automatic rifle in the ex-agent's general direction.   Over a dozen photos are attached to this file, showing an empty town square riddled with bullet holes and filled with bodies. One of the photos shows a Lashunta man, his thick hood thrown aside, with a circular mark drawn on his forehead in blood. A note on the back says: "A crude Project 9 symbol -- they do this to every excommunicated agent."   It took them a while to figure it out, but they put the body count at just shy of two-hundred people. But she got her mark. Although it's not in the official record, she didn't escape the planet cleanly. Three police officers, a dockworker, and a transport pilot denote her trail off of the planet, and after that she was a ghost.   We only know she returned to Ukulam because of a lucky visual at the border. After this, her personality did a complete 180, signifying another Splinter.  

#6: Apostae Research (314 AG)

I can only speculate that after her previous Splinterings, Shalema was beginning to realize the horror of what she was doing with her daughter, and decided to renter the field in hopes of solving the mystery. So Senior Agent Shalema and Junior Agent Tesin Movahesh go to Apostae, on a rare R&D mission to study the true nature of the planet. They are gone for thirteen months, sending back regular communications, always careful to stay as off grid as possible. Basically, Shalema made tracking a huge pain in the ass, and it took us two years after the fact to figure out what she was up to.   After getting access to the Senior Agent records, Shalema likely found a mention of the Chamber of Life, discussed in pre-Gap writings as a structure capable of rewriting biomatter -- including sophisticated structures, like brains. Then she does what ever aspiring researcher does when they here of it: an expedition to Apostae, and a circuit around the various doors that litter the planet's surface. Although she was denied access to the Grand Door (which would have led her right to what she was looking for...), she did spend time at the Black Door and Stone Door, with a brief visit to the Iron Door. Of course, in the meantime she was listening to the political coming and goings, assessing the real sources of power, and the rest of the usual ilk. Anything that would buy her more time on the planet.   Whatever she eventually found must have been crap, because she was ordered to return to her post in late 314 AG, and Tesin was given a fresh Splinter for all her peaceful efforts. As far as I can tell, Tesin didn't kill a single person during this period, likely coddled by her mother to avoid additional psychological damage. All evidence points to her being a dutiful scholar, following Shalema's academic pursuits with genuine interest.   A rain-blotched photo is attached to the report, capturing Tesin through the dirty window of a low-tech cafe. Her hair is tucked up out of her eyes, mundane glasses resting on her nose, as she reads through a pile of research reports and dusty tomes. Across from her, Shalema is holding a book of her own, but pointing at a line in her daughter's manuscript, a smile playing on both of their lips.  

#7: Job on Aballon (315 AG)

After nearly a year and a half of silence, Tesin shows up on Aballon without so much as a travel receipt, and heads straight to the underground.   An attached photo shows Tesin walking through a crowd of people, a black hood pulled up over her hair, but not bothering to hide her yellow skin. A peace-locked automatic rifle is strapped to her back, and several pistols of similar make are spread about her torso.   Suddenly, the gattling gun on Triaxus disappeared, and a tempered agent stood in her place. She hit every motherfucker on her list -- over thirty people -- in less than a week, each one made to look like natural causes or an accident. It took us a while to realize she was making her own poisons on the fly, using whatever suited the genetic makeup of her mark, like she'd picked up a class in biohacking on the ride over.   A second photo shows Tesin eating at a cafe, sitting next to another Lashunta wearing Project 9 colors. A note on the back says "That's Idryll, the agent she rescued on Castrovel. It seems the two were an operational pair in 315 AG -- one would act, while the other reported and supported."   Then sweet Idryll stops by before she hops off-world, and gives her a new target. If Atticus McCallow would have accepted my help, I could have stopped her. But that man's grudges are eternal, and so Lockette Endrinmaster the XIth got two shots in the chest, and a fresh reboot. I consider it divine irony that the two are now teammates -- I bet Atticus hates it. Unfortunately for us, she also revealed the only secret access route into the Horse Eye Orbital Plate that we were aware of, making any further operations there a fucking nightmare.   A third photo shows a swiftly-shot photo through a pane of broken glass, showing the interior of Lockette Endrimnaster's workshop. The Android is lying dead on the ground, shot from the front right inside the door.   The mission was a resounding success, I'd bet Tesin got some fresh accolades on her return home. Doubling down, I'd bet the Solarion job was her trial run from promotion to Senior Agent.   Too bad she botched it.  

#8: Solarion Training (316 AG)

Tesin's stay on the Idari is largely public record, and therefore I won't go too deeply into this period. The Kasatha were very welcoming of her as a scholar, and gladly let her peruse the Pradulex Monastery. But she wasn't finding what she needed in the scrolls, and thus she submitted a request to study directly under the Solarions of Idari.   A series of photos show Tesin, wearing black-and-red scholar robes, over the course of several weeks. In most cases she is studying in the library, but of note, one shows her sitting at a lakeside park, eating chocolate ice cream and watching people go by. Tucked in between two textbooks, one can just barely see a comic book sticking out, a Kasathan hero prominent on the front.   To everyone's surprise, it seems Grand Master Nawa Jin took great interest in her, and decided to take her as a personal pupil. Locally, rumor stated he was trying to stir trouble among the other Masters, but we've since learned that Nawa Jin has seen through Tesin's alias, recognizing her from Idari special forces reports. Rather than sending her straight to prison, he decided to train her instead, and I have no fucking clue why he would do that. Being purely speculative, maybe he saw something in her -- maybe even the Splintering -- and tried to save her soul.   Either way, it didn't end up working out, after Tesin got caught sending transmissions to Project 9 via the Idari's network. At this stage I'm all but positive that her own people turned her in, after the Solarion training started working on Tesin's mind... Curiously, it seems studying the true natures of the universe did indeed help Tesin, although Nawa Jin likely had no idea the scope of her damage. However, even I couldn't have foreseen what she'd done to counteract the Splintering.   Storing personal data in a mote of energy, and letting it download after the fact? The kid's got skills, I'll give her that.  

#9: Varos (316-317 AG)

We detail the rest in a separate report, surrounding to the Varos Experiment. Despite being Splintered, it was clear to us that Tesin's experiment was a success, and that she had retained some of her memories from her Solarion training. This was likely what caused Uma Pencile to become directly involved with her again, as it granted him prime research opportunities focused on the limits of Lashunta psyche.   After that we reach current events, and her involvement in the Dream Team, which is still ongoing.   Unfortunately for Tesin, this recent bridge between Splinters seems to have set off a chain reaction, resulting in severe schizophrenia. My best guess is that she will continue to recollect memories from her past as time passes, resulting in some kind of mental break. Her only tangible hope is to hone her psychic powers -- which is why I have extended her an offer of employment at Eyeswide Agency -- and submit herself to self-psychosurgery, likely with the mystical aids granted to her by the denizens of Night.
Report, Intelligence
Signatories (Organizations)


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