The Faar Isles
Where ruggedness and beauty contrast
The Faar Isles is a green and pleasant land of fertile farmlands, woodland parks, and ancient towers and manors. Most settlements are small and isolated, and dominated by ruling seats of the local wizard or warlord. The Isles have few good natural ports, and the natives are unwelcoming to foreigners, so the ancient, chivalric high culture of the Losalfar is little affected by modern Imperial mercantilism, though their presence is seen heavily in all major and minor ports.
The Faar Isles are a collection of large and small islands off the coast of Elgerlia and directly south-west from the furthest point of Skìrah, and north-west from the continent of Sanaros. This situates the Isles in the middle of two oceans, being a sort of physical marking point before the Edge of the World. The geography of the Faar Isles differs significantly between the Eastern and Western islands.
The Western Isles, also known as Krathnar, are a large collection of infertile rocks which face the wrath of the Great Ocean. The inhabitants of Krathnar are hardy, fierce and warlike, with the majority Kraz tribe being the last of the indigenous maritime peoples of the Faar Isles.
The Eastern Isles, also known as Slinzir, are a smaller collection of highly fertile sands which face the more forgiving safe passages and trade routes on the Elgerlian Sea. The rugged beauty of Slinzir is populated by the remaining Losalfar that invaded the continent of Elgerlia in the First Dragon Crusade of the First Age.
Alternative Name(s)
Krannar agus Slinnar (Old Speech), Krathnar and Slinzir, the Outer Isles, the Rat's Nest
Location under
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