Tûrguth Vox Building / Landmark in Tellus | World Anvil

Tûrguth Vox

The One True Church has severel well armed and stocked compounds throughout a central region of Taisha. They are all built and administered in the commune fashion, with protective outer walls surrounding inner courtyards and residences. And, at the center of each compound, there is a garden and park. This gathering space is home to chickens and honeybees, and there is grass growing here...in the middle of the desert! There are numerous flowers, and mesquite trees with their flavorful blossoms liberally pepper the grounds. The entire place is aromatic and serene, until a platform at one end rises and one of the cultists gives an impassioned speech from the magically amplified stage.   At one end of the park there is a throne room, reserved for when Pòsta is present and holding court. Each of the seven
by Harlen
compounds has one, and the OTC members (except the cleaning crew) avoid it like the plague unless their leader is present. They each have identical black marble thrones, and are decked out with marble flooring, fluted columns of polished granite. There is a pillow for the comfort of the petitioners, who are required to kneel before their leader, and tastefully appointed statuary displayed at the perfect angle in the corners of the room.   For the most part, the devout spend their (admittedly limited) free time in the open, grassy areas of the parks,
by Harlen
playing ring-toss and a drinking game called bocci. Believers spread blankets out on the lawn, frolicing in the fountains, and having a generally wonderful time of things. Impromptu musical performances often pop up out of nowhere, and some of the best food ever is served out of baskets right there on the lawn. The grass is cared for by sheep and goats, for the most part, although youths are sent to pick up the droppings every morning, after the animals have had their graze. People start to filter in during the late morning, taking naps and sitting down for tea. People raom the grounds with teapots strapped to their backs, a spout sticking out over their shoulder. When they bow, the tea is poured.   As the morning progresses into afternoon, people begin to study, reading the word of their Lord and Saviour, Gàbba Gàol out of his holy book; the Book of Gàol. Proscribed in the book is the attraction of new members, and that takes the shape of missionary work. Preaching, as it were, from soap boxes and other high places of note. That is when they practice, and a great babel of voices rises from the center of the walled in compounds each day. And, as afternoon passes into evening, the compound's elders begin to take The Stage.   A floating, round platform of eight-inch-thick granite, The Stage hovers above a mystical pit in the ground that emits divine light in which to bathe the floating proseletyzing platform. Lights are set in the floor of The Stage; lights that can change color to match the mood or energy of the sermon being preached. The preacher seems to be ten feet tall, and their voice is projected throughout the lawn and grounds of the complex. The Stage can rise and fall in time with the story, and can even spin around if the speaker deems it necessary.

Purpose / Function

To preach the Word to the Masses every night.


Begotten somehow by Gàbba Gàol himself for the compounds, no one is quite sure how The Stage works.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
by Harlen

Cover image: View from Throne by Harlen


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