Derragev Sands

"In the deeps of time, all things change. Infinity is really freaking huge. Extrapolate, students, from the following scenario: Imagine, if you will, that you live upon an atom's nucleus. You then discover your protons; later, your neutrons. Then, in a flash, your muons and neutrinos. From that point, you make discovery after discovery, until you discern that your entire universe is nothing but a single atom comprising an integral part of another being entirely, who lives upon his own atom and is discovering his own subatomic particles..."  
Excerpt from a lecture given by professor G. Gnormand Gnomenclature, At the Bardic College Campus Taug 3, 2112NG
"All things change. Except the Rhegev Desert "
-G. Gnormand Gnomenclature
  Commonly referred to as occupying the western half of Taisha, it in truth covers more than two thirds of the uniquely environed continent. It is vast, with a diversity of climate that could only truly be appreciated if one were a lizard. The barren, broken landscape eases quite a bit the farther one gets away from the coast, where it becomes a seemingly never-ending and constantly shifting milieu of sand. Rolling dunes that crest with the fickle wind, and a tide brought on by the gravity wells caused when the two moons synchronize each month, has led to the area becoming known somewhat unimaginatively as the Sea of Sand. But the Singers have a tale they tell to this day, about a silk-robed sailor on the shifting sands, a Glacadair Gaoithe, named Derragev, for whom the deep sands of the deeper desert were originally named.


It ranges from hot and dry, to even drier and hotter. It is also often roastingly, oppressively, and/or dangerously hot. And dry.   Sand. Fine sand. Coarse sand. Sand that gets in the crack of your ass.


Life only comes out at night. You know, the lean and hungry types. Nothing is new, they've seen it all before.

Ecosystem Cycles

Please refer to the geography sub header.

Localized Phenomena

Glaine Cuan and the phase scorpions. Also, the mountain range at the eastern side of the continent is what causes the weather pattern that keeps moisture on the east side of the range, where a lush rainforest of vast biodiversity awaits the keen researcher in search of dissertation material.

Fauna & Flora

Remarkably abundant for such a dry environment. A couple of times a year, the sun rises on a blanket of riotous color when enough moisture accumulates for an explosion of short lived plant life. Insects and other subterranean dwelling critters are also surprisingly abundant, and can grow to a huge size.

Natural Resources

Silica, chiton, laq beetles abound, scarabs and other brightly colored beetles are prized for their carapaces in the jewelry industry. Purple worm bile is worth a fortune everywhere. And sand...lots, and lots, of sand. You might say it is inundated with sand.


Only the singers have ever really lived there, and they have lots of tales to tell. But the gypsies are very hard to track down, even at the best of times.


Alternative Name(s)
Sea of Sand, Rhegev Desert
Location under


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