Skaranda Skywatcher Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Skaranda Skywatcher

Wise Woman

Already short, the more than four score of winters have bent Skaranada's frame so that now she stands no taller than a Khadra. Her long hair has long since faded to bone white - but still remains luxurious and thick. The long fingers that end in seemingly longer nails on both of her hands are crooked, as if they were once broken and healed incorrectly. Around her next a turquoise crescent moon shows her allegiance to Tiras.
Aware that her faith disturbs others in the the village, she generally keeps to herself. Skaranda speaks softly; when she speaks at all. When she does, however, her voice is melodious, almost as if she speaks in a soft song. Her favorite topic is that of the sky and celestial events, one upon which her knowledge is immense. A lifetime watcher of the stars, her prized possession is her telescope, built by none other than Professor Forsythe at the University of Karradone. Her cottage holds dozens of books on the skies, the arcane, and other less savory subjects. Her gifts with healing, however, have earned her the grudging respect of locals, despite her reputation.

A bent and ancient crone living in Gryphon's Crossing, Skaranda knows many dark and secret things. While her speciality is celestial objects, Skaranda has proven that she understands more about the workings of the arcane that perhaps is right for a member of the Woman's Council to understand.

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Early Eighties
Bright Blue
Bone White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
4 t. 11 in.
95 lb.
Aligned Organization

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