Skaranda Skywatcher's Cottage Building / Landmark in Tarien | World Anvil

Skaranda Skywatcher's Cottage

Sitting beyond the town the walls, the Wise Women's cottage are patchwork of stone, wooden beams, and plaster; all painted with a thin veneer of moss. The thatch roof looks like it keeps out the rain only because of several layers of thatch that have been stacked on one another at different heights and different times. A thin curl of smoke usually escapes from the crooked chimney as Skaranda always says she is cold. Outside, a winding path of uneven cobbles leads through a garden of wild flowers, vegetables, herbs, and interspersed with weeds to a simple, round red door. On either side of the door two crescent moon shaped windows provide the only light to the interior of the home.
Inside the cottage is plain furnished - a straw matt for a bed in one corner, a small, always warm hearth in the other. The back wall is lined with a bookshelf loaded with tomes in a half-dozen languages on dozens of subjects. The top shelf also holds three jars of yellow liquid containing the bodies of a bat, serpent, and lizard. Skaranda has a small table, usually covered in papers and a few jars. Propped in one corner is a long, cylindrical tube, a give from her friend Professor Ned Forsythe in Karradone that she uses to explore the stars.
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