Major settlements, regions and kingdoms of Tairos
Once famous bookshop in Ghal Pelor that has since fallen into obscurity
The city of the necromancers and desert wasteland where they live
Small settlement east of Ghal Pelor and nearest to Beldon
A ruined township once known for its magical clay. It became home to one of the Scorned One's creations for a brief time
Cave system that runs below Tairos
Tairos' Moon
Home to the fanatical Duergar and their god
Small fishing community and Port Sanctuary's nearest neighbor
Rural regions between Ghal Pelor and Homestead
Small, lake side hamlet established with the help of the New Sanctuary Expedition
Largest settlement west of the Tairos River and adopted home of the Grand Order of the Lion
Capital of the North and Home to the Frostmerite People
Ancestral home of the dwarven people
The New Empire
Capital of the Stormlands
Very small and recent settlement near Ghal Pelor
Large body of water once known for its prosperous lumber trade. Now an area plagued by storms, rainfall and dangerous predators
Tairos' most ancient city and home to the High Elves
Newest city to be built on mainland Tairos and forged from a partnership between Ghal Pelor and Melanthris
New Sanctuary's first colony
Largest Forest in all of Tairos
Harsh region to the northeast of Tairos known for bitter weather and dangerous raiders
Home to limitless stories
Island chain famous for its pirate activity, primitive human tribes and dangerous Titan Lizards
The central city and surrounding region that make up the Tengu Refuge
The southern jungles and former home to the Serpents