News, Rumors and Happenings for the New Sanctuary Campaign in Tairos | World Anvil

News, Rumors and Happenings for the New Sanctuary Campaign

Entry for 6/22/18

  Kobold Remnants - Caravan scouts have noted that even though Hale and Aelfric's teams cleared out the Kobold den there are stragglers that have been spotted. Likely these remnants are their scouts and hunters who were away from their den at the time.

Allard Killian - Duri's merchants from the west shared a number of stories from their travels including one about bounty hunter named Allard Killian. They say he's hunting a mark, a woman named Cindra Black, and believes she's already in the region or soon to be there. The merchants heard he's willing to pay for information. They've also heard he's left a trail of bodies in the region while conducting his bloody business.

Strange Sightings - Hondu's Team, one of the other caravan security groups, has been canvasing the glade around the empty Kobold den. They found the small pond in the depths of the cave seems to connect with other passages deeper below but lacked the skills needed to explore them. They also recognized many of the symbols in the cave as goblinoid. The cave seemed to have once been home to the Fishbiter tribe of goblins long ago but that tribe is believed to have been eradicated by the inheritors of The Seward Estate. They also spotted strange... things in the woods as they were leaving. Skulking shapes that stayed to the shadows. Things with thin, humanoid shapes and a tengu skull for a head. Wrapped in tattered rags; they skulked through the woods and vanished into the dark within the cave.

Fae activity - Remlin's scouting team discovered another small glade north the caravan's position. It's a cluster of trees, some old ruins and a small lake. Remlin reported sighting possible fae there. She says that she saw glowing lights, tiny creatures flittering between the trees and soft music being whispered through the air.

Honey Treats - Rehele is trying to keep moral high and has decided to take one of the barrels of honey brought back by Aelfric's team and use it to make some traditional dishes from Baradrad. Though she has no real skill in cooking herself she knows her family's recipes and gets help from the many halfling cooks in the caravan. They make Dumerateri, a fried dough pastry covered in rose water and honey glaze. They also prepare enough Jebmeh for every citizen to have a pouch full. Jebmeh are chewy, colorful cubes of honey-sweetened starch, dusted with sugar and preserved to last for month and months

Entry for 6/26/18

Caravan Path - The caravan leaders have voted on the path forward. Faelael Mirosaer, Enry Burblecutt, Duri Sundersson and Enreika Daggramar supported the vote for the path along Lake Bask and the faster of the routes. Malcolm Lambert, Rias Timblewick and Rehele wanted the safer, less direct route. In a vote of 4-3 the path forward has been decided.

Entry for 8/8/18

Bloody Trees Hale's team has been exploring the deeper woods away from the lake's coast. There's he's reported finding groves with scattered human bones, bloody remnants and skulls hung in the limbs of trees. Candles made from human fat were left inside the skulls.
The remains of the Icatian The team led by the Frostmerites have reported a derelict ship just off the coast of Lake Bask that had to be sunk due to spectral infestation. It's believed there is considerable lumber, logging machinery and possibly other treasures on board. Many in the caravan are speculating whether a recovery effort is possible.
The footprint Caravan security has found some massive footprints in the slushy, melting snow, as they enter the warmer climate near the lake. These footprints look human or humanoid but easily large enough to stomp a pony flat. Word has not made it to the caravan citizens yet but many in the security force fear the worst... there could be a giant near.

Entry for 8/16/18

Mysterious Ruins- Caravan leadership was alerted by Shabar Remlin's scouting team to the discovery of a ruin and the presence of potentially useful magic items. Rehele Odred voted to pass by the site entirely while Duri Sundersson wanted to bring the full weight of the caravan upon the site. Enreika Daggramar at first wanted to bypass the site as well but reluctantly she agreed with the remaining leadership to send one of the scouting parties to investigate. Remlin's team has began preliminary excavation and exploration efforts. So far they have made little headway into the site itself but have identified ties to alchemical research, healing and surgery. There is no evidence yet to link it to the old College of Magic as previously theorized.
Fate of a Murderer- The leaders also had to preside over the trial of Irom Copperheart; accused of being responsible for the death of Rince Honschel. The two had been engaged in a series of arguments on the night in question and later that evening Irom was found over Rince's body. Based on the evidence presented and some follow up investigation done by leadership his fate was decided. Malcolm Lambert leaned toward execution initially and Faelael Mirosaer believed that there wasn't enough evidence to say one way or the other and that Irom should be set free. The others were split between long term incarceration or exiling the accused. In the end, the debate became one of exile or incarceration. Enry Burblecutt, Rias Timblewick and Faelael eventually swayed Malcolm and Duri on exile, pushing through the final decision. Irom was cast out with two weeks of supplies and some of his personal property to fend for himself.


Entry for 9/10/18

Excavation Update
Remlin's team continues to excavate the ruins and report back via carrier pidgeon his findings. He says they've managed to break through old layers of sediment and identify the entryway into the ruin. They've also studied some of the marking and language more and identified that this place is Skyriran in origin. Remlin's team will continue their work but they are operating one man down after one of their teammates was crushed in a partial cave-in during the early excavation.

The path around Lake Bask has seen unexpected rainfall and turned the area into a muddy marsh. The caravan is delayed behind Aelfric's Scouting Team by two additional days (making them about six days away by land). They have also found more of the giant footprints they sighted before, these very near the path of the caravan.

While traveling the caravan passes another group of travelers that are in the early days of establishing a fishing community on the shores of Lake Bask which they intend on naming Fountain Head. They have little to offer now but are clearly in need of labor help to get their dock up and running. About all they do is provide the caravan with a day's worth of food (helping them would require two days of labor), two canoes big enough for five people each, and a single fragment of manacite (enough for about two spells to be cast).


Entry for 10/13/18

  Excavation Suspended-
Based on a recent decision by the Caravan's leadership all work by Remlin's team at the Skyriran ruins have been suspended and the scout party recalled. Only Enry Burblecutt opposed the excavation closure.

Establishing Fountain Head-
With the help of the Expedition the small community of Fountain Head begins operation (The vote to help was unanimous). Rehele Odred does speak with them regarding the footprints of Giants that have been seen in the area and some of Fountain Head's own scouts confirm seeing the same as well getting a few glimpses of hulking, obese looking beasts in the trees. Hill Giants they suspect and based on the sores and mutations they suspect they're of the Dougal Clan.


Entry for 5/16/19

  The Lion's Animosity-
The Grand Order of the Lion has been particularly difficult regarding the caravan's recent business in Frial. They've been behind several deals falling through and certain merchants gouging the caravan for essential goods. This all stems from the the scouts having supported the Kreastos over the Lions when it came to the business with King Fellhammer and his dwarves. The only member of the Lions to remain friendly toward the caravan is Claudius Xavier Bastion who fought side by side with the scouts during the dwarven escape and Klamp's attack.
    Gruesome Discovery-
The caravan found a group of travelers dismembered about a day's ride outside the city. They found only a single survivor who was hiding in his group's wagon. The survivor seems to be gripped by an unnatural and maddening fear that no one could calm. He said that a four-armed monster and his crows attacked them, ripped them all apart and filled their minds with nightmares. The survivor said this monster is heading west; searching for something or someone.
    Scavengers' paradise-
Fort Tycon's deconstruction is well underway by the Kreastos of Frial. Scrappers of all kinds are showing up to sell their services or bid on the raw materials. Rumors say that a series of tunnels and underground structures have been spotted during the demolitions and that has drawn the attention of adventurers, mercenaries and brave Lions.
    Unwanted Company-
Rumor out of Melanthris say that the elven peasantry has found out about the incoming New Sanctuary Expedition and the plan to establish a new farming community. Supposedly, the elven commoners are on the verge of rioting in some of their townships as they fear this means the nobility will abandon doing business with them and searching for a cure to the Wrack that afflicts so many of in their communities.


  Salvage Rights- After the scouts located the healing waters near the hidden village of Oakhaven they managed to return with enough water to create an inoculation for the caravan members against the Wrack. Using some of the surplus every scouting party will be able to have a Greater Healing Potion (4D4+4) and a potion of Lesser Restoration).   Return of the Fae - A record of Baroness Sage Konning's appeal to the caravan leaders is below:  
Aelfric, Cordelia and Vex told us about what we missed, what we weren't here to to try and stop. The atrocities of The Autumn Queen are beyond horrible, I don't even have the words. But, what she did and what the Shadow Court helped her do didn't just hurt your people. It hurt ours too. Me and my sisters are not the only ones that would have found that repugnant. The people in my castle would have too and I have doubt others would have too. Fae didn't do this thing to Tairos, terrible people who thought that knew best and never bothered to ask did it. I don't know what we can offer but I do know what I want to ask of you, and that's for a second chance. Can we join with you and head to this new place together? Can we do it as free people and friends? And if we can't have any of that will you at least keep our secret and not tell anyone of my castle?



  Amicable Parting from OakHaven- The leadership of the caravan briefly considered dredging up the rest of the healing waters from beneath the Choir's community here but after a quick vote they decided to leave them be. Rehele Odred voiced a concern that stops like this would further endanger them and slow the caravan from reaching their destination. Malcolm Lambert was the only one strongly advocating for taking the remaining water as a matter of safety for the caravan but his concerns were drowned out by the others. This decision meant the caravan was able to leave without causing further animosity between them and the Choir. It also showed some level of trust- Aelfric and his scouts said they'd come only to speak with the guardian spirit that watched over the waters and take what they needed. While they did kill the spirit, they only took what was needed and left the rest for the Choir.      Fae Induction- The majority of the caravan leadership were accepting of the Fae plea to join and be given a chance to prove themselves. Faelael Mirosaer in particular advocated strongly and is taking the role of welcoming ally toward the fae. Alternatively, the Gnomes all seem extremely slighted by the decision considering it was fae who destroyed their nation. Their community leader Rias Timblewick spoke out strongly against their inclusion. In addition to the gnomes many of the other pocket communities are deeply shaken by the revelation that fae exist and that they are among us now. In fact, a small group of thirty members has deserted the caravan the night after the news broke, taking with them supplies and wagons that weren't theirs to take.


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