Malcolm Lambert Character in Tairos | World Anvil

Malcolm Lambert

If you want me to do this I will but there has to be someone more qualified? I want to see these people through and I want to do right by them but... me? Really? This is gunna be an absolute mess and half the blame is on your hands.
— Malcolm Lambert questioning his assignment to the New Sanctuary Expedition with his old friend and the ruler of Ghal Pelor, Chancellor Wulhilf Ryhdir
Malcolm Lambert has a long history of public service to the people of Ghal Pelor. He served in the army, became a constable and then a barrister before becoming an investigator for hire. Having to work under the harsh confines of the law always troubled him because the truth of a matter was so obvious but the rules that needed to be followed were murky and unbiased.During his time as a young soldier he served under then commander Ryhdir and he constantly found himself under chastisement for going off mission to chase down threats he discovered. Ryhdir pushed him to join the constabulary instead and pursue justice instead of orders. Yet, even there he found that certain individuals were above the law and it often seemed that wealth could be used to skirt punishment. He moved on and became one of the barristers for Ghal Pelor, hoping that he could lay out better cases to the judges and make sure that justice was being done but even that left him bitter and defeated. The system offered him nothing else so Malcolm struck out on his own, offering his services as an investigator, bounty hunter, protector and anything else people needed. He kept his fees modest, just enough to get by and to allow him to do what was right before the law got involved.
Through it all Ryhdir never stopped paying attention. He saw in Malcolm a man who was desperate to do the right thing and furious at a system that had outgrown simple concepts such as good or evil. He followed his career, pushed cases to him that were outside of the Chancellor's office but things that needed dealing with regardless.
When Malcolm was visited personally by his old friend he was a bit surprised. He was used to their meetings taking place at night, under the cover of darkness, or by private messenger. The case that the Chancellor had to offer this time was very different. Be a leader and a guardian to small group of brave souls traveling half way across the continent to create a new colony. And, once the colony is established, to build a new constabulary that truly serves and protects the common man.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Malcolm is at peak physical condition for a man in his late thirties.

Body Features

Malcolm has a number of scars on his body from past conflicts. His back is covered in old whip marks from a time he was captured and tortured by members of the Black Thorn Society.

Specialized Equipment

Malcolm is trained in several weapons and fighting styles including: Sword and Shield, Two handed, Archery, Pole Arms and unarmed combat

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



No formal education but Malcolm learned most of his fundamentals from his parents while living in the Farmlands of Ghal Pelor. His time with the army is where he learned many of his advanced skills. The constabulary taught him investigatory skills and eventually allowed him to become a barrister.


Self-employed currently.

Failures & Embarrassments

Malcolm holds each and every escaped criminal, dismissed case and judicial technicality as a deep failure on his part. He feels that in each case he missed some fact or loophole that allowed a terrible person to go free.

Personality Characteristics


Malcolm's primary motivation is to stop abuses of power and manipulation of the law by those with enough money or clout to do so. He believes that if a law exists it must be for the betterment of those that live under it and it must fairly apply to everyone.


Contacts & Relations

The Chancellor's Office - Malcolm has the subtle and secret support of his old friend, and the current Chancellor of Ghal Pelor, Wuhilf Rydhir. While Wuhilf cannot act directly on Malcolm's behalf he can send him information via a series of contacts, messengers and such. The Chancellor's network runs very deep and has provided Malcolm with the means to do series damage to those that feel they're above the law.

Family Ties

Malcolm's family still lives in the farmlands. His Sister and brother-in-law run a relatively well known in called The Runaway Girl.

Wealth & Financial state

Malcolm is a man of average means with no assets or wealth beyond the small amount he makes taking on cases as an investigator/bounty hunter
188 lbs
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
The Common Tongue


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