Port Pond Settlement in Subetia | World Anvil
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Port Pond

Port Pond is a bustling fishing town located on a peninsula on the north coast of southeast Moethe Havn.  From the Pond, it is known for its freshwater fish like catfish, trout, and tilapia.  From the Port, it imports and exports good to and from other hwells, particularly Caivh Hwell.  As a result, the town has a sizeable gnome minority.  The town has a sizeable concentration of Prandil humans as well, and Prandil influences can be seen in the architecture, dress, and adornment of shops, buildings, and other structures.


Mostly human with some gnome, halfling, and elf population


Small forts overseeing the bay

Industry & Trade

Fishing, sailing


Dirt roads through town and dead-ending into destinations surrounding the main town


Fresh water, fish, fishing supplies

Guilds and Factions

The Zed Delvers frequent Port Pond's taverns, along with the Walrusians and Brandishers, since the city is less-regulated than others in the region.


Farmers started fishing at the nearby lake (called "The Pond"), and eventually established a nearby town located between the Pond and the Bay, establishing what is now known as "Port Pond."  Its fish support trade to the nearby towns via land or sea routes, to Ghadjo, Sogn, Moethe, and even Caivh.  Its proximity to the coast has livened its taverns and inns, establishing itself as a popular stop for anti-government folks and factions.  Caivh Hwell's incoming trade to Moethe typically flows through Port Pond rather than Taflshir or Briggeton, which are the typical routes for the other Hwells.  Because of this, a sizeable gnome minority can be found in Port Pond.


Port Pond's taverns and pubs are frequented for their lively atmosphere and unregulated spaces for conversation.  The town contains shops selling gnomish trinkets.


Wooden and brick houses, stone houses, and a number of Prandil-style buildings including temples, bell towers, markets, buildings, and businesses, with their curved rooves, glistening tiles, bold colors, streaming banners, and simple yet gilded and ornate ornamentations and geometric floral-like designs.


The landscape surrounding Port Pond is gentle hills, less suitable for farming or grazing, and The Pond which is surrounded by lake grasses and whose surface ripples with the constant breeze.
Alternative Name(s)
Pond Town, Port Prandil, Prandil Pond
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Portpondian, Ponder
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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