Forenthir Highlands Geographic Location in Subetia | World Anvil
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Forenthir Highlands

The Forenthir Highlands (elvish: Eryri Forenthir) is a region on the northwest coast of Moethe Havn, characeterized by its coastal cliffs and inaccessability due to the steep incline up to the top of the highlands.  Situated atop the Cliffs of Forenthir, this region, known for its magical lakes, is a colder and windier climate, much like the tableland of Orze.


Steep cliffs, few trees at the top, rolling windy hills

Natural Resources

Rubies, emeralds, sapphires, platinum


The Forenthir Highlands have legends connecting them with Orze Hwell to the north, how the lands were connected and part of the same highland region, characterized by its rocks, grasslands, shrubs, fog, mystery, and enchantment.  Elves are the primary residents of the highlands, but even these elves are more reclusive than the Lochian elves of Hevedberg/Leceanstristhe.
Alternative Name(s)
Eryri Forenthir
Location under


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