Leisbriel Hrug Geographic Location in Subetia | World Anvil
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Leisbriel Hrug (LICE-breel hhroog)

The Leisbriel Hrug, also called the Leisbriels, is a mountain range in northwest Moethe. Its forested mountains are hunting grounds of the Morian elves whose main village is at the lakeside village of Poniarc to the north.


Forested mountains descending into the Goldshore Steppe to the east, the coast to the west, the Glintland marsh to the south, and ascending via cliffs to the Forenthir Highlands to the north

Fauna & Flora

Cypress, oak, pine, deer, eagles, lingonberry


The Leisbriels have been home to the Morian tribe of Poniarc elves, nestled in a lakeside, forested cove.  The mountains are less traveled than the Candors to the south, with its five covens of Morian elves.
Alternative Name(s)
Mountain Range
Location under
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