Yaranie Settlement in Subetia | World Anvil
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Yaranie, one of the five Candor covens, is nestled high in a valley that leads down to the southwestern shore of Loch Stristhe.  Unlike most other Morians, the Morians of Yaranie cultivate the land for agriculture, extending downward toward Loch Stristhe, resulting in some interbreeding between Morian elves from Yaranie and Lochian elves and even some humans that farm along the shore.  However, these interbred elves and half-elves are proudly Yaranien, even if their jurusdiction is Hevedberg's Ken Hydar, due to their living on the shores of Loch Stristhe.
300 + 100 scouts + 1,000 half-breed elves and half-elves who live alongside southwestern Loch Stristhe
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