Fort Fjord Settlement in Subetia | World Anvil
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Fort Fjord

Fort Fjord is Moethe's largest fort and home to its commander, guarding the Hevedberg Canal, also known as the Stristefjord.  Fort Fjord has embattlements along both sides of the canal, identical reflections of each other, with officers specializing in inbound or outbound vessels.


Walls, cannons, bastions, layers of forts, naval vessels along the sides and some in hewn-out caves ready for deployment


Inbound Side Outbound Side

Points of interest

Inbound Bastion Outbound Bastion Commander's Quarters Row of Cannons Hewn Marina


Slick, sleek rock-faced cliffs with walls hewn alongside, in some places blending in and indistinguishable with the wall itself, while other places registers as a defensive, multi-leveled wall fort
Military, Base
3,600 (1,800 on either side)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Vehicles Present


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