
Note: This is a Specialist rank within the Beskar Aran. It is almost always considered a noncomissioned officer. Usually it outranks a Corporal on a general organizational (or pay) chart, but mission parameters may have Troopers detailed to answer to any other rank from Major down to the most basic Private. Best to know the specifics of the assigned personnel chart before walking into a situation!


VNY's notes:
Just in case this started making sense to someone on the outside looking in:
This is also the rank given to someone who won't properly fit into any other rank in the Beskar Aran .
Usually but not always for reasons of "keeps getting busted down to raw recruit level but never quite qualifies for discharge".
Got that?
You sure?
Now wrap your gray matter around this technicality:
"Chaplain" is a subset of "Trooper".
Because I'm a "Specialist".
(I'm very special!)
And I don't draw pay, for many important bureaucratic and legal reasons not to mention the tax snarl this would cause.
Ergo "Chaplain" cannot appear on the pay scale.
Ergo "Chaplain" is not listed on the pay roster that's submitted to His Imperial Majesty's Ministry of the Bursar.
Ergo from a certain point of view, "Chaplain" is a rank or title that is completely fictitious.
Suits me!
But as a "Commander", I automatically pull rank on all the real troops below Major. If I were really, really stupid, anyway.
- database entry updated Natunda
30 Helona
Deuce's notes:
Aww, and after that shebs-gnawing you just gave us about public traffic disruptions!
- 30 Helona 12730
Burner's notes:
You're nonfiction to us, General! We promise!
- 31 Helona 12730
VNY's notes:
Burner, I've updated your duty log to show that you owe me 125 stomach crunches on top of your regular PE. You've got a standard week.
Next offense is six hundred twenty-five, vod'ika.
Everyone at your current duty station has better stuff to do, so think three times before you poke, wouldja?
- 31 Helona 12730
Civic, Military, Generic
Alternative Naming
  • Troop
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