Deuce Character in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil


First campaign appearance: Shards of Honor 39.0 "Rebel Yell"

Trooper Deuce Venn

VNY's notes:

Deuce is a demolitions expert from Clan Venn who will tell you gleefully that he got his name from the "02" at the end of his TC designation but it is not so. For one thing, he volunteered for some classified work just so ImpSec would help Sparks expunge Deuce's actual official records from all databanks. I gather he took seven months to pay that debt off. And he did it so people would stop pointing out, "No, vod, your number was nothing like that."
Deuce might wink and nod and admit, bashfully, that he got his nickname from a foolish bet in a barracks room card game.
Or that it came from this one time he "confiscated" the second speederbike in a charging bay, in the name of the Republic.
Or that he earned said name from {long story involving explosions propelling people across an area and he got registered as the 2nd racer to cross a finish line at a podrace}.
He's a smartass and I would have him no other way.
The truth of the matter is, he had a commanding officer counting down when a particular explosion should be triggered, but the officer in question got shot on "two". Our young hero looked over the scene. He told the squad mike, "Deuce it is!", and then he smacked the button. Probably kept personnel losses from racking up into the thousands.
- database entry updated Katunda
27 Helona

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

In addition to demolition training, Deuce took sniper training while still on Kamino and has faithfully practiced every two weeks on the range ever since.
Deuce has had the compact edition of the ARC course administered by Sgt. Brutto of the Roughnecks, and is eligible to apply for a promotion to that unit if he wishes.


Contacts & Relations

Anyone who knows what a "chaplain" is, knows that Jedi Knight VN Ysadora will answer a call for support from any Clan Venn at any time. Anyone who knows the little phrase "the clone's Jedi" would also know that "Vanya Ysadora will pause almost any other work to appear out of seemingly empty space if one of the Venns asked."

Family Ties

Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
12699 32 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark olive
Quotes & Catchphrases
Deuce {is excited}: Fuck me with a Taun-Taun
Khun: Thought you were a bantha boy
Deuce: Not now.
— on a ridge in sniper position, guarding while the team investigates the tomb complexes near the energy plant, Shards of Honor: "Requiem"
Aligned Organization


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