Bountypedia Document in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Bountypedia (Bounty-pedia)

This document is sealed tighter than a Hutt’s credit account. Successfully slicing into it? It’ll make someone a legendary coder and get them killed at the same time.
Jangir Toth, bounty hunter
The infamous Bountypedia. This ‘living’ digital document is perhaps the most secured public record in all the known galaxy. It’s only used by members of the Bounty Hunter Guild, or Bondsman’s Guild, and their clients.
This living document is a record of past and present bounties, credits offered for work, payments rendered and more. The Bounty Guild agents, or Bounty Brokers, monitor content updates and relay those to the bounty hunters they work with. It’s here that a client places a bounty on a target and hunters come for work. But this wasn’t always the case.

A Red Ledger

In the ‘Early Republic’ era, there was no Bountypedia or Bounty Hunter Guild. But there were Bounty Hunter Clans, or Hunter Houses. Close-knit groups, bound by specific skills and goals, they competed for contracts. The results were often bloody.
It was inevitable for these Houses to come into conflict against the Jedi Order. Specifically, it was the rogue bounty hunters that were the spark of inspiration. The conflict between the Houses had started to spiral out of control. Rogue bounty hunters were becoming more frequent and bold in their work, many flaunting the law across known space. This included open combat against the Jedi.
The Jedi’s response was to petition the Republic Senate for a solution. Laws were drafted but in the end, the Senate decided the Houses needed to monitor themselves. They could form a governing body, so long as that organization maintained public records of their activities. This was to include a code of behavior, by-laws on dealing with violations of that code, laws for creation or dissolution of Hunter Houses, and last, a public document or record of activity.
This caused the creation of the original Bounty Hunter Guild and the accompanying Bountypedia. The result was not quite what the Senate or Jedi had hoped for, but it was the result they needed.
Public, bloody, fighting between various Bounty Hunter Houses or between Houses and independent hunters ceased. Fierce competition for contracts continued, but the conflict was driven to the Underworld and specific cantinas. The latter earning the name of ‘Bondsman Hubs’ as they were outfitted with special security to prevent eavesdropping or assassinations.
The ‘living’ document of the Bountypedia became an enduring record, digital marketplace, and a manifesto of the Bounty Hunter profession. A document that could change and grow over time with the rise and fall of galactic governments.
It prevented outright bounty hunter clan wars and outlasted governments of the galaxy. The Bountypedia has even outlasted the Bounty Hunter Guild, which has collapsed and reformed many times over the long years.
It’s both a central hub of information, code of conduct, and the closest thing anyone gets to a ‘bounty hunter manual’ for the job. And if you think you can do the job without it? Well, I hope you’ve got a bacta tank in your closet somewhere. You’re going to need it.
Jangir Toth, bounty hunter

Built to Last

The march of time has seen the rise, fall, and reformation of the Bounty Hunter Guild. This has been in no small part to the deadly machinations of the Bounty Hunter Clan Houses, clawing at each other for power. But the Bountypedia has always remained intact, active, secure, and maintained. By who?
No one knows.
This has become the greatest mystery of the bounty hunting profession. Rumors and myth abound in the Bounty Hunter Guild about a mysterious person or group that preserved the document. References are littered in the Bountypedia to the ‘Administratum’ that supposedly maintains the document and its content.
No clan, criminal organization, or independent hunter knows who or what this ‘Administratum’ is. Some claim to have met it, or them, but it’s empty claims. Any clan or criminal enterprise would pay any price to find out who is actually in control of the Bountypedia. So far, it remains a mystery.
I’ve always wondered about who the Administratum is. But really, for them to stay secret this long? If anyone did find out who the Administratum was, I doubt that hunter would stay alive for very long. Dead men tell no tales as the saying goes.
Jangir Toth, bounty hunter


The Bountypedia is broken into three parts. First are the public records of the bounty hunters themselves. This lists who they are, their skills, contract records, and how to contact them.
Next would be the code itself. The ‘Bounty Hunter Creed’. This short list is kept up to date with updated Bounty Hunter Clan House rulings, agreements and more. This is the thread that binds the hunters together so that they won’t openly tear each other apart.
Last would be the section that details bounty contracts. This is a list of available, in progress, or completed contract work for bounty hunters.
Star Wars: Shards Discussion Boards

Bountypedia Contract Records

Thu, Jun 2nd 2022 04:18
These are the records of account concerning Hunts, those offering the Hunt, and those Hunters that take up the Hunt for the desired Acquisition.

Bounty Offered for the Capture of Crimson Knights
Removal Bounty Offered against Medusa Pirate Clan
Live recovery bounty on Guido Gorrella
Bounty for almond cookies
Bounty: Misplaced tech
Recovery of lost arm to appease the Scorekeeper.
Retrieval Bounty For Meat Salad
Live Capture Bounty For Angus Priest
Return of lost algorithm
Time-Sensitive Witness Bounty
Record, Public
Digital, Holographic
Authoring Date
~ 2000 years before the Tapani Impierum
Signatories (Organizations)

The Bounty Hunter’s Creed

It’s more or less followed. Kind of a guideline, really.
Jangir Toth, bounty hunter
  • No Bounty is Worth Dying For
  • People don’t have Bounties, Acquisitions have Bounties
  • On the Hunt, a Hunter will capture or kill. Never Both.
  • No Hunter will hunt another Hunter
  • No Hunter will take, or interfere with, Another’s chosen Hunt
  • No Hunter may refuse aid to another Hunter
  • The Contract is All

  • Comments

    Author's Notes

    This is so much inspired from various sources. Primarily the Bounty Hunter Creed, Bounty Hunter Guild and more from Star Wars. But also, sources such as the Sci Fi channel, KillJoys. Those are all inspiration for the content here.

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Dec 5, 2021 13:06

    What an amazing idea blending articles and discussion boards. This is absolutely role-playing gold. May the contracts flow.

    Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
    not Ruleplaying
    not Rollplaying
    Dec 5, 2021 13:10 by C. B. Ash

    May the Contracts Flow! The Contract is All! :D   Thanks. I had the most fun writing this one. I cannot wait to see how the Discussion Board at the bottom evolves.

    Dec 5, 2021 18:28

    Such an awesome idea, blending discussion boards and the article. Really reminds me of the Shadowrun books :D   Btw, the first sentence repeats 'this' twice!

    Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
    Dec 5, 2021 19:29 by C. B. Ash

    Heh. The Shadowrun books did play a but into the idea!! :D   And thanks! Got it fixed!

    Dec 25, 2021 03:22

    What?!?! They think they can remove the Medusa pirates?? Blood will rain!

    Dec 28, 2021 12:49 by C. B. Ash

    Remove? Of course they do! After all, how else can they poach on Medusa piracy-hunting grounds! :D

    Jan 6, 2022 02:06

    I see this as a doc that would be continually referenced, but I have to ask if there is an in-universe entity who manages it or if it is all meta?

    Jan 6, 2022 12:31 by C. B. Ash

    Oh, there is an in-universe organization that manages this document and others that are similar to it. This group, and this document, are the subject of the campaign I am running right now in my current Star Wars campaign.   So far, the players have actually met one of the Administratum but missed the clues so they didn't realize that is who they met!   I don't mind a tiny spoiler ( as my players scour anything I post for clues! )... but the organization that manages this document and others is called the Armarian Order! A sidebar link and spoiler tags will get dropped in here when my players uncover the details! :D

    Jan 24, 2022 23:41

    Great read, I like the idea of a "living" document.

    Jan 25, 2022 01:21 by C. B. Ash

    Thanks! So far the players in my campaign are loving it. :D