Dun Culain Building / Landmark in Spirit of the Age | World Anvil

Dun Culain

Also called the Elffort, Dun Culain is the heart of Exodite power in Fin-Allan. Containing barracks of the Exodite army, apartments of the Minister of Fin-Allan and the Mayor of Fin-Allan, as well as the portal to the Borderworld. Non-Exodites are denied from entering the fort or its grounds, and it dominates the city as the largest structure by far.


Serving as the most visible symbol of Exodite power, Dun Culain is used to host visiting dignitaries, most often client kings of the Exodites. It is also a highly defensible structure, with the walkways of its upper levels well situated to rain death upon potential invaders, and its well built stone walls unlikely to be breached by any effort the humans of Khely could muster. The most important thing the fort is protecting is the portal to Borderworld and the rest of Exodus. Should Dun Culain fall, the Exodites would lose their only pathway to the Prime Material.


Dun Culain serves to mark Fin-Allan as the one truly elven city in the prime material, with its white spires and observation towers, large courtyards and arches. Quite unlike any structure built by humans, the elffort is relatively unadorned but nevertheless seems to shine in the sunlight. Only the banners of the Exodites fly from the spires, otherwise the facade is clean.


Construction of Dun Culain began in 288, as the elves entered the Prime Material and immediately sought to fortify and secure their portal. Initially just a palisade, Dun Culain has changed much but has always had the same purpose. The first structure built on the prime by the elves of Exodus, Dun Culain has been expanded over the centuries to accommodate an ever larger garrison of the Exodite army.

Founding Date
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Owning Organization


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Jul 13, 2023 19:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Sounds like it is really imposing. I bet it has a great effect on the psyches of those who live in its shadow.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet