General Assembly Organization in Special Agent | World Anvil

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the lower house of the legislative branch of the Zelvan Council's government, this institution is central to the Zelvan Council since it is its vote that is necessary for a host of government processes. Since its founding in 2195, this institution has served as a place of representation and expression for the population of the Zelvan Council who have made it a central place of debate.



The President of the Assembly presides over the General Assembly, it takes charge of the procedures of the Assembly and ensures that they are respected. It is also his responsibility to appoint the representatives who will sit on the various permanent parliamentary committees, he can also create new ones on current topics by obtaining the prior agreement of the General Assembly.


Composed of representatives who represent a number of citizens, they are elected by universal suffrage for a term of five years, with a maximum of six terms. The number of citizens each representatives represents is decided based on population growth, with the General Assembly having a fixed number of representatives, but this has been increased several times by the electoral commission over time.


Unlike the Congress which is based on the caste assignment of each elected representative, the General Assembly is much more based on parties since its goal is much more to represent the people as a whole than the castes. This has led, throughout the history of the General Assembly, to the creation, disappearance or merger of multiple political parties to form those currently present.

Public Agenda

The purpose of the General Assembly is to approve or rejects the laws proposed by the executive and serves to represent the citizens as well as give them an opportunity to express their interests. More generally, this institution has always been seen as an organization independent of the caste system which must represent the people above all.


The General Assembly occupies a building located on Aahli in the town of Nazea, the capital of the Zelvan Council where it sits. A major administrative center of the Zelvan Council, it houses a significant number of institutions attached to the legislative branch of government for its proper functioning.
Founding Date
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles


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