
If Vectors possess a homeworld, this is it. Their race was conceived in test tubes in labs on Mars some 700 years ago and sat in domes while the last of humanity set about the task of climate reconstruction and terraforming, a massive process that gave birth to a new Mars that has served as home ever since. With no natural wildlife to destroy, no biomes to preserve, and no ecosystem to protect, the terraforming process could avail itself of massive amounts of otherwise toxic gasses and chemicals. Combined with the same molecular deconstruction technology the Geomats used, Mars’s terraforming grid effectively rebuilt the world from scratch. All in all, it was a rather remarkably quick and painless operation, save for the fact that it would have completely eradicated any life on the planet had they not been protected in the Mars colony domes during the process. Early Vectors and their remaining human caretakers would stare out their windows and watch as the world outside went through violent fluctuations and changes. It formed oceans with the help of supercharged rainforests that covered the entire world; it subsequently burned in a planet-wide firestorm of chemical combustion that thickened the atmosphere and warmed the global temperature. Ash and carbon refuse was reprocessed into useable minerals and toxins were yanked from the clouds to serve as components in other constructs as the endless line of terraforming operations wrought a new Eden from the red planet. When it was all finished, all that remained of “Mars” were its mountains and its canyons, which would go on to serve as some of the most spectacular vantage points in the solar system.
Mars today is an almost Earth-like environment, with the major geographic exceptions being a result of the lower gravity and only-recent addition of a thicker atmosphere. Trees tend to grow taller on Mars than on Earth, on average, but most breeds are the same. Mountains reach higher in the sky, canyons go deeper in the ground, and the wind is sharper and harsher than what’s typically expected of similar latitudes on Earth. All in all, however, the environment is similar. Almost all of Mars’s plant and animal life are Earth originals that have undergone slight adaptations to fit their new world, and Vectors on Mars eat all the same delicacies their human creators have eaten for years. In hindsight, Martian geologists and scientists bemoaned the complete restructuring of the planet that took place, as it destroyed all but the very deepest Martian secrets, but at the time it was the best the technology could do.
— HSD 2.0 Core Rulebook, page 30


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