Sartova Reivant Timeline Timeline

Reivant Timeline

Rule of Avernal Empires

... 3000 BBE

Rule of Avernal Empires & the Reivantan Period

3000 BBE 2450 BBE

  • 3000 BBE

    Approximated first structures of Reivantan & human make constructed at this time
    Construction beginning/end

    Approx. time when Reivantan structures were first built, the oldest Guardian temple near the Peak of Evandyr was dated around this time. There are some histories that describe nebulous signs across all skies, as well.

  • 2950 BBE

    The Guardian Faith Spreads, and is codified
    Religious event

    The Guardian Faith spreads through all of Reivanta, and those divine magics (especially create water) help them survive in the Wastes. The Seek Anhkaromatat leads a transformative movement codifying following the Prophet Mordecai's initial visions and tablets.

  • 2450 BBE

    The Empire's Fall Begins
    Military: War

    The Reivantans and all the Duneswalker tribes rise up against the First Jeriec Empire, destroying their creations and their society, taking east Evandyr back from them. War begins for more than a hundred years.

Reivantan Period

2450 BBE 1430 BBE

  • -2450 AC

    The Empire's Fall Begins
    Military: War

    The Reivantans and all the Duneswalker tribes rise up against the First Jeriec Empire, destroying their creations and their society, taking east Evandyr back from them. War begins for more than a hundred years.

  • -2330 AC

    The First Jeriec Empire is overthrown
    Military: War

    The Empire is overthrown. The avernal races attempt to live underground, encountering the dwarves and things much worse... The Jeria Peninsula is ransacked, before it is left to the horrible beasts.

  • -2303 AC

    Pyramid of Semun-Rah, a.k.a. the City of the Dead, is constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    The Pyramid of Semun-Rah, a tomb for Reivanta's people and its' satillite Covenant Temples, is built far from the city in what will later become known as the Hunter's Circle.

  • -1931 AC

    The Marru & Rakhasha create their kingdoms at Kharneth

    Though the word of their sin is <REDACTED>, the Kharnethi take secrets from the First Jeriec and the Kyr, yet later turn to fleshcrafting and find something no other has found in any world... Necromancy.

  • -1550 AC

    -1082 AC

    Zanuriis is founded in the Bronze Seas of the Reivant

    Zanuriis is formed of those exiled from Reivanta as well as Children of Avernus. It is one of many Forgotten Kingdoms in the Bronze Seas. Spans Tythis to Hericonei, and is largely vertical, extending down into High Avernus.

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  • -1430 AC

    Raiding of Reivanta
    Disaster / Destruction

    Reivanta, a mere oligarchic shadow of its former unity, is destroyed utterly by the Duneswalker tribes that they have long subjugated and filled with political and religious dissidents.

Forgotten Period

1430 BBE 2 AB

  • 1430 BBE

    Raiding of Reivanta
    Disaster / Destruction

    Reivanta, a mere oligarchic shadow of its former unity, is destroyed utterly by the Duneswalker tribes that they have long subjugated and filled with political and religious dissidents.

  • 1380 BBE

    The Fiendwyrms Rise
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Fiendwyrms erupt from the earth, scattering and destroying the remnants of the Reivantans and those that destroyed them, causing all of Old Reivanta to be uninhabitable. Old Reivanta itself is surrounded by destruction, but itself is preserved by a guard of three eternal beasts.

  • 1100 BBE

    900 BBE

    The System of Esoteric Enlightenment begin to appear in visions...
    Religious event

    The Quori, in a new generation, are more intellectual and millitaristic, reflecting the world. They guide and rapture disciples of wisdom, wisemen, prophets, and social leaders to bring themselves and their followers north... to found a new city of Qu'ara.

  • 1082 BBE

    Zanuriis is destroyed by Kharneth and the Monolith of Nekrosis
    Military: Battle

    Zanuriis is destroyed by the Marru as they use their undead eternal Marruspawn to conquer. Latest origin of Lost Children of Avernus. Some found their way to Erinion, most to other Forgotten Kingdoms or death.

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  • 1020 BBE

    The Kharnethi Marru discover the System
    Technological achievement

    They discover the force behind small groups of humans suddenly rapturing north to the Isles of Kentarun. They send Marrulurk and other purposely made pinnacle forms of spying and force, and gained knowledge of how they created religion and divine magicks through the belief-story-reality concept, giving humanity the psionic power.   They keep this knoweldge quiet, but immediately shield their minds with chaotic Daelkyr energies to ward off the Quori's counterspying. They lie in wait for centuries... for an opportunity to steal this power for themselves. Even the Monolith is not enough for their goals.

  • 853 BBE

    380 BBE

    Kingdom of the Al-Mosaks Founded

    The Kingdom of the Al-Mosaks is created, and they worship a deity named Mazekstan, "god of spirits and protection to the old peoples".

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  • 580 BBE

    Avernal Demons ally with Inevitables to destroy Qu'ara
    Military: Battle
  • 580 BBE

    380 BBE

    The Kharnethi Ascension
    Disaster / Destruction

    With the Monolith of Nekrosis and the Seal of Erinion, the Kharnethi Marru destroy Forgotten Kingdom after Forgotten Kingdom and bind the land to their oversoul. There, they begin to separate the very land from the world and take command of time with a new Death that they control.   The Tythis Expanse, the Hunter's Circle, Abalos, Khufu's Cairn all fall to them, with the Kingdoms within. Kingdom of the Al-Mosaks is destroyed near the end, close to the flood.

  • 500 BBE

    Kharnethi use the Seal of Erinion
    Scientific achievement

    As the Kharnethi use the Planar Containment Submind they took from Qu'ara to write the world-story as they will, they do not account for the balance, and all these 'intersecting vector-form rune-energy transpositional mishaps' eventually are too much for the world to bear.

  • 380 BBE

    The Vengeful Flood
    Disaster / Destruction

    The world in the east is flooded from the Teeth of the Wyvern to the Rift of the Uncrowned, destroying the Kharnethi and their sins, assuaging the wounds they rended into the world.

  • 339 BBE

    The Flood Ends
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Planar Containment Submind is recovered by The Bone Keepers.

  • 263 BBE

    Dothania is formed
  • 112 BBE

    Dothania expands with the Bone Keeper's Seal
    Cultural event

    Erinion makes contact with the Dothanians and Duneswalkers, forming alliances after initial differences.

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  • 10 BBE

    The System of Esoteric Enlightenment attacks Dothania
    Military: Battle

    Quori attempt to attack Dothania in a desperate move to steal the PCS there, as they cannot easily create a new one. In response, High Magistrate <REDACTED> brings his own allies to another dimension and returns it to the Bone Keepers.

  • 7 BBE

    Dothania is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Mind-Plagues of the Dreaming Dark, as well as extra-dimensional invaders, finally destroys Dothania.

    Additional timelines
  • 0 BBE

    The Burning of Erinion
    Disaster / Destruction

    Supernatural fires, black winged creatures made of each viewer's personal nightmares, shadows that tear from throats, and portals to hellish realms unknown--and many more terrible calamities--destroy Erinion

  • 2 AB

    Ending of the Bronze Skirmishes and the Founding of Tharsis

    Ending of the Bronze Skirmishes and the Founding of Tharsis, when the scattered illiterate tribes of the Bronze Seas come together with a cohesive identity

New-Guardian Period

2 AB and beyond

  • 2 AB

    Ending of the Bronze Skirmishes and the Founding of Tharsis

    Ending of the Bronze Skirmishes and the Founding of Tharsis, when the scattered illiterate tribes of the Bronze Seas come together with a cohesive identity

  • 17 AB

    20 /12

    Tharsis discovers the City of the Dead
    Discovery, Exploration

    Explorers in the Hunter's Circle bring Tharsis news of the original teachings of the Reivantan religion of the Guardian Faith, before corruption, from the Pyramid of Semun-Rah.

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  • 85 AB

    Tharsis walls constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    Tharsis' walls are finished, and the city begins to flourish, their population actually growing for the first time since before the Burning.

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  • 842 AB

    Zaeed Al-Samaan chosen as the Minister of Tharsis
    Political event

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  • 848 AB

    Zaeed Al-Samaan dies briefly
    Life, Failure / Mishap
  • 850 AB

    Uliun Spice Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Min'ekari extend operations to Tharsis and the Bronze Sea as the properties of the Uliun Spice are uncovered, and it is snatched up as quickly as possible.

  • 853 AB

    1 /16

    The City of the Dead Falls
    Disaster / Destruction

    The City of the Dead in the Hunter's Circle is taken by hordes of undead.

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  • 855 AB

    1 /16

    Kharnethi hordes attack Tharsis
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    ...and crisis averted by the Spirit-Champions of Al-Mosak.

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  • 865 AB

    Rantairan Coast grows in population
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Rantairan Coast, the east shoreline of the Bronze Sea, begins to have numerous small trading villas and towns, known collectively as Rantaira.

  • 870 AB

    891 AB

    Timeline of Apollyon: River of Life
    Artistic creation

  • 889 AB

    7 /15

    The Headless Lord Rises, and the Story of Sartova Ends
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Incarnate King, despite his destruction, lives on like an earworm in the nightmares of the God-King. He rises anew, a demon lord in control of the Heart of Avernus to print new terrors on demand from the god-machine below. He destroys the Watchman's Post by turning every Jerian into a bomb and exploding their hearts with viscera shrapnel, and following by destroying the beloved Jade Pillar.   His eternal march moves north, across the Sunsglade and Western Steppes, his voice echoing across the entire world. Declaring the Sartovan War having begun again, the fate of the entire Story of Sartova to be decided this day. In subservience to the Storyteller, or a Story in the hands of the actors therein.   He is, in some ways, defeated. His great sins are defeated philosophically within the Primordial Dream of Avernus, and it is shown that Avernus' truth was not this. The Headless Lord turns to stone, an eternal statue over the Western Steppes of Jeria, and his mind is imprisoned within Avernus', and alongside one who argued for mortalkind.

  • 898 AB


    Rantaira joins the war on the side of the Alliance
    Military: War

    They have only been affected by Golryon imperialism, and respond to it in kind.

  • 908 AB

    The City of the Dead is reclaimed, and the Monolith of Nekrosis is deactivated and made safe

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