Session 3 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 3

General Summary

After defeating the undead priest Asari, the party continued to explore the ruins of the hidden temple. They soon came to a passageway with a sliding block that filled the whole passage. Nearby they found an indented button in the wall. Pushing the button caused the whole of the massive block to slowly slide up the corridor, revealing a new chamber. Kai explored the chamber carefully, discovering many piles of bones and a glowing orb!! Was this the Eye of Pelor already?! He rushed to the alter atop which sat the globe but as he did so he trod on a pressure plate. The huge block of stone started to slide back into place! Everyone ran for the safety of the corridor. Kai, thinking fast and acting faster grabbed the globe. Boom! The globe exploded in a huge flash of electricity! Kai was badly hurt but escaped the trapped corridor before it slammed shut with an ominous thud.   Taking stock and healing up the group decided that they had just fallen foul of a trap and had not recovered the true Eye of Pelor, so they decided to continue to explore the temple. Further ahead they came to a maze. The maze took them along time to explore but eventually they finished it, discovering that there were no exits. So they began a methodical search. Quite quickly they discovered a secret room off to one side in the maze. Opening it and dodging the spear trap that fired out at them they discovered a shelf with four keys hanging on it. They picked them up and pocketed them.   Searching further they found another secret door. This lead to another spear trap behind which was another globe. Highly suspicious now everyone hid whilst Kai grabbed the globe off the altar. The group waited and waited but Kai did not appear. They called out but there was no answer. So carefully they approached and found Kai lying dead on the floor. Even the resourceful and tough monk could not avoid death's clutches this time.   Arundel took his body and teleported him back to Littlebrook where he was quickly raised by the priests of Pelor. A little shaken, Kai agreed to be returned with haste to the temple via another teleportation. So it was that within short order a recuperated but subdued Kai returned to the rest of the party. The group quickly determined that the globe that had killed Kai was not the true globe either. But they did find yet another secret door at the back of the last secret room. Opening that revealed a corridor that lead to a pair of adamantine doors with magical runes inscribed on them. Reading the magical runes revealed two cryptic riddles that the group were fairly quick to solve and which showed them which key combinations were necessary to open the doors. The doors opened to reveal a large room with many piles of bones. At one end a staircase led down into darkness where an unholy light was pulsing. The party moved in and towards the staircase when suddenly a terrible demon woman with six arms and a long tail appeared ahead of them down the stairs! Each of her arms carried a wicked looking sword or spear. At the same time a dozen skeletons sprung from the bones behind the group! They were surrounded.   Within seconds the fight was over. Kai sprang in to attack the demon woman, found her well protected by magical defenses and leapt away again faster than she could react. Tor charged in too and was unable to break through her defenses with his powerful sword blow. Flek shot and downed 4 skeletons in as many seconds. Fortuna called on the radiant power of Pelor and with a searing holy light obliterated the remaining skeletons. Then, just before the demon woman unleashed hell on Tor Arundel called upon his most fearsome Magic and slew the demon with a mighty word of power! With all her defenses she was unable to overcome his awesome might and fell dead at Tor's feet.   The group searched the chamber, found a secret trap door and therein discovered a big collection of treasure. Included in this horde was a 12" diameter globe that they knew to be the Eye of Pelor! The journey home from the island of the globe was long but mostly uneventful. Deciding that walking was a lot safer than teleportation, the group traveled all the way up from Hishan to Littlebrook on foot. They had a few encounters but for the most part nothing to really bother them. Some months later, on the 5th November, 2001 CY, Shilana gave birth to a baby boy. He had the symbol of the Sylvarran on his wrist, just like his father. the line had been rebuilt. In honour of the new birth the group decided to throw a party at Castle Fortuna. They invited everyone they knew in the Kingdom and around, from King Jarrad right the way down to Tallisan the barman of the Waymeet Inn. Most of those invited attended and it was a spectacular occasion. The group certainly knew how to enhance their reputation in the country.   Before long the group were growing restless. Things in the kingdom had settled down now. The orcs were no longer a menace, nor were the easterners. Their new castles were being rebuilt slowly but surely and were on the whole mostly finished now. Matters of state were well in hand and the huge horde of gems and gold the group recovered from Ashardalon's lair and the Temple of the Globe were being ploughed into making their estates safe strongholds for their new followers. Things were peaceful. Too peaceful. The group decided it was time to quest for the legendary Sword of Karith.   They consulted with the Cardinal and the archmage Myrddin and found all they could out about the legend of the sword and of the sword's last owner. The cardinal had an old map which showed a valley in the desert far to the south, in which was built a temple to Pelor. In this temple was said to lay the sword, waiting for a paladin capable and pure enough to recover it.   The party gathered their provisions, said their good byes to their loved ones and set out. They had a few interesting encounters on the way south to the desert, including black robed assassins wearing the symbols of The Demon Prince, dire bats and a lamia and some mercenaries who were working as bandits.   On the edge of the desert they made camp, ready to strike out into dangerous territory on a quest that no paladin had returned from in over a thousand years. As they camped they were suddenly ambushed by shapeless forms materializing out of nothing in their midst. Before they could move, Tor and Arundel had been grabbed by these shapes and felt their very life essence draining out of them into the spirit leaches that had them grasped. Undead! Instantly the sky was full of bats as three large mammals attacked with the spectres. The cries of help from Tor and Arundel roused the rest of the party and melee was joined. Quickly the two spectres and two of the bats were vanquished, but one of the bats flew off into the night.   The group discussed what to do and it was decided that Arundel would take Tor back to the city by teleportation and there they would get the clerics to restore their lost life energy with Pelor's help. As the mage prepared his spell, suddenly Tor was wracked by a great vision! He called out to the elf to stop his enchantment and when questioned he told that he had this overwhelming vision that when they returned to the desert's edge the other three companions would be dead! At that exact moment a lightning bolt blasted out of the darkness causing Flek to leap aside to avoid being crisped! Battle was not over!   Kai ran off into the darkness in the direction of the spell and soon came across a very dangerous creature. A vampire queen was standing in the darkness throwing powerful magic at the group! He rushed in and attacked, trying to force her into combat. The others followed, much slower than the fleet monk. The vampire queen taunted the party telling them she was sent by The Demon Prince and that he would have their souls and feast on them in Hell! The group fought on, with spells, arrows and the divine power of Pelor being hurled through the night sky back and forth. Soon the vampire queen vanished and quiet descended on the night once again. But the group had seen her regenerating her injuries in front of their eyes and knew she would not be gone for long. They returned to the campsite and Fortuna strapped on her knight's armour. All they could do then was wait and see if the vampire sorcerer would return...  
Here ends the Albion I Campaign.
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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