Kyadii Heat Overwhelm

Kyadii Heat Overwhelm (henceforth: KHO) is a sickness that affects those of the Kyadii race, but hail from Frostplain or other wintry climes. It is both distressing and debilitating, but is, under normal conditions treatable and fully reversible.  

Kyadii Name for KHO

In all things, we must honour others. This document was not possible to complete without patient Rarshk-folk assisting me. Thus we must also remember, where they exist, to explain the Kyadii names for items, places and yes, illnesses, where they are unique to this race.   Kyadii Heat Overwhelm is called Feerchet Nrr-gern.  

Word Components

You may use the Kyadii Dictionary for looking up individual word. And see the Rarshk Language and Pronunciation Guide if you wish to try and say these words correctly.   But here are them broken down in summary:  
  1. Feerchet:
    "the sun", from feer (translating as 'fire' or 'flame') and chet (translating as 'sky' or 'skies').
  2. Nrr-gern:
    "illness", "unwell", from nrr (translating as 'not'), and "gern" (translating as 'good' or 'well').
Chronicler's Note:
You may not be aware that the Kyadii do not mind people mispronouncing their language. Most of them, anyway! However, be warned, they do find it a source of genuine amusement, even though they are glad you tried.


Which Kyadii?

In this document, "Kyadii" refers to Deenfeiss Leen, or to use the crude description afforded by the Common Tongue, "Snowcats".  

Defining "Heat"

While they likely could not live long at the Glàsdei-an-Ormà, where Elementally-cold temperatures reside, Frostplain is still known to create ice that breaks many picks. Yet that is where these Kyadii live and hunt.   Thus, when discussing "heat" - both we and the Kyadii are referring to temperatures closer to that point when river surfaces melt. This is defined as "cold" or, "freezing" by many people groups.
Chronicler's Note:
Readers of other races should be made aware that the term "heat" is relative to any creature's or person's acclimatisation. Even a Parànt stationed North of The Forest of Doon may cope with cold temperatures better than those who have lived in, and never left Bezélan.

The Progress of KHO

In the event you are reading this document in order to treat a Kyadd, please move directly to Treating KHO. There you can match symptoms to treatment.   If you are researching or simply curious, you can use simple Magicks to reveal the information hidden below.   Triggering the On-set

Triggering the On-set

As Deenfeiss Kyadii do not become warmer as a result of illnesses common to the Frozen North, KHO is triggered by external factors - most notably the climate and weather.   Were a Kyadd to journey Southwards beyond their usual territory, they would encounter warmer weather. If a naturally-occurring heat event or a "manufactured" fire or heat reaction were to spread Northwards, this could have a similar effect.   Thus KHO is triggered when a Kyadd who is normally accustomed to exceedingly-cold temperatures is introduced, in one way or another, to warmer (or "less cold") ones.   How Quickly Can Symptoms Develop?
Instantly, within hours, or after a day. It affects each sufferer differently.
  Early Symptoms

Early Symptoms

In the early stages of KHO, Kyadii react to the change in atmospheric temperatures in a similar way to allergies other races encounter. e.g.
  • Itchy Eyes
  • Mild Headaches or pressure
  • Itchier skin and fur
If would benefit the non-Kyadii healer to be aware of this similarity as it can help to guide them to an appropriate treatment or reversing methodology.
Chronicler's Note:
I have both read, and witnessed, that the Kyadii are likely to deny anything being wrong during this phase.   Even Parànti allergy-sufferers will (usually) continue their paid employment, making their deliveries and a whole manner of things and accept no aid.   Much more then, is the proud, tribal Kyadd's opinion of so-called "Weaknesses". Oftentimes, it will be their pride which is wounded, opening up the way for treatment. If only other races could learn that laying down pride can result in healing.
  Later Developments

Later Developments

If the Kyadd is still exposed to the same meteorological and atmospheric conditions that triggered KHO, then their symptoms will not only persist, but also worsen.  
  • Heat-blindness:
    The Kyadd's normally strong vision may become completely obscured, regardless of whether it's day- or night-time *.
  • Head-spears:
    A term translated from Rarshk to mean "intense stabbing pains", head-spears become distressing and may even result in the afflicted patient crying. If this is the case, do not attempt to comfort them. Respect their distance as they may also feel humiliated for having cried.
  • Chronic Scratching:
    The slight itchiness becomes overwhelmingly irritating, which in turn may lead to blood loss from scratching their own bodies. This has been known, on occasions, to appear deranged, but it is a physical reaction to a change in their body's temperatures.
At this point, action and or treatment is no longer advisable, but is necessary. KHO is reversible, so long as action is taken soon enough.   However, you cannot be seen to be moving a Kyadd who is unwilling. The more force employed, the less likely it is that the Kyadd will agree to treatment.   * Never assume the Kyadd is weak, or even weaker. As far as we know, KHO does not affect their senses of smell nor hearing. However, it does lower their defences by way of vision and distraction.

If Left Untreated

If a Kyadd is not treated, or risks mitigated in some way, various symptoms may emerge or worsen. But the precise effects vary Kyadd-to-Kyadd and we are not yet certain why this is the case.   Here are those symptoms that can become permanent and any one Kyadd may have one or multiple of them.  
Permanent Blindness
This may be partial or total blindness. Their pupils dilate to be more oval-shaped than diamond-shaped. A partially-blinded Kyadd is more dangerous than a completely blind one, for partial blindness leads to distances being misjudged, people misunderstood, or mistaken for others and an over-reliance on making the most of the eyes, rather than enhancing other senses.
Heightened Frost Risk
To a Deenfeiss Kyadd, there is rarely a risk of the weather being "too cold". However, KHO changes how their skin reacts to the climate, making them more sensitive to the cold when they return home. The longer a Deenfeiss Kyadd is away from the cold, the greater their Frost Risk becomes. Some may not make it back home.
Claw Degradation and Skin Irritation
We believe these are linked, as KHO can cause the Kyadd's skin to become flaky, with their claws slowly degrading in a similar fashion.   If they have both of these symptoms, be aware that the sufferer may also exhibit frustration and self-directed anger as they are less able to scratch where they itch.
Mental Health Impacts:
As we have already alluded to it, KHO has effects on a Kyadd's mental well-being. While we could describe the outworkings of this, we would rather advise people to be sensitive to the sufferer. KHO looks different depending on the Kyadd who has developed it, so anyone close to a sufferer (for suffering it is) must be an active listener, both to what is said and what is not said. If you seek to help such a Kyadd, do not suggest doing anything they would normally do for themselves, unless they have reached the conclusion themselves, that such intervention is necessary.

Treating KHO

Kyadii Heat Overwhelm is a condition where the best treatment is not actually treatment. That is because the root cause is not external factors (the weather/climate or temperature) but by being in those conditions. In short, it is caused by their actions. Therefore, the best "treatment" is to reverse the actions.  


By far, the best form of "treatment" is to return the Kyadd to their homeland, or as close to it as possible. If they need, or want, company from nearby settlements or peoplegroups, then these should be carefully arranged.  
Chronicler's Note:
This is vital, in fact. You are not shunning them, excluding them or pushing them off your land. You are helping them heal. "Relocation" should be considered a treatment, not an excuse to abandon them.
  It may take the Kyadd a day or two to recover. Longer if the symptoms have been more violent, or for a few days. If relocated within two days of the onset of symptoms, full healing is usually feasible.  
In the Case of Longer Exposure
Beyond the two days, we have observed the following outcomes (so far):  
  1. Longer Recovery Period:
    While two days' of symptoms takes approximately two days' of healing, beyond that the number of recover days lengthens per exposure days. While we have no evidence of exponential figures, it is definitely not linear.

  2. Symptoms Becoming Permanent
    Some Kyadii may be left with permanent effects of KHO. See If Left Untreated for some of these effects. Many are on a sliding scale (slightly-affected eyesight to permanent blindness, for example).

Ice and/or Shelter

As a temporary measure, provision of Ice (physical or Elemental) can slow KHO's impact on the Kyadii patient. Ensure as much body fur is in direct contact with the ice, or that the wind blows from the ice to the Kyadd (to create a frosty breeze).   As every slight decrease in exposure makes a difference to a suffering Kyadd, removing them to a shaded area (with their permission) should also help. Shadows created by hills, or shade from trees or buildings may all yield lower temperatures than that which is causing KHO.  

Ice From Spellcraft

There is no indication that spellcraft has a greater or lesser impact than physical ice, but it may be more convenient - not to say quicker.   Be sure to use regenerative methods to maintain the colder airflow.
If using spellcraft, both Aevyen (Air) and Ousii (Waters) are required for effective Ice, or Ice-effect incantations. This may require more than one mage, or a specially-gifted one.


  • Can Other Kyadii Catch KHO from a Sufferer?
    No. It is not infectious, even from someone with permanent effects.

  • Do the Parrtrof Teeg have a similar illness when faced with cold weather?
    We have not researched this yet, so cannot say for certain. Very few of those Kyadii stray too far North anyway. I will recommend the issue be addressed for the sake of completeness.

  • Can a Kyadd Acclimatise?
    This depends on two factors: the age they begin to live in a new temperature and how quickly they were introduced to it. Young Kyadii adjust fairly well (Klor'asq is one example), but it takes older ones much longer. If a Deenfeiss Kyadd gradually moves Southwards, they can probably, very slowly adapt. But it is highly unusual for either clan to do so. Those Kyadii within Qal'ath's official territory have likely either been here since they were cubs or are offspring of those who have already adapted.
Article Sections
Affected Race
Deenfeiss Leen
Yes, if treated within approximately two days
Lasting Effects
One or multiple of:
  • Total or partial blindness
  • Heightened Frost-risk
  • Claw Degradation
  • Skin Irritation
  • Mental Health impacts
Affected Species

Featured In
While not named explicitly, KHO is evident in Skirmishes and Schisms, Chapter 6.   Or, to read it from the beginning, click/tap here:

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Rarshk is the native language of the Kyadii. What little we know and have translated is found here.


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