Prisonworld latebra Latebras History Timeline
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Latebras History

From the time before Latebra existed, till the present day.

Age of Survival

0 AC 87 AI

A short chaotic time, where confusion and death where prominent

  • 0 AS

    The Arrival
    Era beginning/end

    The arrival of the Elves upon Latebra, marking them as the first sentient inhabitants.

  • 13 AS

    Dwarven arrival
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dwarves found themselves left within the lands of Latebra. Faced with the dangers of the lands they aim for the safety of the mountains.

  • 26 AS

    Human arrival
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Human race finds their way into Latebra, scattered without any advantages on their side they faced decline and death for many years. Faced with hostile environments almost all pockets of humans perish over the years, only the humans of Salvos managed to preserve themselves.

  • 39 AS

    Orcish arrival
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Orcs are introduced into Latebra, lacking cohesion and other racial advantages besides a slightly better physique they struggle for a long time to gain an ancestral home for their race ultimately managing to found their own civilization within the Grukania Desert, by virtue of it being uncontested.

  • 52 AS

    Halfling Arrival
    Population Migration / Travel

    The @biel halblings-jolly folk meets with the unforgiving lands of latebra, though based on a whim, or some other plan, the drops them within two rater peaceful places.

  • 65 AS

    Keshar Arrival
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 68 AS

    First Divine Contact

    While ignoring Sitric whose presence was paramount to life on Latebra, the Eternal Empress became the first god of Latebra, as she held some power she was allowed to use, influencing the life on the Planet. She was the first of many gods to gain access to the planet and it´s inhabitants.

  • 69 AS

    Bad Awakening
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The day after the week long supernatural hedonistic frenzy all elves fell into. Confronted with the consequences of said event the elves firstly experienced danger to their survival and found ultimately hope under the leadership of the first leader of the elves, Sedonia, later revealed to be the Eternal Empress.

  • 71 AS

    Fiendish Invasion

    As Sitric was allowed to take part in the fate of Laterba The Trickster brought two other fiendish beings of power with him to take the roles of Latebras gods, namely Fe´Jask and Drahyrt.
      As was later discovered this event seemingly also brought some fiends with it which landed where would later be called Hells gate leading to the creation of the Flame Dressed.

  • 87 AS

    Goddesses' care

    To balance the amount of gods, based on their origin, two goddesses where brought to Latebra, taking over some duties and beginning to further guide the planet. These two being Badbiele and Albia.

Age of Gods / Age of Guidance

88 AI 912 AI

The time of godly guidance and prosperity

  • 88 AG

    Goddesses' care

    Until this time only the Eternal Empress had been fairly active. Now with two other goddesses, of celestial origins, working on influencing the planet, 2 of the remaining 3 Gods, of fiendish origin, started to show interest in taking part in the shaping of the mortal races, wishing not to be left behind by their competitors. Thus with their efforts ushering in the "Age of Guidance".

  • 127 AG

    Founding of the Empire

    Under the leadership of the Eternal Empress the elves, while in its infancy, founded the elven Empire o Gheldaron .

  • 289 AG

    Dwarven establishment

    Both the Dwarves on Salvos and Beregad found their respective kingdoms, while the Gheldaron dwarves have been purged by the Elves under the direction of their divine leader.

  • 313 AG

    Human coalition

    Faced with their grimm reality, the remaining humans decide to stand their ground, together. This was later named as the coalition of the 700 houses of the sun.

  • 330 AG

    Establishment of the Union

    The remaining Humans of Salvos band together on the Freed plains and found the Union.

  • 354 AG

    First war
    Military action

  • 543 AG

    First calling
    Disaster / Destruction

    Also "Calling of the Swarm". Introduction of the Angulians into the oceans of Latebra. The day the came is also known under the alias of "day of churning waters".

  • 598 AG

    Burborea fall

    Weakened by the efforts of the Empire to suppress them they lost the fight against the Anguillans and their cities were devoured by the swarm ending in their extinction.

  • 601 AG

    607 AG

    Latebras consumption
    Disaster / Destruction

    For the first time Latebras Breath hounds the coast, and therefore the introduction of Korgotelox. Under the crushing waves Navis is destroyed and swept away. Over the months and years, the coastline gets eroded shaping them into sturdy cliffsides.

  • 732 AG

    Day of unsullied Blades

    During the reign of the "then" current elevated families, they further sank into corruption and exploitations, nearing full-on exploitive tyranny. During these times there was much unrest within the population and the Everguard had been putting down unrest for weeks at this point. On this specific day the biggest revolt to date happened with almost the entire kesharic population participating. The Everguard, confronted with the will of the people, full in the know of their suffering decided to betray their duty and all their weapons were sheathed and laid aside and the common people were left to pass without resistance. Without the Everguard the elevated had nothing to protect them from the enraged masses and they were overwhelmed by the masses and ultimately punished, by the common people, for their crimes. The Everguard, rather than being disgraced, became a symbol of integrity and duty.

  • 827 AG

    The Two Flooding's
    Disaster / Destruction

    The flooding of the Ocean due to Latebras Breath and also the sudden flash flood in the Grukania Desert due to the long rainfall.

Years of Strife

913 AI 1043 AI

The time period filed with war and death, created by the gods.

  • 913 YS

    Conquest War / Mortal War
    Era beginning/end

    The Conquest war was the ultimate confrontations of the mortals under the guidance of their deities. It was a senseless conflict built on the greed of the gods. The suffering this incident caused dwarfed anything previously seen, marking it as the biggest tragedy of latebras history. The war ended only after dozens of years of conflict in a forced standstill as The Trickster restrained the actions of every involved being, mortal or god. Then followed the Council of dark days.

  • 1043 YS

    Council of Dark Days
    Gathering / Conference

    The anonymous meeting between mankind and gods after the end of the Conquest War.  Presided over and started by the Trickster himself, during the “long Dark”, held in pure darkness. With the power of the trickster nobody knew who was talking and for the first time ever the words of a mortal held as much weight as the ones of a god. Also known as “The Gods severing” or the “Mortal betrayal”, it ended with the restrictions of much of the Gods direct influence on the world. Not only the Eternal Empress was surprised at the insistence of the mortal races to be freed from the gods influence, much to the glee of the trickster. Mankind turned their back on the gods for the first time, truly gaining the power to decide their own fates. Here the famous quote “Thus I gave them a forest.” originates from as the eternal queen argued that the Elves where the first sentient race to call Latebra their home, making them special ... and the trickster answered in mockingly.

Age of Independence

1044 AI 2021 AI

The time period where the gods where forsaken and restricted by the mortals will

  • 1044 AI

    Dark Age´s Ending
    Era beginning/end

  • 1048 AI

    Noble Puppetdance
    Diplomatic action

  • 1555 AI

    1598 AI

    Show of Dominance

    A time period in Grukania History, spanning over 27 years. It features Hukog the severe´s coup and his rise to a tyrant until the demise of him and almost all of his bloodline, at the hands of Khraark the Giantsmasher.

  • 1957 AI

    Second calling

    Also "Calling of Blood". After a long time without interference of the Gods, the Trickster surprised Latebras inhabitants by announcing the inclusion of a new god and the migration of it´s followers upon Latebra. Thus River of Blood together with a sizable amount of loyal followers arrived on Latebra.

  • 1967 AI

    Awakening of the Killoren

    Here the Killoren emerged from the trees and the earth driven by fury and a desire to protect nature, they slaughtered the scientists that were studying the Gaea Tree before awakening from their frenzy. they then founded Enotel and claimed the Gaeas Forest as their territory proceeding to protect the Gaea Tree from thereon.

  • 1993 AI

    Northern Taming

    The Governing Body of the Union declares many favorable terms for any kind of northern reclamation and expansion ranging from financial support, peerage, temporary tax exemptions and many others. This kickstarted a wave of pioneers and nobles that hired worker and armies to tame the wild north.