Eternal Empress Character in Prisonworld Latebra | World Anvil
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Eternal Empress

Celestial goddess and Patron god of the Elves. Open ruler of the Elven Empire.
    Alignment: (Lawful Evil)
To the Eternal Empress, a.k.a. “The Mother”, “Tyrant”, “Whore”, “Backstabber”, only power is worth protecting. The world of the Eternal Empress is one of magic, monsters and domination. The elven calendar began when the Eternal Empress first took the throne, and she is a figure who is, essentially, immortal. Over the centuries, she has consolidated her reign and expanded her empire, resulted in a division of the known world between the Empire and the Outer Reaches. After the great war of the long Dark the other gods decided to take over some of her portfolio to weaken her influence as she was the first higher entity to come onto the planet. Long before the Empire rose to its current level of power, there was a civilization known as the Burborea, which her armies exterminated, during the First calling  in a campaign to control the seas. While a goddess, the eternal Empress has an avatar in the world which is used by her to physically reign. The avatar is little more than a puppet. Like all higher beings of Latebra she is still at the mercy of The Trickster.
As the first worshipped Goddess she had the longest time to plan and to establish her influence.    
Unique Portfolio: Magic, Lust
  • Mother: Fertility, Discipline, Healing, Home, Knowledge, Life - Love Community, Dignity, Fate, Nature, Peace, Plants, Protection, Water
  • Tyrant: Conquest, Duty, Order, Tyranny, War - Victory Death, Justice, Nobility, Oceans, Wisdom
  • Whore: Beasts, Beauty, Lust, Liberty, Nighttime - Arts Darkness, Pain, Survival, Secrets, Travel
  • Backstabber: Betrayal, Murder, Trickery, Vengeance - Emotions Destruction, Intrigue, Madness, Tactics, Wealth
Holy books
Favored Objects
Wand, Goblet, Throne, Nightgown and Dagger  
Holy Symbols
Interweaving Strands forming a circle with one side being robust and thick and one being thin. Often the inside also depicts a female siluette siting on a Throne with a dagger in her hand and corpse at her feet.  
Tenets of faith
  Power over everything. Sacrifice for the greater Goal. Offer your everything to the power of your country.    
Divine Goal
Conquering all and holding onto power.  
General Physical Condition
As the only god to permanently reside within the sight and reach of mortals the appearance of the Eternal Empress has been known for long. The Eternal Empress always takes over an Avatar body who then changes to symbolize her being. An avatar body doesn´t age, but has any other need a normal mortal has. As the goddess of lust and fertility she has used her body more than once to procreate with mortals and has sired a couple of holy Children of both genders. Despite that she has never been seen with a pregnant belly and is always portrayed as the perfect example of beauty. She has a cold expression and silver hair. Her Eyes are lilac and have a soul-piercing gaze. She always wears a slightly see-through gown and a silver belt with a silver dagger.  
Personal History
As her domain is strongly pointed to conquering and victory at any cost, she was well received by anyone going for revenge or anyone fighting for survival, but ones in good standing with good lives find her teachings oppressive and cruel. Many call on her in their darkest hour but turn away when their lives become good and stable. As her Way of doing provides her with many enemies and she is an eternal Conqueror, she was seen as a danger and was ultimately defeated. The Trickster appeared in front of her at her own darkest moment and provided her with a chance at survival. She took the deal and became a servant of the Trickster and was allowed to start anew in Latebra. The elves were weak minded with much wasted potential so she chose them to be her people and army.  
Her lust to conquer and control are well known.  
  Likes: Obedience and talent. Gaining power. Dislikes: The opposite.  
Arcana, Beauty, Darkness, Knowledge, Life, Nature, Order, Trickery, Twilight and War  
Divine Influence
Clerics who have the most direct connection to deities are impacted by the unusual close connection between mortals and gods on Latebra
While you are below half health all your spells attack rolls gain a -1 and others gain a +1 to to their saving throws while above half their Health.
While you are above half health all your spells attack rolls gain a +1 and others gain a -1 to to their saving throws while below half their Health.

Character Portrait image: by Psikerlord


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