Kaelyn Ar'Khalis Character in Pondera | World Anvil

Kaelyn Ar'Khalis

Lady Kaelyn Ar'Khalis (a.k.a. The Gold)

The leader of Aurellion, even though her adventuring party back in the day set it up, she has become the prime custodian, making the day to day operations flow for adventurers all over the world.


Contacts & Relations

Violet Shadowdirk, old adventuring partner.

Family Ties

Wife: Anne Ar'Khalis, half orc cleric of Calpricis Aufor of the Sun.
Son: (born 592 AC) Florence Ar'Khalis, half orc gold dragon bloodline.
Daughter: (born 599 AC) Jessamine Dai'Gishkin, Gold Dragonborn Celestial bloodline.
Adopted Daughter: (born 594 AC) Juniper Ar'Khalis, human silver dragon bloodline.
Adopted Daughter: (born 595 AC) Kassia Ar'Khalis, high elf bronze dragon bloodline.
Year of Birth
570 AC 55 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born as a half elf, Kaelyn boasts scales of gold due to gold dragon lineage.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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