Vita Points Physical / Metaphysical Law in Pandemonium | World Anvil
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Vita Points

The human body has 7 points, called various things by varied groups, through which vita flows and empowers life. Every living thing has vita points, whether flora or fauna. Through experience they can open their points and gain knowledge of themselves and the world around them. Opening these points grants greater abilities but empowering them with vita grants power. Known by many organizations, each by their own names. The vita points are root, sacral, plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown. The first to discover their use were the Colacho, followed by those who would eventually become the Church of the Great Mother, the Druid Circles, and the Sartrix Fellowships. And the abilities that come with their exploitation vary greatly.  


The Colacho refer to them as Malochio, and their use and manipulation as Maledictions. Their power comes from an outside source, the Gabyun. The malochio are wrath, gluttony, greed, envy, pride, lust, and sloth.   The Church refer to them as Gates, and their use and manipulation as Miracles. Their power comes from an outside source, the Gods. The gates are patience, temperance, charity, kindness, humility, chastity, and diligence.   The Druids refer to them as Seeds, and their use and manipulation as Reaping. Their power comes from an outside source within the Dreamscape. The seeds are birth, life, land, sea, death, sky, and paradise.   The Sartrix refer to them as Ojo, and their use and manipulation as Stitching. Their power comes from within, powered by motion. The ojo are body, mind, earth, water, fire, air, and soul. The schools they dedicate to this practice are metamorphosis, hypnosis, manifestation, abjuration, evocation, divination, and astrology.   Gradually gaining more power with progression, the points can be opened to allow the flow of vita, empowered with vita, concentrated to magnify the potency, and elevated to achieve heights only known to the gods.  

Other Methods

For those who do not belong to one of these organizations power is still within their reach. By meditating to seek inner peace while facing in the correct direction, one can open their points. In point order, the practitioner must face above, below, north, west, south, east, and within. Doing so may help open the corresponding vita point for the first time. Similarly, one can paint a circle on a corresponding point of their hand to aide in opening their points for the first time. This would be the wrist, thumb, middle, pinky, index, ring, and palm. Using the right gemstone in the right manner can allow the user to empower and even concentrate vita in a point. The most effective gems, in point order, are the garnet, opal, sapphire, pearl, ruby, amethyst, and jade.  


Open Empower Concentrate Elevate
Root Abilities Perceptions Transform Duplicate
Sacral Hallucinate Enchant Enthrall Mimic
Plexus Body Aura Mind Aura Spirit Aura Vita Aura
Heart Body Effect Mind Effect Spirit Effect Vita Effect
Throat Element Def Element Off Second Element Amplify Element
Third Eye Telekinetic Telepathy Empathy Premonition
Crown Astral Touch Astral Project Dream Walk Ascend
Metaphysical, Divine


Less complex life forms have fewer and different vita points. While humans have seven points, animals and Gigantir only have three. Plant life and insects have two points. These are the core, jewel, and spark.

Articles under Vita Points


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