Pippo Rex Character in Pacem | World Anvil
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Pippo Rex

Golden King of the Rex Kingdom

King Pippo Pippo Alexander Rex (a.k.a. King Pip)

The first royal family human born in Pacem, Pippo was a beloved leader of The Rex Kingdom who ushered in a variety of improvements that have made the Kingdom the force that it is today. He was also one of the first humans to exhibit Magyk and is still considered one of the most advanced users that has ever existed in the Rex Kingdom. His death is one of the great mysteries of the kingdom and to this day amateur sleuths will set about trying to solve the murder of Pippo.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pippo was shorter than many of the humans that had come from Earth were. This is blamed due to the lack of consistent nutrition for people to Pacem. Regardless he was still an imposing figure with his well-defined muscular features often drawing the appreciation from the women and men of Rex Kingdom.

Body Features

Pippo's body was always a healthy tan even though when appearing in public he usually covered his body to avoid direct sunlight. His fingers were often red from his constant experiments with fire Magyk. Other than that he was a very conventionally attractive man with dozens of admirers across the kingdom.

Facial Features

Keeping his features well trimmed Pippo ensured that the focus of his face was his intense eyes. A thin mustache decorated his upper lip.

Identifying Characteristics

There was a scar on his right shoulder from one of the first times he experimented with his Magyk abilities. Initially, he took great pains to hide this feature but after becoming the king he wore it with pride. He hoped that this would inspire others to not fear their abilities and to take risks when trying to expand their knowledge.

Physical quirks

Due to the pain that the Magyk caused him, Pippo often walked quite slow compared to those around him. He learned how to redirect this into appearing to ponderous and kingly to those who observed him. He also was quite deliberate about what he touched and with what part of his body. Everything he did was measured against how much pain it could cause him.

Special abilities

Pippo's command of his Magyk abilities was rivaled by none within The Rex Kingdom. He was constantly introducing the populace to new ways of using the Magyk, new specializations, or combinations of two known traits. Still regarded as the father of modern Magyk practice decades later Pippo blazed the trail that many humans have tried to follow and failed. Some believe that there will never be another willing to sacrifice as much as Pippo did to further the knowledge of this mysterious power.

Apparel & Accessories

Pippo was the first to introduce quite a few changes to the royal wardrobe. His father was far more occupied with founding the empire so Pippo didn't mind refining the edges of the kingdom while his father handled the bigger picture. He created the royal crest, named the official colors of the crown gold and purple, and hired tailors to come and do measurements for all members of his family. He would spend more on clothes that didn't irritate his skin to keep him as comfortable as possible. He could often be found wearing the finest linens even during the hottest days. His fashion sense still influences the style of The Rex Kingdom to this day.

Specialized Equipment

Pippo found an herb that would dull his nerves to the point he could feel and touch without pain. He kept a cache of these plants in one of the hidden rooms of the Citadel and that allowed him to be a more affectionate husband or hands-on ruler. This herb also let him explore the very limits of his Magyk abilities and when he became restless ruling the kingdom he would self medicate and test his limits until he passed out from exhaustion or pain.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pippo was a renowned ruler for the Rex Kingdom. From an early age his father, Maffeo Rex, involved Pippo in many aspects of ruling the kingdom. Pippo was a gifted child and at the age of 11 began to thoroughly involve himself in refining the basic framework his father had put together. Disagreeing with his father's policy of doing everything himself Pippo began to empower the noble families serving the royal family to step up and be more of a force in the governance of the Rex Kingdom. He is credited with founding the current pseudo-feudalistic system that now exists within the Rex Kingdom.   Pippo is also the first human to exhibit the trait now known as Magyk. It was quite a shock to his parents when his powers first manifested. Pippo quickly mastered his abilities and used them to enforce his authority when diplomatic means would not work. His specialization was in fire Magyk and many people called him "The Human Dragon". Pippo was beloved by the common people for his firm but loving leadership style. His improvements to the city of Earth made it far more pleasant to live in and fueled by a migration of the defeated southern tribes lead to the city becoming one of the largest metropolises in the world of Pacem.

Gender Identity



Rumors persisted that Pippo was bisexual for his entire life. He never explicitly went out of his way to deny these rumors but they substantially dropped in popularity after his marriage to Azure Rex.


Pippo was trained by the best tutors money could buy with Maffeo Rex not sparing a dime to ensure his son was the most well-rounded prince possible. Pippo also taught himself how to control the abilities that having Magyk bestowed him with. His tenacity to learn the interactives of Magyk have yet to be surpassed by any human since.


Pippo served as first crown prince and then king of The Rex Kingdom.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Pippo reformed the feudal system introduced by Maffeo Rex to more effectively serve the needs of the kingdom. By improving the quality of life for those living in the Capital city of Earth he cemented the Rex Kingdom as a nation would survive for years. He also founded the Royal Guard corp to protect the royal family and provide promotion opportunities for the most accomplished soldiers. Pippo negotiated trade deals with neighboring nations to ensure that the industrial complex of the Kingdom didn't grind to a halt. He excelled in his mastery of his Magyk blood and became the peak all humans aspire to replicate.

Failures & Embarrassments

Pippo was relatively quiet about his personal life while ruling the kingdom. People were aware of a few of his stumbles but most were not notable to be remembered by history. He also spent a great deal of time ensuring that the news that was spread about him was flattering.
That being said those who were within his inner circle knew of the few slips. His failed pursuit of a noble families daughter, the war that was almost declared against the and how his dabbling in the properties of Magyk almost drove him insane.

Mental Trauma

Quote recorded by Queen Azure Rex in 39 R.D.

I saw it Azure, I saw the source of the Magyk. I beg of you to never let me journey to such a place ever again for I fear I may not return. -Pippo Rex

Intellectual Characteristics

Pippo was a man with a deep-seated curiosity to know as much about the world that he inhabited as possible. His father and mother's inability to give him much knowledge of the world outside the castle walls drove him to analyze every single angle in search of some hidden truth. This extended not only to factual knowledge but to relationships, diplomacy, and his study of Magyk. Pippo was particulary fond of playing music while he studied and could often be found in the Citadel simply by following the sound of music emanating from one of the rooms.

Morality & Philosophy

Quote after the opening of the History of Humanity Library
The Rex Kingdom will not advance by plowing through every obstacle that presents itself. We must improve, adapt, and then overcome these obstacles. Only through perfecting the things that make us human will we be able to live in peace. We must stand together, now and forever, to ensure that the future of humanity is one that we are proud to be a part of!


All royal guards, butlers, and maids to the palace were explicitly informed that they should under no circumstances ever physically touch Pippo. Even his wife had to ensure he was very aware of her presence before touching him. Pippo blamed this on always fearing an assassination attempt to those he wasn't close to but to his confidantes, it was due to the extreme pain the Magyk in his blood caused him when anyone touched him. Only through intense focus was he able to be affectionate around his wife. As he advanced in his understanding of Magyk this pain only became more acute.

Personality Characteristics


Pippo's grand desire was to create the kingdom his father dreamed of having. To this end, he studied every single source of information to make The Rex Kingdom as perfect as a human kingdom can be. While he pursued this goal publicly, internally he was desperate to understand the Magyk abilities that had manifested within his body. Long hours spent alone exploring the powers at his fingertips kept him away from his bed for days but when he made a breakthrough he would refine it until he could show the whole kingdom. His only fear was not being able to pass along this accrued knowledge to the next generation.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Loved playing instruments, especially the lute. A master Magyk user and a refined scholar.

Likes & Dislikes

Loved making new discoveries and refining existing knowledge. Friendly debates and long discourse would distract him from his kingly duties for hours.
Could often not stand to be touched due to the pain that this caused him, preferred to not have to deal with all the pomp of being a king and just down to ruling.

Virtues & Personality perks

Extremely dedicated to whatever task was set before him. Was empathetic of those around him and tried to be considerate in the language he used as necessary to the group he was addressing.

Vices & Personality flaws

Could consider those of lower intelligence below him and disregard their concerns. Those obsessed with status and power angered him greatly. Thought that he was the supreme Magyk user for all of The Rex Kingdom.

Personality Quirks

When he was irritated sparks would occasionally fly from his fingertips. When he was especially happy it was said that light itself would emanate from his body. The most public occurrence of this was during his marriage ceremony to Azure Rex.


Pippo was obsessive about his cleanliness and often took two or more baths a day. The cool water eased the pain he felt oftentimes and reduced the amount of dirt that could irritate his skin. This regiment was also a long process as he had to be extremely precise with how he washed himself to avoid causing himself more pain.


Contacts & Relations

Pippo was a visible ambassador of The Rex Kingdom. He often invited and hosted foreign leaders at his Citadel. Thus his contact network was vast and quite well-informed.
His dabbling in Magyk also lead to encounters that few ever heard about besides Azure Rex. These contacts would guide his discoveries, influence decisions, and inspire him to make changes in how he utilized Magyk.

Family Ties

His father Maffeo Rex was a huge influence on young Pippo and he eagerly learned as much as he could from his father. Queen Cristina Rex adored her son and when he wasn't trying to help his father rule The Rex Kingdom she was spoiling him with attention.
His wife Azure Rex entered his life unexpectedly but from the very beginning, the two of them had a connection that went beyond physical. Before they were married they would stay up long into the night discussing a wide range of topics. Their marriage was a strong foundation for him and allowed him to truly commit himself to his research while she handled the day to day aspects of ruling a kingdom.

Religious Views

Pippo believed that there was a being out there that had bestowed Magyk upon him and he endlessly searched for evidence of this being.

Social Aptitude

Pippo was an ideal king in public. Handsome, charismatic, and commanding he easily could sway crowds with his words. As a diplomat, he would change like a chameleon to adapt to whatever manners were required to appease the guest of the crown. The only times he stumbled over his refined kingly guise was when new information was being reported to him or he was discovering something totally foreign to what anyone knew. In these cases, he was as excited as a child and would speak in a high-speed rambling manner.


Pippo would often place both of his hands before himself interlocking the fingers as he listened and thought on what was being told to him. He was deliberate to a fault about his actions and this often led to people believing he was seriously considering every action he made which wasn't far from the truth.

Hobbies & Pets

Late at night, he would have the servants drag large bales of grass into empty courtyards where he would spend hours practicing different Magyk abilities. This often kept much of the Citadel awake at night either due to the noise or the fear that the king had blown himself up.


Able to change the tone, inflection, and pitch of his voice on a whim Pippo would adapt to whatever audience he was addressing. He was fond of giving inspiring speeches to the masses and would never shy away from offering a word of advice to those who requested it. When practicing his Magyk he was well-known for shouting obscenities every five to ten minutes.


Cristina Rex

Mother (Vital)

Towards Pippo Rex



Pippo Rex

Son (Vital)

Towards Cristina Rex




The first prince of the Rex Kingdom was pampered by his mother long into his life. When he displayed Magyk abilities she did everything in her power to nurture his curiosity while trying to also protect him. Throughout his rule, he would refer to his mother for guidance and perspective.

Wealth & Financial state

Pippo was able to benefit from his father's miserly ways and distributed the treasury smartly. Ensuring that public works, kingdom upkeep, military wages, and then a personal fund were all carefully managed. As he aged he became more generous with the money and often would donate to citizens who approached him with ideas to improve Earth or The Rex Kingdom. He was able to raise the tax rate as well due to the publics huge respect for his policies and forethought. Pippo ensured that the kingdom would be very healthy in the gold department for decades to come.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Crown Prince of The Rex Kingdom.
King of The Rex Kingdom
9 R.D. 45 R.D. 36 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Pippo was the first royal family member born on Pacem.
Circumstances of Death
Discovered dead in his quarters with a green liquid seeping from his open mouth, to this day there exist conspiracy theories about who murdered the King.
Current Residence
Burning green/gold
Kept long and tied in the back with a piece of string
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A healthy tan
187 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
The only limit on human potential is time.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Human Common

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