Student Poetry

The following is an extract from a poem written by the Minoran, Peacekeeper Moon W'Low, and was confiscated from him because he started reading it to "his love" in front of the other students in his class and caused both them and his teacher great distress.   It is hand-written (using an archaic style) into paper which Moon W'Low constructed himself. It is rumoured they planned to gift the "poetry" to the subject of it after the dramatic reading, but they were stopped before it reached that point. There are 12 pages of poetry, the below is just a taste of it.  
Like Winter grass dewing
on a bright summer morn,
You are more lovely
than the dawn.

Your face is so pretty
with feathers bright,
I want you to be
mine tonight

I ache for you like a child
who ate too much Rantis
My stomach hurts and I feel sick
But I know that you want this

Behind the cafeteria
I'll wait for you
Where I'll kiss your beak
Until it turns blue

I know your smell
Is an acquired taste
But the love I feel
Shouldn't go to waste

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Culture Peacekeeper, Primian, Pachian
Locations P'Ache Prime, Space Station One, P'Ache Solar System, Peacekeeper Territories
Item type
Book / Document
Creation Date
6in x 11in


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