Fiend Ethnicity in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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A fiend is a creature native to the Lower Planes or their adjacent parts of the Liminal Plane. They are, as a rule, almost wholly evil-aligned.    Fiends are split into three major categories: chaotic-aligned demons, lawful-aligned devils, and yugoloths, which serve as a neutral force between the two. Demons and devils have been sworn enemies since each were created; the Blood Wars are fought eternally between them across the Lower Planes, the Liminal Plane, and even parts of the Material Plane.   Most fiends are pure evil energy, crawling out of the various pools, swamps, and pits of the Lower Planes whenever their Archdevil or Demon Lord masters have the power to create them. These can range from the smallest Imp to unique and powerful creatures like the Machine of the Nexus.   Some demons and devils, however, were once mortals themselves, transformed by evil deeds in life or by deals made with more powerful fiends. These are the lowest-ranking and most miserable creatures in the Lower Planes, eternally used as fodder for the amusement of more powerful fiends or for the front lines of the Blood Wars.   Fiends of all types see little inherent worth in mortals beyond the power they can provide them. Demons gain their power from consuming and destroying mortal souls, sending them to be recycled over and over again in the misery of The Abyss. Devils, instead, gain power when mortals willingly hand over control of their souls to them. A devil can only rise up in the strict hierarchies of the Nine Hells with a sufficient cohort of other devils beneath them, giving them a vested interest in recruiting mortals to their cause after death. (Yugoloths tend not to interact with mortals, preferring instead to gain power directly from exploiting the conflict between devils and demons.)

Cover image: by Trollinho


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