The Continent of Nosferia Geographic Location in Nosferia | World Anvil

The Continent of Nosferia

"Luck was on our side when we built this empire. The land is prime for what we need. Shores for fishing, mountains for defending our capital. Plenty of division between us and those who would seek to take from us what we have built. We'll see them coming, and they will think twice about trying to take our land from us." - High Lord Admiral Fendral Overton in a strategic meeting with the council of Five Regents, the high Chancellor, and The Emperor following Nosferia's establishment


Nosferia is a continent predominantly surrounded by water. The ocean touches the continent from it's north western most shores of Harlea, stretching all the way down along Passaro to its southern most bay of Vrykolia and ending at the border with the dessert wastes of Carcaan. It's eastern fringes are savannas that slowly turn to dessert with only a few rivers running through. The west is mainly hills, plains and forrests, with some fjords and ridges towards the north. The south in Vrykolia is a collection of rivers, valleys, and beaches looking out into the bay of Vrykolia. To the north, a range of mountains and thick forrests divides the heartland from the bordering territories of Drakotsk, a land ruled by Dragon tribes. Further inland, Nosferia grows mountainous. Its heartland is host to valleys, crags, and mountain ranges that dip off into deep forests and swamps.

Fauna & Flora

As Nosferia exists in a state of perpetual overcast, most of the flora of the continent has been eased along with magic to adapt to the lack of direct sunlight. As a result, most of the leaves and flowers of the region have a considerably darker color pallet than most other lands in the world. The forests in Nosferia are thick and mostly located further inland. The lands surrounding Nosferia's heartland aside from Yama-Do are mostly lush grasslands, with a few small forests. Yama-Do's desserts and savannas are occasionally host to succulents and palm trees that mark oasis's far removed from the marked roads of the region. Additionally, many wild flowers and weeds particularly useful for poisons can be found quite frequently in the fields and forests of the continent now. The climate of Nosferia being in the state that it is has caused much of the fauna in the empire to be overrun with beasts that were primarily nightwalking creatures. Dire animals are also quite frequent outside of more populated areas and those who predominantly hunt as their trade deal with a good amount of risk given the things that stalk the dense woods in the nation. Dire wolves, bears, bats, boar, elk, and other animals typically keep the more ferocious, unnatural predators in line, though Imperially sanctioned monster hunters do make a good amount of coin dispatching the undead, aberrations, and other manner of nightwalking breeds that stalk the wilds of Nosferia. Deer, birds, boars, and most mundane animals can be found but often make themselves scarce or tend to be more territorial in the face of the dangers they typically face.

Natural Resources

The empire keeps a great deal of farmlands fertile all year round. They seek to maintain a well fed and healthy populace as best as possible in order to keep blood production steady. In addition to its farmlands, the land has extensive ore veins that are regularly mined to supply the empire with materials for building and forging. Hundreds of mines exist all throughout the empire. Coal, iron, gold, copper, and other materials can be found. Silver is quite common, however most silver mines are either abandoned if little or no record of their existence is found, or they are heavily guarded as silver is an illegal substance.
Alternative Name(s)
Formerly the continent of Eirisfera
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