Yama-Do Geographic Location in Nosferia | World Anvil


Yama-Do is known as The Eastern Bastion. It is a predominantly arid region bordering Balacav that grows progressively warmer as it wraps around the south to the eastern border of Vrykolia. The dessert of Carcaan to the far east of Yama-Do is infested with a no man’s land of beasts, undead, and Infernal creatures. There an ancient empire once stood before a cataclysm erased it from the world and made the area nearly uninhabitable and left a weakness in the veil between worlds. As such, Yama-Do is heavily militarized. Those who guard the region often train in mounted combat. A multitude of creatures are tamed to curb the invading creatures from horses and camels to burrowing death worms and sand drakes. Additionally, Yama-Do is the Empire’s diplomatic connection with the Darkelves of the Underdark beneath Nosferia. A massive city known as The Maw encircles a gigantic cavern mouth housing a great trade road to the underdark in the north of Yama-Do. Much of the Empire's trade with The Dar'Va Lang of the Underdark is conducted in Yama-Do. It is the largest region in Nosferia and the most sparsely populated region because of it. The Nosferian Cavalry takes long patrol routes up and down the region that stretch on for days. Batu Acharya is the governor of Yama-Do. He is the most active of the imperial council and the oldest vampire amongst them aside from Emperor Argol himself. Often he is found with his own elite guard leading charges into battle against the foreign beasts that stalk the eastern fringes. Very seldom is he seen without his thick plated armor on and his guard maintains a close position to him at all times. Batu’s guard consists of twenty cavalry trained women who are each one of his sired daughters. They have never failed in combat. They are known as the Tsusny Okhin and they are responsible for many of the successful conquests of The Emperor’s war to unify Nosferia. Acharya’s advisors constantly seek to make him retire from warfare, but the old vampire refuses to do so. The region is often preparing for his death and the ascension of one of his daughters to regency.


Yama-Do stretches from the far northern reaches of the empire all the way south to the end of Vrykolia. To the west, the land is covered with vast grasslands and savanas that stretch out into the deserts. A number of small mountain clusters, barren plateaus, and some crags lay throughout the desserts in Yama-Do. A few Oasis can be found with only two major rivers flowing into the region. These are where most of the settlements and cities in Yama-Do tend to be set.

Fauna & Flora

Yama-Do's plant life is sparse. Some cacti are found in the desserts and palm trees can be found near the rivers and Oasis. The grasslands closer to the west have some stone pines scattered about, but no Forrest or thick brush exists in the region. Animal life consists of some large cat breeds in the savanas and grasslands, massive predatory insects and lizards that stalk the dessert, and some sand Drake's and wyverns that hide in caves and beneath the sands. Most dangerous are the creatures that slip past the guardians of the Eastern fringes and hunt the locals for sport.

Natural Resources

Yama-Do's resources are more sparse than the other regions of the Empire. Very little farmlands have been cultivated to feed the unturned people's of the land and most of the creatures that live there are too lethal to viably hunt. Yama-Do's primary resource is it's iron ore, mined from the mountains, crags, caves, and plateaus that is refined and turned to steel for weaponry.
Alternative Name(s)
The Eastern Bastion
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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