Passaro Geographic Location in Nosferia | World Anvil


Passaro is where much of the nations prisons and its fortresses in defence of the empire against naval assault are located. It is not the only place where prisons have been built, but over a dozen prisons are located there whereas only a few exist within the other regions of Nosferia. It was the last of the kingdoms to fall to Emperor Argol’s fortresses during his conquest of the continent. Argol’s forces had a great deal of difficulty conquering this region due to its people’s martial prowess and tactical brilliance. Passaro also held some of the last bastions of resistance to Nosferian rule. As such, it had many prisons built to house those who fought against imperial rule. Vampires often jokingly refer to this region as “Wine Country” as a reference to the multitude of death row inmates imprisoned in Passaro who are drained of their blood to be served to the vampire populace. Dimitri De Paschiole is the governor of Passaro. He is known as the Warden of The West as he has full command over the navy, military, and law enforcement stationed within Passaro. He is the second youngest of the Nosferian high council as he was turned during the waning years of the emperor’s conquest as a part of a conversion campaign waged in the kingdom in an effort to snuff out resistance. In fact, Passaro has one of the highest vampire populations in the empire. This is because De Paschiole, with permission from the emperor, has given the prisoners of Passaro prisons the option to commute their sentences by being turned and conscripted into martial service. Not all prisoners choose this option, but those who have been given particularly long sentences for severe crimes that do not necessarily warrant execution.


Passaro is a vast land covered in grassy fields, rolling hills, and dotted with small forests. Several rivers running from the very peaks of bordering Balacav's mountains stretch like veins out through Passaro and into the sea. The region's shores are a mixture of steep cliff sides and pleasant beaches looking out onto the horizon.

Fauna & Flora

Passaro is a lush and surprisingly vibrant land in spite of the Shroud Spires there eliminating the benefit of direct sunlight. It is said that the vampire lords and ladies of the region spared no expense in ensuring that the plant life was properly treated with a mixture of alchemical concoctions as well as magical spell weaving that would allow for the land to remain beautiful, not just survive. Gardens owned by the state are quite common in the region and a testament to the vanity of the nobles there. Animal life is fairly mundane in most of Passaro, however, some dire animals and strange Fae beings are said to inhabit the small forests.

Natural Resources

Passaro is mainly farmland outside the cities, fortresses, and prisons there. Most of the farmlands are there for the sake of producing livestock used to feed the general populace. Animal livestock is not the only living resource however, as much of the Nosferian military is recruited here and the blood of criminals is often harvested in the prisons of Passaro. Other than standard food sources, there is a fair number of breweries located in the region. Various Beers, ales, and wines are created here in human, Elven, Dwarven, and Orcish fashions often times with a Vampiric twist. These spirits are usually sold from private breweries and vineyards to taverns all across the empire. Wine Country is not just a crass name for the land where prisoners are exsanguinated.
Alternative Name(s)
"Wine Country"
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Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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