Vrykolia Geographic Location in Nosferia | World Anvil


Vrykolia is nestled to the south of Passaro and as it is on the southern coast of the continent, it is filled with port towns and a few large port cities. Much of the foreign trade done with nations across the sea is inspected by ships from Passaro then checked in for trade in Vrykolia. The vast majority of The Empire’s academies both military and intellectual reside within Vrykolia. The governess, Lady Penelope, is a patron to both studies. Her predecessor was Lord Hyperion, a general that served as one of emperor Argol’s chief advisors during the unification war and also her father. After a what she felt was a demonstration of gross incompetence on his part, she challenged him to a duel and killed him. She ascended to her father’s position and outdid him to the point of becoming one of Argol’s most trusted advisors and counselors. She is also the only non vampire amongst the council of five in Emperor Argol’s court. Lady Penelope is a Werebear who has ruled over the region for the three hundred years which the empire has stood, an unusual lifespan for most Were creatures. As such, Vrykolia holds Were creatures in a higher regard than most other regions of Nosferia. Additionally, she has created her own elite force of Werebears known as the Arkoudanian Guard.


Vrykolia is a grassy region filled with ridges, fjords, and rivers flowing into the Bay of Vrykolia. Some small mountains are speckled to the north, with a number of small, tiered plateaus in between. Much of the land further in from the bay is below sea level, and the rainy season tends to be somewhat unkind to those unfortunate to live in the higher grounded areas as a result.

Fauna & Flora

Vrykolia is famous for its stone pines and cypres trees scattered about the landscapes. The few Forrest in the area are tinner than the more densely packed Forrest of Nosferia's North Western region's. Many of the wild creatures of Vrykolia are dire wolves and dire bears, however, it is one of the few region's in the nation to feature dire birds. Dire Eagles, Hawks, and vultures can be found I the more unpopulated areas, often nesting in cliffsides and the ridges of Fjords. While Dire vultures are more common towards the east near Yama-Do's border, the other large birds in Vrykolia are found all throughout the region. The caves and cattacombs of Vrykolia are particularly hazzardous as they tend to house Gorgons, Minotaurs, and malevolent Far presences.

Natural Resources

Vrykolia's resources are primarily farming, although there are some rich iron deposits in the south of the region. Much of the unturned population in Vrykolia is more prone to vegetarianism as the high population of Lycanthropes in the region and the well manned forts and military academies create a high demand for meat, thus making meat products in the region much more expensive. Fishing is quite common, however, during the colder seasons becomes hazzardous as some of the more predatory sea creatures from open water seek warmer water near the volcanic vents in the deepest parts of the bay.
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