Emperor Invictus Argol Character in Nosferia | World Anvil

Emperor Invictus Argol

Emperor Invictus Argol

Not much is known of Invictus Argol's origins. He is an old vampire who had little claim to fame or notoriety before The Unification War and Nosferia's founding. Invictus does not often make himself available to the public. Most of his will is carried out through his hands and The Council of Five Regents. What is known is that he is old enough to have multiple lifetimes worth of experience, and that he is an Ascendant Vampire. Reclusive as he is, Invictus makes some effort to be seen to dissuade any rumors that he is an ineffectual leader for one reason or another. As the leader of the empire and the chosen champion of Cattakhan, Invictus elects to spend the majority of his time steeped in the work of running Nosferia and contemplating its next moves.

Those who have witnessed him can confirm that he is a tall, imposing figure that is remarkably well spoken if he has anything to say at all. He speaks with the accent of a Harlean, though he bears some traces of Yama-doan heritage in his face. The irises of his eyes are crimson red. Long claws protrude from where his fingernails would be. His face bears a tired and grim expression nearly at all times. He is a well kempt individual that prefers elegant but simple clothing, a shaved head, and a well kept beard. A massive, slender bladed sword is always at his side that is of black steel. It has the shape of a large cross guarded fencing blade of sorts, and is believed to be a gift from the god Cattakhan himself. Some who lived during the Unification war have described his battle armor in great detail. It was heavy, ornately engraved and forged armor of dark steel. It bore no skulls or garish symbols of death, but it had carvings and markings upon it that were unlike any other armor ever seen before.

Now, Invictus has put his days of warfare behind him. Although, a historical duel in recent years with a skilled champion of The Continental People's Front recently demonstrated that his abilities have not diminished. As an Ascendant Vampire, Invictus has access to all of a vampire's typical abilities and many more powers that some mages spend years perfecting and cannot perform without a cost. He seldom overuses his abilities even as emperor. The Empire is vast and full of his agents, and he does not need to exert himself to ensure order. Those that force him to do so risk suffering a terrible fate for which they may not be prepared.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Emperor of Nosferia, Voice and Hand of Cattakhan, Uniter of Eirisfera, Lord of Vampirekind
Circumstances of Birth
Presumed to be Harlea
Current Residence
Shtrigia, capital city of Nosferia
Dark, but shaved down
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale at first glance, but with a slight brown tinge upon closer inspection
Ruled Locations


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