Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi Organization in Nilam | World Anvil

Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi

The Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi (or Dwarf-Drow Alliance) is a somewhat odd racially based political alliance/nation formed from the Drow dominated city of Lyath'Or and the now defunct Dwarven Confederacy. While technically anyone can try and live there, "Abbanshi," is very much a unitary nation centered on the Drow, Dwarven, and Duregari people.   Abbanshi tends to embody its old routes from the days of Lyath'Or and the Confederacy in that it is very insular from the rest of the continent despite its size. Though this insularity follows a period of imperialistic expansion and annexation in its early years as the Dwarves of the old Confederacy left their fallen realms for the northern plains and flatlands, very happily subjecting anyone who lived in these lands to their rule.   Abbanshi is primarily known around the continent as a racially stratified society that is mostly concerned with its people's continued advancement and safety. The nation allows anyone to visit and even move into its lands from nearly anywhere, but they soon find that unless they are of Drowish, Dwarvish, or Duregari descent that they will always be an "other" in a society that will largely tolerate them and often overlook their well being and talent.


Abbanshi was born out of the blood and chaos of the late Second Age and the Return. Many Dwarven and Duregari realms fell to the advancing armies of the Dark Drow and their abberations and undead servants. Even after The Blessed Dead reignited the sun and saved the world, the Dark Drow and their creatures remained in many Dwarven realms, no longer unified but nonetheless entrenched. As more and more Dwarves and Duregar fled the more mountainous realms they fled both into the Drow controlled Lyath'Or and the former and depopulated states of Halteri and the Nation of Ghosts. As some conflicts began to arise, a political alliance was declared between the former Dwarven lords and Xune, Queen of the Drow. This alliance would become Abbanshi as it formed in the years to come.

Demography and Population

As is probably obvious, the nation of Abbanshi is primarily made of Dwarves, Duregar, and Drow. Dwarves and Duregar vastly outnumber the Drow, who mostly reside in Lyath'Or itself and its local area. Other races are technically welcome and make livings in the nation, especially those who were living in the lands once belonging to Halteri or the Nation of Ghosts, but they are vastly outnumbered by the Dwarves and Duregar, and are often looked down upon socially.


Abbanshi is made up of the lands of old Lyath'Or, as well annexed lands from the defunct nations of Halteri and The Nation of Ghosts. It also controls most of the Northern Mountains on paper, but the mountains, even 1000 years later, still contain Dark Drow and undead infestations below their rocks and stones.   Its southern and western territories are mostly arable plains and flatlands, while its core territories around Lyath'Or are far less arable, being cold most of the year.


The Abbanshi Military, much like the nation itself, is built along racial lines. The mainline military is a compulsory Army formed by Dwarves, the largest demographic of the army. Due to the Dwarven stature, the Dwarven Army is often slow moving. To compensate for their slow mobility, the Dwarven army focuses on heavy artillery and airship bombardment to clear positions, usually followed up with heavily armored soldiers and pioneers to clear the way further for the general infantry. Though when it comes to sieges the Dwarven Army is second to none, both being able to construct hardy fortifications and dig tunnels to destroy enemy fortifications in equally amazing amounts of time. They are also known for their use of flame throwers on the battlefield to clear positions.   For the Duregar, there is the Flame Legion. A more elite fire magic and shamanism based military force known for its strict discipline and hardy troops. Unlike the Dwarven army, it uses scant firearms, but is known for its signature, and terrifying, flame artillery. Instead they survive conflict with firearm armed forces with Duregar enchanted armor that is resistant, though not immune, to bullets.   For the Drow, the Dark Guard remain the primary force that most Drow can join. Unlike their Duregar counterparts, the Drow have no issues using firearms for their forces. While the Dark Guard are still known for their signature spiked black and purple armor, on the battlefield they more often are covered in lighter armor and use their long standing guerilla tactics to win battles. Meanwhile the Dark Guard responsible for guarding Xune and the Lyath'Or Palace are infamous for their "Phalanx of Lead" where they wear rune enchanted armor and shields resistant to bullets, and form an enchanted shieldwall from which they unleash their own storm of gunfire mixed with sorcery.   Outside of the standard military is the Brimstone Corps. Mostly made up of Dwarves, the Brimstone Corps is effectively a branch of special forces that uses a mixture of sorcery, technomancy, and martial prowess to be a terrifying force on the battlefield.

Technological Level

The magical know-how of the Drow and the mechanical nature of the Dwarves has ensured that Abbanshi stays relevant when it comes to scientific and magical advancements, though even they have issues keeping up with the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin and its near monopoly on state technomancy.


Abbanshi is a mixture of religions. Many Dwarves and Duregar worship the old way, which is to say they worship the Dwarven Ancestors, who they believe after passing from the mortal plane go back to the forging of the world to retroactively create the world they live in. At the same time, Mantle  worship has spread to many Dwarves and Duregar, who have taken up the religion, especially the Supragens Movement. The Drow also worship the Mantle, though many revere Xune as near or beyond divine all on her own.

Agriculture & Industry

Abbanshi has just enough arable land to maintain itself, and the remaining Dwarven realms like Eir-Bron also maintain their underground fungus farming operations. In terms of industry the Drow of Lyath'Or are somewhat short on factories, but the other areas of Abbanshi have no such weaknesses, as the Dwarvish and Duregari people have shown to be talented in the "art" of industry and commerce.


Building off of the template that Xune established in Lyath'Or, Abbanshi makes sure and requires all of its Drow, Dwarf, and Duregar citizens to be educated in writing, reading, arithmetic, and magical awareness. However, if one is not a member of these three races they must pay a fee to get access to this educational system. Further, more advanced education is only done at private and pricey institutions or via expensive tutors.

Tylana Relat (Stronger Unified)

Alternative Names
Land of the Stout and Lithe, Xune's Hegemony, The New Confederacy
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Abbanshi Stones
Legislative Body
Abbanshi's manner of ruling is as unique as its strange racial foundation. The kingdom is essentially ruled by two separate ruling entities. On one hand there is Xune, who represents the Drow and their interests as their eternal and immortal queen. Then on the other hand there's the Dwaav Assembly King, a single Dwarf or Duregar chosen from among all the leading Dwarves and Duregar after the last one dies. These two rulers are effectively equal in power, having widespread law making and enacting abilities. But at the same time, one can veto the others law making decisions. This happens rarely, but when it happens it can effectively kill any law changes, as there isn't really an institution in place to override these vetos, the King/Queen and Xune simply need to come to an agreement. If they don't, nothing changes; at least until Xune outlives the current King or Queen.
Judicial Body
While Xune and the Assembly King or Queen make the legislative decisions for the realm, the interpretations for these laws fall to the local Dwarven and Drow judges, officials put in place by either Xune or the Dwarven Assembly depending on where in Abbanshi their jurisdiction is.
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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