Nilam Establishment of the Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi

Establishment of the Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi


140 3A

"Our people have been close friends for centuries now. Our coming together only makes sense in an increasingly consolidated and hostile future." - Xune

After decades of Dwarven settlement and Lyath'Or serving as a de-facto gathering space for Drow, Duregar, and Dwarven leader the unofficial alliance between the subterranean people became official with the declaration of the Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi (or Dwarf-Drow Alliance).   The original framework established it purely as an alliance, but as the centuries went on the alliance morphed into a unitary state that encompassed most of the northern mountains, Lyath'Or's territory, and the former Nation of Ghosts and Halteri until it became the Abbanshi known today.   Jarak was the one Dwarven Realm that did not sign on to the alliance, staying out of it due to its distance from the rest of the Dwarven Realms and Lyath'Or, as well as its proximity and close ties with Aurelia.   Some of the biggest losers of the alliance were the local non-Dwarves and Drow who lived in the former Halteri and Nation of Ghosts lands. They soon found themselves unwelcome in their homes, though the pressure was social and not legal. Many would leave for more welcoming lands in the years to come.

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