Hells Gate Settlement in Nilam | World Anvil

Hells Gate

"Karag Brak" in the Dwarven Tongue, Hells Gate is one of the oldest Dwarven cities in Kalin, and one of the last remaining old realms, in part due to being saved by The Blessed Dead during The Return.   It is known historically for being the first Dwarven city to make contact with the Elves of the Torva'Ir in the First Age.   It earned its nameĀ from the Harag Brak, the Lava Gate, a massive flow of lava from the volcano that the city lies in and around. The gate is opened by moving magical blocks that can alter the flow of the lava and allow people through. That same lava is used to warm the city itself and keep it lit, controlled via the massive Magma Temple within the city.


The city is primarily made up of the core races of the Abbanshi, the Dwarves, Duregar, and Drow. The city is an important manufacturing, mining, and refining center for the nation, with most people in the city helping feed these industries.


The city has an elective leadership, still electing "Kings" to rule over it even though those kings are subservient to the Abbanshi government as a whole.


The city relies on its Lava Gate and strong mountain walls to defend it for the most part, reinforced by Abbanshi and local military forces.


Dwarven architecture is some of the strongest in the world, if a bit utilitarian. Though when built to honor the ancestors, their architecture can be as gorgeous as any elven architect.


Hells Gate is carved into the side of a mountain, and it runs deep into that mountain and far below.

Natural Resources

Hells Gate is rich in lava, natural stone, silver, and gold.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Lava
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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