Brimstone Corps Organization in Nilam | World Anvil

Brimstone Corps

With the establishment of the Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi in the Third Age, a combining and sharing of military and magical knowledge and a need for more military organization led to the creation of the Brimstone Corps.    Made up of Dwarves and Duregar, the Brimstone Corps is one of the most elite units in the Abbanshi military (only contested by Xune's personal Dark Guard). They are known for using a mixture of Technomancy, Engineer, Firearms, and Magical training to reduce their enemies usually to cinders. This combination of ancient and not-so ancient practices is often hailed as one of the great successes of the races coming together in the Abbanshi. This combination has also led to the creation of their unique armor and armaments, including heavy elemental rifles, hardened technomantic power armor, and more.    Despite being a military order, the Brimstone Corps are generally outside of the Abbnashi military hierarchy, having their own unique niche. They are nonetheless respected by those in and out of the military for their effectiveness and elite-level training.


The Corps is split up into Companies, and then into Squads. Each company consists of 2-6 squads, and each squad is made up of 3-15 members.   The organization is led by a Dwarf whose official title is "Commander of the Brimstone Corps" but is often called by their Court Title, "The Brim." (For example, when being addressed they would be called "Lufrug Gravelchin, the Brim"). The Brim maintains their own chosen staff and advisors to run the organization and reports to Xune and the Assembly King directly.   Under the Brim are the Company Commanders, and below them are the Squad Commanders.


The Brimstone Corps is known attracting disciplined but fiery warriors known for their hard and intense spirits. A Brimstone Corps member is as likely to invite you to a drink as he is to reduce you to flaming ash.

To War, To Cinders

Founding Date
266 3A
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
The Dwarven Burn Boys, The Bulwark
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization


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