Eir-Bron Settlement in Nilam | World Anvil


Eir-Bron is a city of old history and importance to the Dwarven people of Kalin. It was the default capital of the Dwarven Confederacy for centuries, and the site of the final battle site of the dramatic final battle in Torva-Dwarven War, where the then-King of Eir-Bron Fimud slayed the Elven Emperor Corai.   In the common day Eir-Bron is one of the primary Urban centers of the Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi. While Lyath'Or is the nations capital, Eir-Bron is one of its primary administrative centers and the so called "Dwarven Capital" of the Nation, with the Dwaav Assembly King/Queen operating out of Eir-Bron when not directly ruling with Xune in Lyath'Or.   Eir-Bron is also slightly abnormal for an ancient Dwarven city, with half of the city actually lying outside of the mountain much like other average Kalinite cities. This is due to the city having been the default visiting place of ambassadors and dignitaries over the centuries, until the half of the city outside of the mountain became simply another part of the city.


The city is primarily made up of Dwarves, but also contains the largest non-Dwarven population in the Abbanshi, with many dealing with the large amounts of bias to settle in the city if they're no Dwarves, Drow, or Duregar.    The city is a diversified economy, hosting the majority of the Abbanshi's factories, as well as the primary distribution center for its farms, a lot of its mining, and more.


The city is still ruled by the Shattershield family, going back beyond mortal counting.


Eir-Bron is guarded by some of the fiercest Dwarven warriors in the world, with proud military traditions originating in the Torva-Dwarven War, along with the primary Abbanshi military.


Eir-Bron is somewhat unusual in how much of its city is actually outside, with large amount of its mountain carved to allow for views of the sky. This is a function of Eir-Bron being the city most foreign powers send their emissaries to.
Alternative Name(s)
The Gathering, The Dwarven Capital
Large town
Owning Organization


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