Solo Dungeons

What Are Solo Dungeons?

Within The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox is a system for generating random dungeons as a solo player/DM. As a DM-team, however, we do not allow soloing players to generate their own treasure hoard loot (though you're more than welcome to run through your own built dungeons; you're rewards will just be limited to the system in place).   We still want to promote soloing and provide means for your character to stay caught up with others in terms of acquired gear. To accomplish this, you may visit waypoints (or create your own by discovering a waypoint) tagged on this article. These are "Dungeon Waypoints", or dungeons created by a member on our DM-team. These dungeons contain a map, random rooms, room features, hidden treasure, traps, boss encounters, and wandering monsters.   Clearing a dungeon results in receiving your name on the "Dungeon Cleared" list of the associated dungeon and the DM will then roll the treasure hoard table a number of times based on the difficulty of the dungeon.  

Considerations Before Starting a Solo Dungeon

Solo dungeons are large. They consist of more than a dozen encounters. You are not expected to completely clear a dungeon in one solo session, as that would equate to hours of RL time that many of us don't have in one sitting.  

Pausing a Dungeon Crawl (Checkpoint)

  You can pause your dungeon crawl at any time. Simply run !view reset and mark down the fog of war sections you have discovered on the map. It's helpful if you track which rooms you have cleared as well. Ask a DM for help if you're not sure how to do this.  
Character Snapshot
We need to record your character's present status. How many hit die have you consumed? How many spell slots do you have left? What was in your inventory? How many hit points? Which features with cooldowns did you use?   The following commands should be run at the conclusion of your unfinished dungeon crawl session:
Dungeon Status
We need a record of which rooms you have cleared. You and the reviewing DM will determine where you are at in a dungeon and what you've successfully completed. This is like a "save game" file that answers the following questions:
  • What wandering encounters have you defeated?
  • What rooms have you cleared?
  • What special rewards have you obtained?
  • What fog of war have you discovered on the map?
  • What is your character's current status?

Resting in Dungeons

  There's often some increased difficulty for resting in a dungeon, whether its a higher survival check DC required for finding a camp site or saves required to avoid harmful effects of the environment or the weather. Each dungeon has a section in which specifies the criteria for completing a long rest.  

Clearing a Dungeon

  Throughout the course of a dungeon and at its conclusion, you will have amassed quite the wealth.  

Treasure Chests

  There are sometimes treasure chests hidden in specific rooms of dungeons. These chests have a high DC to spot using an investigation or perception check. Be warned! There's a possibility that it's a mimic!   If the chest isn't a mimic, keep in mind that these are iron chests, not wooden ones. They are most always locked with a set DC to open with Thieves' Tools. There's a 25% chance that your tools break on a failure.   To deal damage to a chest, you must complete a DC 30 athletics check. Every failed check incurs 1 level of exhaustion, up to 3 levels of exhaustion.   You can also take locked chests, provided you have a way to carry these back to town, to locksmiths and pay them in gold and downtime to unlock your chests. (WIP, link coming soon).  

Treasure Hoards

  At the conclusion of the dungeon, the DM will award you a number of treasure hoards based on the overall difficulty of the dungeon. This is built into the dungeon and listed on WorldAnvil. Even if you increase the difficulty of the dungeon because you want to, the number of hoards rolled will be whatever is listed on WorldAnvil.   Magic items obtained from treasure hoards are unidentified. You will have to perform the processes to identify them. You may still sell unidentified items to Mad Max for the normal cost.   The awarding DM will craft up a list of art objects if you discovered any of these.  

Dungeon Prerequisites

  Dungeons often contain some prerequisites that you must accomplish before attempting the dungeon. This often involves some Solo Toolbox mechanics as well as opportunities for roleplay. You may accomplish these prerequisites in the same session you complete a dungeon or in a session previous to tackling the dungeon. Just make sure you link to the posts where you completed those steps.  

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