Dungeon: Frozen Portal

Near the tempestuous Frost Fire Island, an immense glacier has begun to seethe with unholy energy. A rift has appeared in the ice which has begun to allow abyssal spawn to infest or reality. Only the sturdy of fortitude and will dare venture near, for if the cold does not take your body, the demons will likely take your soul...  

Dungeon Notes

  Solo Dungeons
NOTE: This dungeon is NOT meant to be completed in one sitting. It is composed of around 10 encounters. Please visit the link above or bug Cohor to learn how to stop your session at a particular point, effectively creating a "Save Game/Checkpoint" that you can return to in a later session.

Dungeon Encounter Summary

This dungeon is composed of 3 Easy Encounters, 4 Medium Encounters, 2 Hard Encounters, 1 Deadly Encounter, and 1 Boss Encounter.   The Frozen Portal is a medium dungeon. The average encounter difficulty (of 10 encounters) is medium.  

Dungeon Pre-requisites

The Frozen Portal is one day's travel by boat from the waypoint. You must complete the following before attempting the dungeon.
  • Roleplay your PC being contacted by a member of the Silver Crest regarding a quest to clear the Frozen Portal
  • Successfully complete an easy endurance skill challenge to tolerate the boat trip to the dock
  • Successfully complete a moderate knowledge skill challenge to understand how to access the altar; each failure adds 12 hours to your journey
  • For every 24 hours you stand upon the altar to the Frozen Portal (minimum of 24 hours), you must make 6d100 rolls (4 during the day, 2 at night)
  • For every roll of 25 or below, you have a random wilderness encounter !table wilderness

Dungeon Rewards

  This dungeon is under the jurisdiction of the Silver Crest. You receive 50 reputation with that guild or two minor potions determined by the reviewing DM upon clearing this dungeon.   At the completion of the dungeon (all encounters complete), a DM will roll two Treasure Hoards for you and your name will be added to the Completionist List. This will count as two of your seven Tier I treasure hoards. You will not be able to benefit from this dungeon on this character again (you may continue to tackle any special encounters you qualify for and harvest Demon Ichor, however).   There is a hidden chest in this dungeon. Failure the first time means you do not find it. If you wish to continue to seek for it, you must complete any combination of four hard skill challenges or combat encounters to try again.  

Dungeon Icons & Map Link

  Throughout the dungeon, there are a variety of terrains. The majority of the dungeon has dim light throughout the day as light filters in weakly through the ice, but is dark throughout the night. While moving through the dark blue river section, every round spent in the water, a character must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Failure results in one level of Exhaustion. Traveling downstream requires 10 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled. Traveling upstream requires 20 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled. Creatures with a Swimming Speed halve these penalties, requiring 5 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled downstream, and 10 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled upstream.   You must first add a token to initiative before you can assign the map to it.  
!i add 50 dm
  Map Command:  
!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/VeYCzhJ.png -options c50 -mapsize 36x70 -view l1:w10 -fow l1:w10
  You can see the entire map view by running !view reset and focus in on an area by running !view x#:y#.   You can expand your fog of war by running !map -fow x#:y#. For both of these, x is the top left corner of the area you want to view/reveal and y is the bottom right corner.  

Long Resting

  In order to long rest, characters must reach the Entryway and defeat any Encounters which spawn there. Once you have exited the Frozen Portal, you must follow the requirements listed on the Frost Fire Glacier's page. While a character may complete a short rest within the dungeon, multiple consecutive short rests and long rests are impossible until you have exited the dungeon.  

Wandering Monsters

When you enter a room, these monsters may also be there. If the room is empty, there's a 50% chance the wandering monsters are present. If the room already contains a monster, there's a 10% chance the monsters are present.   As this dungeon is built for anyone between level 1 and level 4, you must use the !rEncounter command to determine what you face. You will choose monsters based off the solo encounter list.   These encounters show up in the following order; once they are defeated, they cannot bother you again.  
  1. Wandering Easy Encounter 1
  2. Wandering Medium Encounter 2
  3. Wandering Medium Encounter 3
  4. Wandering Hard Encounter 4
  5. Wandering Hard Encounter 5
  6. Wandering Deadly Encounter 6
!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 1" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Easy"
!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 2" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Medium"
!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 3" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Medium"
!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 4" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Hard"
!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 5" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Hard"
!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 6" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Deadly"


  Below every room description is an embed command. You can copy and paste this into your discord solo channel to help keep track of which rooms you've entered.  

Room 1: Entryway

Features: Immediately within the icy gates, the light begins to fade. Your eyes pick out pale, cracked flagstones beneath a thick layer of frost. The walls and ceiling have thawed and frozen over multiple times with a strange black ice which seems to drink in the light rather than reflect it. The formations have given the walls a strangely organic quality, and in some of the thinner spots, you can make out the original stone walls. Here and there a statue or suit of armor is suspended fully within the ice, giving the impression of bodies locked in the depths. The path diverges to the southeast and southwest. The exit stands to the north of this chamber.
Monster: Easy Encounter

Head southeast to Room 3.
Head southwest to Room 2.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Entryway" -f "Features | Immediately within the icy gates, the light begins to fade. Your eyes pick out pale, cracked flagstones beneath a thick layer of frost. The walls and ceiling have thawed and frozen over multiple times with a strange black ice which seems to drink in the light rather than reflect it. The formations have given the walls a strangely organic quality, and in some of the thinner spots, you can make out the original stone walls. Here and there a statue or suit of armor is suspended fully within the ice, giving the impression of bodies locked in the depths. The path diverges to the southeast and southwest. The exit stands to the north of this chamber." -f "Head [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room3)." -f "Head [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room2)." -f "Monsters | Easy Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view l1:w10 -fow l1:w10

Room 2: Western Tower

Features: This appears to have been a guard tower, with a battlement leading off to the northeast, now frozen over to form a bizarre tunnel. A small portcullis covered in frost has been wrenched open, distorted by incredible force, leaving a path to the south. In the southeast corner of the room, the floor crumbles away to form a descending shaft where something massive appears to have dug up from below.
Head northeast to Room 1.
Head southeast to Room 6.
Head south to Room 5.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Western Tower" -f "Features | This appears to have been a guard tower, with a battlement leading off to the northeast, now frozen over to form a bizarre tunnel. A small portcullis covered in frost has been wrenched open, distorted by incredible force, leaving a path to the south. In the southeast corner of the room, the floor crumbles away to form a descending shaft where something massive appears to have dug up from below." -f "Head [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room1)." -f "Head [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room6)." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room5)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view a8:k17 -fow a8:k17

Room 3: Eastern Tower

Features: This once was a guard tower on the edge of the castle grounds, overlooking the sea and the dock. Now it looks over nothing, as the glacier has consumed the tower utterly. Every window and door built into the structure has been filled in, save one hallway leading to the northwest. A tunnel has been dug through the ice and stone to the southwest, heedless of the structural integrity of the castle. Those who carved it must have been hasty or desperate, but something about the tool marks and width of the tunnel seems off.
Head northwest to Room 1.
Head southwest to Room 4.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Eastern Tower" -f "Features | This once was a guard tower on the edge of the castle grounds, overlooking the sea and the dock. Now it looks over nothing, as the glacier has consumed the tower utterly. Every window and door built into the structure has been filled in, save one hallway leading to the northwest. A tunnel has been dug through the ice and stone to the southwest, heedless of the structural integrity of the castle. Those who carved it must have been hasty or desperate, but something about the tool marks and width of the tunnel seems off." -f "Head [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room1)." -f "Head [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room4)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view x6:ah17 -fow x6:ah17

Room 4: Servants' Quarters

Features: This wide hall once admitted guests through to the deeper parts of the castle, cleverly concealing away the domiciles of the castle serving staff while keeping them close at hand. Now the doors and walls of the chamber have been ripped open, broken, and strewn about, before being partly consumed by the unnatural ice which pervades this place. The overall effect reminds you of a bird nest, though of nauseating construction and unnerving proportions. The hall leads deeper to the south, and a strange tunnel has been carved through the stone and ice, leading to the northeast.
Monster: Easy Encounter

Head northeast to Room 3.
Head south to Room 7.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Servants' Quarters" -f "Features | Clearly, this wide hall once admitted guests through to the deeper parts of the castle, cleverly concealing away the domiciles of the castle serving staff while keeping them close at hand. Now the doors and walls of the chamber have been ripped open, broken, and strewn about, before being partly consumed by the unnatural ice which pervades this place. The overall effect reminds you of a bird nest, though of nauseating construction and unnerving proportions. The hall leads deeper to the south, and a strange tunnel has been carved through the stone and ice, leading to the northeast." -f "Head [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room3)." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room7)." -f "Monsters | Easy Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view l13:w22 -fow l13:w22

Room 5: Courtyard

Features: This courtyard was undoubtedly once open to the sun and the sky, with windows around the keep looking down upon children playing in the grass and gardens. Now all is sealed away by the glacier, the grass crystallized by the frost, and you pray that the children are far from here. Only the passage to the north is open for you to depart.

Return north to Room 3.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Courtyard" -f "Features | This courtyard was undoubtedly once open to the sun and the sky, with windows around the keep looking down upon children playing in the grass and gardens. Now all is sealed away by the glacier, the grass crystallized by the frost, and you pray that the children are far from here. Only the passage to the north is open for you to depart." -f "Return [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room2)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view a18:l29 -fow a18:l29

Room 6: Kitchen

Features: A shattered clay oven dominates the space of this kitchen, split from within by ice as though the opposing elements had raged against each other. Counters and cupboards around the entire area have been similarly consumed and the majority of the routes in and out of the kitchen are sealed. Only a passage to the south, and a broken corridor to the northwest remain passable.
Head northwest to Room 2.
Head south to Room 9.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Kitchen" -f "Features | A shattered clay oven dominates the space of this kitchen, split from within by ice as though the opposing elements had raged against each other. Counters and cupboards around the entire area have been similarly consumed and the majority of the routes in and out of the kitchen are sealed. Only a passage to the south, and a broken corridor to the northwest remain passable." -f "Head [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room2)." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room9)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view x18:ah29 -fow x18:ah29

Room 7: Banquet Hall

Features: What parts of this room that have yet to be consumed by the ice are significantly destabilized by the collapse of the southwestern section, which forms a ramp to the floors below. Tables are overturned and dishware is scattered across the processional leading from the north entrance in this once proud banquet hall. Miraculously, a single table remains set and undisturbed in the center of the chamber, a delectable feast sitting atop it, frozen forever in crystalline ice.
Monster: Medium Encounter

Head north to Room 4.
Head southwest to Room 8.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Banquet Hall" -f "Features | What parts of this room that have yet to be consumed by the ice are significantly destabilized by the collapse of the southwestern section, which forms a ramp to the floors below. Tables are overturned and dishware is scattered across the processional leading from the north entrance in this once proud banquet hall. Miraculously, a single table remains set and undisturbed in the center of the chamber, a delectable feast sitting atop it, frozen forever in crystalline ice." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room4)." -f "Head [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room8)." -f "Monsters | Medium Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view l23:w35 -fow l23:w35

Room 8: Armory

Features: Suits of armor and weapons line the walls, encased entirely in ice, like rows upon rows of crystallized soldiers. A gatehouse to the north can be seen through the ice, but has been rendered inaccessible by the rubble pouring down from the collapsed passage leading up to the northeast. The only original exit to the room lies to the south through a shattered portcullis.
Head northeast to Room 7.
Head south to Room 11.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Armory" -f "Features | Suits of armor and weapons line the walls, encased entirely in ice, like rows upon rows of crystallized soldiers. A gatehouse to the north can be seen through the ice, but has been rendered inaccessible by the rubble pouring down from the collapsed passage leading up to the northeast. The only original exit to the room lies to the south through a shattered portcullis." -f "Head [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room7)." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room11)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view a30:k41 -fow a30:k41

Room 9: Aquifer

Features: The shattered edges of an aquifer are still visible along the eastern edge of this room, where servants likely descended to retrieve fresh water for the kitchens to the north. Now the river has overtaken the chamber and flows inexorably through from the south, turning away to move deeper into the glacier to the east.

River Travel:Every round spent in the water, a character must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Failure results in one level of Exhaustion. Traveling downstream requires 10 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled. Traveling upstream requires 20 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled.

Head north to Room 6.
Head south to Room 12.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Aquifer" -f "Features | The shattered edges of an aquifer are still visible along the eastern edge of this room, where servants likely descended to retrieve fresh water for the kitchens to the north. Now the river has overtaken the chamber and flows inexorably through from the south, turning away to move deeper into the glacier to the east." -f "River Travel|Every round spent in the water, a character must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Failure results in one level of Exhaustion. Traveling downstream requires 10 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled. Traveling upstream requires 20 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled. Creatures with a Swimming Speed halve these penalties." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room6)." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room12)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view x30:aj41 -fow x30:aj41

Room 10: Throne Room

Features: This was clearly once a grand hall, though the ice has forever sealed away the majority of the room. A resplendent throne has been cast aside and lies overturned against the far wall. A once secret passage sits open and revealed to the empty chamber to the south and a smaller corridor leads away from the room to the southeast. The encroaching glacier greedily consumed the banners and broken benches which lined the processional, and it is clearly only a matter of time before it swallows this room entirely.
Monster: Medium Encounter

Head southeast to Room 12.
Head south to Room 13.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Throne Room" -f "Features | This was clearly once a grand hall, though the ice has forever sealed away the majority of the room. A resplendent throne has been cast aside and lies overturned against the far wall. A once secret passage sits open and revealed to the empty chamber to the south and a smaller corridor leads away from the room to the southeast. The encroaching glacier greedily consumed the banners and broken benches which lined the processional, and it is clearly only a matter of time before it swallows this room entirely." -f "Head [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room12)." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room13)." -f "Monsters | Medium Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view k36:w46 -fow k36:w46

Room 11: Barracks

Features: Loose sets of armor and broken boards are scattered throughout this room. The remains of hastily erected barricades are strewn across the floor at the feet of doors leading to the north and east. No other exit is visible, so the warriors likely made a last stand here. Your foot strikes a discarded helmet, drawing your eye as it rolls away with a surprising amount of weight. You see now that the stump of a neck protrudes from the bottom, forever frozen and no longer decomposing. You take in the loose armor once more and realize that it is all still occupied.
Head north to Room 8.
Head east to Room 12.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Barracks" -f "Features | Loose sets of armor and broken boards are scattered throughout this room. The remains of hastily erected barricades are strewn across the floor at the feet of doors leading to the north and east. No other exit is visible, so the warriors likely made a last stand here. Your foot strikes a discarded helmet, drawing your eye as it rolls away with a surprising amount of weight. You see now that the stump of a neck protrudes from the bottom, forever frozen and no longer decomposing. You take in the loose armor once more and realize that it is all still occupied." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room8)." -f "Head [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room12)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view a42:k51 -fow a42:k51

Room 12: Sally Port

Features: The ground slopes away dangerously to the eastern edge of the room, where a sluggish river filled with slush and chunks of ice pours away to the north. A passage arcs up to the west, and a narrow corridor leads to the northwest near to the other passage. Along the rivers edge the remnants of the mooring for a small craft sit shattered along the shore. If anyone escaped this way, their pursuers were close at hand and capable of great violence.

River Travel:Every round spent in the water, a character must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Failure results in one level of Exhaustion. Traveling downstream requires 10 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled. Traveling upstream requires 20 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled.

Head north to Room 9.
Head west to Room 11.
Head northwest to Room 10.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Sally Port" -f "Features | The ground slopes away dangerously to the eastern edge of the room, where a sluggish river filled with slush and chunks of ice pours away to the north. A passage arcs up to the west, and a narrow corridor leads to the northwest near to the other passage. Along the rivers edge the remnants of the mooring for a small craft sit shattered along the shore. If anyone escaped this way, their pursuers were close at hand and capable of great violence." -f "River Travel|Every round spent in the water, a character must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Failure results in one level of Exhaustion. Traveling downstream requires 10 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled. Traveling upstream requires 20 feet of movement for every 5 feet traveled. Creatures with a Swimming Speed halve these penalties." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room9)." -f "Head [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room11)." -f "Head [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room10)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view x42:aj53 -fow x42:aj53

Room 13: Royal Chambers

Features: Your breath hangs in the air now as the cold begins to worm its claws into the core of your being. Everywhere you look is destruction and mutilation writ large upon the walls, ceiling, and floor in streams of frozen effluvia and viscera. Shutting out the remains allows you to pick out the remnants of what was likely once an opulent bed chamber, but now stands as a charnel house locked in ice.
Monster: Boss Encounter

Boss Encounter: Dreamer in the Dark. Dreamer is "one" creature that you fight in one deadly encounter. Dreamer is a conglomerate of all the creatures that compose a deadly encounter for your character (if !rEncounter deadly yields more than one monster). So if a deadly encounter for me was 2 CR 1/2, Dreamer would be composed of two ice mephits (damage type changed to piercing and an additional 1d4 cold damage, DC 10 Constitution saving throw to take half damage). As you kill these "parts" of Dreamer, the contribution of that monster will no longer apply to the encounter, thus weakening Dreamer as his parts "die."

Head north to Room 10.
Head south to Room 14.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - Royal Chambers" -f "Features | Your breath hangs in the air now as the cold begins to worm its claws into the core of your being. Everywhere you look is destruction and mutilation writ large upon the walls, ceiling, and floor in streams of frozen effluvia and viscera. Shutting out the remains allows you to pick out the remnants of what was likely once an opulent bed chamber, but now stands as a charnel house locked in ice." -f "Monsters | Boss Encounter" -f "Boss Encounter Details | Dreamer in the Dark. Dreamer is "one" creature that you fight in one deadly encounter. Dreamer is a conglomerate of all the creatures that compose a deadly encounter for your character (if !rEncounter deadly yields more than one monster). So if a deadly encounter for me was 2 CR 1/2, Dreamer would be composed of two ice mephits (damage type changed to piercing and an additional 1d4 cold damage, DC 10 constitution saving throw to take half damage). As you kill these 'parts' of Dreamer, the contribution of that monster will no longer apply to the encounter, thus weakening Dreamer as his parts 'die.'" -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room10)." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room14)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<5 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view k49:w59 -fow k47:w59

Room 14: The Source

Note: Before entering this chamber, determine how many long rests you have taken since you first set foot in the Entryway of the Frozen Portal. If you have taken seven or more long rests, the passage to The Source has magically frozen over and entry is impossible. This room is considered completed for the purpose of determining your final rewards. If you taken six or fewer long rests, then the passage remains open.

Features: A short bridge of frozen stone stands broken above a frigid river choked with slush. The remains of the bridge lie submerged in the waters below. Reaching the other side would require an incredible feat of agility, if not magical flight, and ice on the far side makes the landing treacherous. (DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check to jump the gap).

Within the chamber the low thrumming which has grown ever louder as you moved deep within the complex has now become deafening, and a sickly purple light reflects in dizzying patterns off of the frozen chamber walls. Every surface is wet with sourceless gore and the castle that this building once was is no longer recognizable. In the middle of the long chamber is a stone altar hewn with crude tools and topped by an ivory statue of a goat headed demon, holding a black gemstone. Arrayed around the carving are all manner of coins from long dead, barbarous cultures. Your nose begins to bleed as you approach, and a high pitched whine joins the thrumming in your ears. You taste copper and a headache grows in your mind like a molten needle driven through your eye. It is clear that this fane does not want you to be here.

Hidden Treasure: A treasure is safeguarded within this room. If the path to The Source remains open, a character may attempt a DC 16 Athletics check to leap the gap and reach the spur of frozen stone leading into the room. The character must then succeed on a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check or Intelligence (Religion) check to identify how to disable the runes keeping the field of abyssal energy in place around the statue. When the runes are disabled, the character is free to take the treasure.
Enter the river to Room 9.
Return north to Room 13.

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - The Source" -f "Note|Before entering this chamber, determine how many long rests you have taken since you first set foot in the Entryway of the Frozen Portal. If you have taken seven or more long rests, the passage to The Source has magically frozen over and entry is impossible. This room is considered completed for the purpose of determining your final rewards. If you taken six or fewer long rests, then the passage remains open." -f "Features | A short bridge of frozen stone stands broken above a frigid river choked with slush. The remains of the bridge lie submerged in the waters below. Reaching the other side would require an incredible feat of agility, if not magical flight, and ice on the far side makes the landing treacherous." -f "**DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check to jump the gap.**" -f "Within the chamber the low thrumming which has grown ever louder as you moved deep within the complex has now become deafening, and a sickly purple light reflects in dizzying patterns off of the frozen chamber walls. Every surface is wet with sourceless gore and the castle that this building once was is no longer recognizable. In the middle of the long chamber is a stone altar hewn with crude tools and topped by an ivory statue of a goat headed demon, holding a black gemstone. Arrayed around the carving are all manner of coins from long dead, barbarous cultures. Your nose begins to bleed as you approach, and a high pitched whine joins the thrumming in your ears. You taste copper and a headache grows in your mind like a molten needle driven through your eye. It is clear that this fane does not want you to be here." -f "See [World Anvil](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room9) article for details."{{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Treasure and Travel

!tembed -title "The Frozen Portal - The Source" -desc "Your starting location if you succeed on the Strength (Athletics) check is R61." -f "Travel|Enter [the river](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room9)." -f "Return [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-frozen-portal-landmark#room13)." -f "Hidden Treasure | This Altar is warded by runes within a chamber that is difficult, if not impossible to reach. A character must succeed on a DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check to reach the room, or else slip on the ice and fall into the river. The walls on the southern bank are pure ice and not climbable without magic." -f "If a character reaches the room, they must then succeed on a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion) check to disable the wards surrounding the altar. Once the runes are disabled, the character is free to take the treasure. Failure results in the character being magically forced from the chamber into the river." -f "Coins|50gp, 1,400sp, 2,500cp" -f "Magic Item|[Obsidian Spell Gem](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/spell-gem-obsidian) (Unidentified)" -f "Art Objects|A Bloodstained Ivory Sculpture of Baphomet worth 150gp"
  Map View
!map -view j60:ad70 -fow j60:ad70

Dungeon Checklist

For the convenience of tracking your progress through the dungeon, the following embed codes can be used to summarize the adventure for DM review.  

Dungeon Prerequisites

!tembed -title " has reached the Frozen Portal" -desc "The Frozen Portal is one day's travel by boat from the waypoint. You must complete the following before attempting the dungeon.
:white_check_mark: Roleplay your PC [being contacted]() by a member of the Silver Crest regarding a quest to clear the Frozen Portal.
:white_check_mark: Successfully complete an [easy endurance skill challenge]() to tolerate the boat trip to the dock.
:white_check_mark: Successfully complete a [moderate knowledge skill challenge]() to understand how to access the altar; each failure adds 12 hours to your journey.
:white_check_mark: For every 24 hours you stand upon the altar to the Frozen Portal (minimum of 24 hours), you must make [6d100 rolls]() (4 during the day, 2 at night). For every roll of 25 or below, you have a random wilderness encounter !table wilderness."

Wilderness Encounters

!tembed -title "Wilderness Encounters outside the Frozen Portal" -desc "**Synopsis:** (Optional) encountered a number of enemies outside the Frozen Portal.
**Rolled Loot:** Xpp, Xgp, Xep Xsp, Xcp
(70% of Xpp, Xgp, Xep, Xsp, Xcp)
**Experience:** XXXXxp (70% of XXXXxp)
**[Failed Easy Skill Challenge]()**
(XxCR0, XxCR⅛; XXXXxp)
**[Failed Moderate Skill Challenge]()**
(XxCR¼, XxCR½; XXXXxp)
**[Random Wilderness Encounter]()**
(XxCR1, XxCR2; XXXXxp)"

Wandering Encounters

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounters Complete" -desc "**Synopsis:** (Optional) cleared all the Wandering Encounters for the Frozen Portal.
**Rolled Loot:** Xpp, Xgp, Xep Xsp, Xcp
(70% of Xpp, Xgp, Xep, Xsp, Xcp)
**Experience:** XXXXxp (70% of XXXXxp)
**[Wandering Encounter 1]()**
(XxCR0, XxCR⅛; XXXXxp)
**[Wandering Encounter 2]()**
(XxCR0, XxCR⅛; XXXXxp)
**[Wandering Encounter 3]()**
(XxCR¼, XxCR½; XXXXxp)
**[Wandering Encounter 4]()**
(XxCR¼, XxCR½; XXXXxp)
**[Wandering Encounter 5]()**
(XxCR1, XxCR2; XXXXxp)
**[Wandering Encounter 6]()**
(XxCR1, XxCR2; XXXXxp)"

All Rooms Cleared

!tembed -title "Frozen Portal Rooms Cleared" -desc "**Synopsis:** (Optional) cleared all the static encounters for the Frozen Portal
**Rolled Loot:** Xpp, Xgp, Xep Xsp, Xcp
(70% of Xpp, Xgp, Xep, Xsp, Xcp)
**Experience:** XXXXxp (70% of XXXXxp)
**[Room 1]()**
**[Room 2]()**
**[Room 3]()**
**[Room 4]()**
(XxCR0, XxCR⅛; XXXXxp)
**[Room 5]()**
**[Room 6]()**
**[Room 7]()**
(XxCR0, XxCR⅛; XXXXxp)
**[Room 8]()**
**[Room 9]()**
**[Room 10]()**
(XxCR0, XxCR⅛; XXXXxp)
**[Room 11]()**
**[Room 12]()**
**[Room 13]()**
(XxCR0, XxCR⅛; XXXXxp)
**[Room 14]()**

Overall Summary

!tembed -title "====DUNGEON COMPLETED====" -desc "**Synopsis:** (Optional) has cleared the Frozen Portal dungeon.
**Experience:** XXXXxp (70% of XXXXxp)
**Treasure:** Two Treasure Hoards
**Rolled Loot:** Xpp, Xgp, Xep Xsp, Xcp
(70% of Xpp, Xgp, Xep, Xsp, Xcp)
**Quest Rewards:** XXXgp (70% of XXXgp)
**Equipment:** Two Minor Potions (or)
**Reputation:** 50 Rep with the Silver Crest
**Harvest:** N/A
**Downtime:** +XX Days 
(XX Encounters, average medium difficulty)
**[Insurance Declaration]()**
**[Dungeon Prerequisites]()**
**[Wilderness Encounters]()**
**[Established Base Camp]()**
**[Wandering Encounters]()**
**[All Rooms Cleared]()**"

Completionist List

Date Character Quest Link
23 July 2021 Triyuk Nhojestra and Bad Luck Brayen Dungeon Clear Link

Frozen Portal Solo Encounters

  CR 0: Larva
CR ⅛: Manes
CR ¼: Abyssal Wretch
CR ½: Ice Mephit
CR 1: Galvanice Weird
CR 2: Rutterkin
CR 3: Bulezau
Table of Contents
Parent Location

Cover image: Ice Throne by Yurinochuu