Dungeon: Bhaal's Crypt


Waytravel to the Crypt of Bhaal's Minions in Thas'ru

  W   ith the passing of Eleyta the Oracle, the ancient seals on this forsaken crypt have been broken, laying bare a tomb for the corrupted servants of the Lord of Murder. Something must be done, and soon, for the plans of Bhaal have been known to have many layers as the dead god schemes to return in force to the world of the living.  

Dungeon Notes

  NOTE: This dungeon is NOT meant to be completed in one sitting. It is composed of around 15 encounters. Please visit Solo Dungeons to learn how to stop your session at a particular point, effectively creating a "Save Game/Checkpoint" that you can return to in a later session.    

Dungeon Encounter Summary

This dungeon is composed of 3 Easy Encounters, 2 Medium Encounters, 3 Hard Encounters, 5 Deadly Encounters and 1 Boss Encounter.   Bhaal's Crypt is a hard dungeon. The average encounter difficulty (of 14 encounters) is hard.  

Dungeon Pre-requisites

You must complete the following steps before gaining access to this dungeon; these must be completed by each character participating:  
  • Bhaal's Crypt can only be found when you've discovered a Monster Lair using the random world generation process found in The Solo Toolbox; you will likely face other encounters if you follow this process.
  • Complete a Slow Moderate Skill Challenge to discover the entrance to Bhaal's Crypt at the abandoned Monster Lair.
  Bhaal's Crypt is located deep within the fey touched wilderness in the environment outside of the centaur Metropolis of Thas'ru. Locating it is no simple task, even for those who know what they are looking for.  

Dungeon Rewards

  This dungeon is under no one's jurisdiction. You receive four minor potions or scrolls for completing it.   At the completion of the dungeon (all encounters complete), a DM will roll three Treasure Hoards for you and your name will be added to the Completionist List. This will count as three of your eighteen Tier II treasure hoards. You will not be able to benefit from this dungeon on this character again (you may attempt to tackle the special encounters, however).   There are hidden chests in this dungeon. You must beat the listed DC with either a perception or investigation check. Failure the first time means you do not find it. If you wish to continue to seek for it, you must complete any combination of four hard skill challenges or combat encounters to try again.  

Dungeon Icons & Map Link

  Throughout the dungeon, you will stumble across icons. These icons will correlate with the room description. With the exception of the Ravine and the Vault the ceilings throughout the dungeon are approximately 10 feet high. A huge creature is considered to be squeezing when it moves through the dungeon aside from in those rooms. The ravine drops 30 feet below floor level, and the ceiling in that room is 20 feet high. In the vault, the ceiling is 20 feet high, and the pit is 60 feet deep.   You must first add a token to initiative before you can assign the map to it. !i add 0 dm -p 100   Map Command:  
!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/6Kf5bzF.jpg -mapsize 68x88 -options c35d -view w78:ar88 -fow w78:ar88
  You can see the entire map view by running !view reset and focus in on an area by running !view x#:y#.   You can expand your fog of war by running !map -fow x#:y#. For both of these, x is the top left corner of the area you want to view/reveal and y is the bottom right corner.   Your characters begin in Room 16 - the Entryway.  

Long Resting

  In order to long rest, characters must reach the Entryway and defeat any Encounters which spawn there. Once you have exited Bhaal's Crypt, you must follow the requirements listed on the Laurelglow Region's page. While a character may complete a short rest within the dungeon, multiple consecutive short rests and long rests are impossible until you have exited the dungeon.  

Wandering Monsters

When you enter a room, these monsters may also be there. If the room is empty, there's a 50% chance the wandering monsters are present. If the room already contains a monster, there's a 10% chance the monsters are present.   As this dungeon is built for anyone between level 5 and level 10, you must use the !1Encounter command to determine what you face. You will choose monsters based off the solo encounter list.   These encounters show up in the following order; once they are defeated, they cannot bother you again.  
  1. Wandering Easy Encounter 1
  2. Wandering Easy Encounter 2
  3. Wandering Medium Encounter 3
  4. Wandering Deadly Encounter 4
  5. Wandering Medium Encounter 5
  6. Wandering Easy Encounter 6
  !embed -title "Wandering Encounter 1" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Easy"
  !embed -title "Wandering Encounter 2" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Easy"
  !embed -title "Wandering Encounter 3" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Medium"
  !embed -title "Wandering Encounter 4" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Deadly"
  !embed -title "Wandering Encounter 5" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Medium"
  !embed -title "Wandering Encounter 6" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Easy"

Room 1 - Vault

Features: Thick carpets of phosphorescent yellow and orange lichen blanket the floor of this platform, giving the illusion of piles of gold and treasure until you approach closer. The platform is surrounded on nearly all sides by a dark chasm dropping beyond the range of your vision. Various glittering, glowing, shiny, but otherwise valueless objects are strewn about amidst the vegetation. They seem to have been intentionally placed, but for what purpose, you cannot fathom.   Monster: Deadly Encounter. Characters forced off the edge of the platform during combat must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 12) or fall 60 feet, unless they have some means of magically suspending their descent.     Head east to Room 2.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 1 - Vault" -f "Features|Thick carpets of phosphorescent yellow and orange lichen blanket the floor of this platform, giving the illusion of piles of gold and treasure until you approach closer. The platform is surrounded on nearly all sides by a dark chasm dropping beyond the range of your vision. Various glittering, glowing, shiny, but otherwise valueless objects are strewn about amidst the vegetation. They seem to have been intentionally placed, but for what purpose, you cannot fathom." -f "Head [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room2) to Room 2." -f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter. Characters forced off the edge of the platform during combat must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 12) or fall 60 feet, unless they have some means of magically suspending their descent." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view d3:m19 -fow d3:m19

Room 2 - Burial Chamber

Features: Where the rest of the rest of the crypt had been rough hewn from the surrounding cavern, the walls of this chamber appear to have been smoothly carved and polished with a devotion speaking of incredible faith. A velvet lined sarcophagus dominates the chamber, topped with the a sculpture of obsidian fashioned to represent the skull of some massive beast. Aside from the entrance to the south, a stairwell leads out of the chamber to the west.   Monster: Boss Encounter   Boss Encounter: The Heirophant of Bhaal. Heirophant is "one" creature that you fight in one deadly encounter. Heirophant is a conglomerate of all the creatures that compose a deadly encounter for your character (if !rEncounter deadly yields more than one monster). So if a deadly encounter for me was 2x CR1, Heirophant would be composed of two dread warriors (with their damage type changed to necrotic and an additional 1d4 necrotic damage, DC 10 Constitution saving throw to take half damage). As you kill these "parts" of Heirophant, the contribution of that monster will no longer apply to the encounter, thus weakening Heirophant as his parts "die."     Head west to Room 1.   Head south to Room 6.    
Hidden Chest
There is a chest hidden in this room. A character must succeed on a Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check (DC 15) to locate its hiding place. Once located, the chest can only be removed with a successful Strength (Athletics) check (DC 16). Once removed, the chest can be unlocked with a Dexterity (Thieves' Tools) check (DC 15) or pried open with a Strength (Athletics) check (DC 30). Truly desperate treasure seekers can attempt to break the chest with weapons, but it has an AC of 20, 60 hit points, and a damage threshold of 10 (ignoring any amount of damage from a single attack under 10 damage).    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 2 - Burial Chamber" -f "Features|Where the rest of the rest of the crypt had been rough hewn from the surrounding cavern, the walls of this chamber appear to have been smoothly carved and polished with a devotion speaking of incredible faith. A velvet lined sarcophagus dominates the chamber, topped with the a sculpture of obsidian fashioned to represent the skull of some massive beast. Aside from the entrance to the south, a stairwell leads out of the chamber to the west." -f "Head [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room1) to Room 1." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room6) to Room 6." -f "Monsters: Boss Encounter|The Heirophant of Bhaal. Heirophant is ''one'' creature that you fight in one deadly encounter. Heirophant is a conglomerate of all the creatures that compose a deadly encounter for your character (if !rEncounter deadly yields more than one monster). So if a deadly encounter for me was 2x CR1, Heirophant would be composed of two dread warriors (with their damage type changed to necrotic and an additional 1d4 necrotic damage, DC 10 Constitution saving throw to take half damage). As you kill these "parts" of Heirophant, the contribution of that monster will no longer apply to the encounter, thus weakening Heirophant as his parts ''die.''" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<6 else 'All clear!'}}"
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 9 - Cursed Tomb" -f "Hidden Chest|There is a chest hidden in this room. A character must succeed on a **Wisdom (Perception)** or **Intelligence (Investigation)** check **(DC 15)** to locate its hiding place. Once located, the chest can only be removed with a successful **Strength (Athletics)** check **(DC 16)**. Once removed, the chest can be unlocked with an **Dexterity (Thieves' Tools)** check **(DC 15)** or pried open with a **Strength (Athletics)** check **(DC 30)** to break. Truly desperate treasure seekers can attempt to break the chest with weapons, but it has an AC of 20, 60 hit points, and a damage threshold of 10 (ignoring any amount of damage from a single attack under 10 damage)." -f "Coins|50pp, 1,700gp, 9,000sp, 1,000cp" -f "Art Objects|Golden Skull Faced Burial Mask (100gp)" -f "Magic Items|[Dagger +1](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/weapon-1), [Rapier +1](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/weapon-1), [Cloak of Elvenkind](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/cloak-of-elvenkind), [Boots of Elvenkind](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/boots-of-elvenkind)"
  Map View  
!map -view ac14:ar27 -fow ac14:ar27

Room 3 - Ancient Archive

Features: Shelves of scrolls line the stone walls on either side of this chamber, and a massive tome sits on a plinth in the center of the room, lit by a pair of magic glowing stones encased in iron. The pages appear to be made from something like vellum, but paler than you've ever seen, and the writings within are the nonsensical ravings of a madman. The ink smells of old blood.   Monster: Hard Encounter     Head south to Room 10.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 3 - Ancient Archive" -f "Features|Shelves of scrolls line the stone walls on either side of this chamber, and a massive tome sits on a plinth in the center of the room, lit by a pair of magic glowing stones encased in iron. The pages appear to be made from something like vellum, but paler than you've ever seen, and the writings within are the nonsensical ravings of a madman. The ink smells of old blood." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room10)." -f "Monsters|Hard Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view ba17:bl28 -fow ba17:bl28

Room 4 - Northern Corridor

Features: A set of roughly carved stairs descends from the northern end of the eastern wall of this hallway. A doorway leading off the southern end of the western wall is shrouded in shadow, just beyond the reach of the single torch which lights the area. The orange glow of a dancing flame peeks out from beneath the frame.   Head west to Room 5.   Head east to Room 8.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 4 - Northern Corridor" -f "Features|A set of roughly carved stairs descends from the northern end of the eastern wall of this hallway. A doorway leading off the southern end of the western wall is shrouded in shadow, just beyond the reach of the single torch which lights the area. The orange glow of a dancing flame peeks out from beneath the frame." -f "Head [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room5)." -f "Head [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room8)." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<51 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view h18:s41 -fow h18:t27,m28:s41

Room 5 - Makeshift Latrine

Features: A poorly constructed washbasin fashioned from a broken barrel sits in one corner of this room, and a latrine pit sits opposite it along the southern wall, with a simple board over the top to dampen some of the stench. Between them, a door leads to the south. A fire crackles in the center of the room, heating stones for use in a crude sauna. Two cabinets stand on the northern wall with their doors open, filled with a collection of dirty robes. Another door leads out to the east.   Head east to Room 4.   Head south to Room 7.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 5 - Makeshift Latrine" -f "Features| A poorly constructed washbasin fashioned from a broken barrel sits in one corner of this room, and a latrine pit sits opposite it along the southern wall, with a simple board over the top to dampen some of the stench. Between them, a door leads to the south. A fire crackles in the center of the room, heating stones for use in a crude sauna. Two cabinets stand on the northern wall with their doors open, filled with a collection of dirty robes. Another door leads out to the east." -f "Head [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room4) to Room 4." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room7) to Room 7." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<51 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view c29:l38 -fow c29:l38

Room 6 - Summoning Circle

Features: A glowing diagram of radiating stars within concentric circles is etched into the floor of this massive chamber. Just looking upon it hurts your eyes. A massive thudding echoes throughout the room as of a giant banging on a door and demanding entry, but it appears to emanate from the floor. Every impact knocks dust from the ceiling. When you can finally tear your eyes from the symbol, you see shelves of scrolls in each corner of the room. Stairs lead down and out from the room to the east and west. An eerie green light spills into the room from a chamber to the south, and a pair of burning braziers flank a heavy oak doorway, upon which sits an iron emblem fashioned in the visage of a grinning skull surrounded by eleven tear drops.   Monster: Deadly Encounter     Head north to Room 2.   Head east to Room 10.   Head south to Room 9.   Head west to Room 8.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 6 - Summoning Circle" -f "Features|A glowing diagram of radiating stars within concentric circles is etched into the floor of this massive chamber. Just looking upon it hurts your eyes. A massive thudding echoes throughout the room as of a giant banging on a door and demanding entry, but it appears to emanate from the floor. Every impact knocks dust from the ceiling. When you can finally tear your eyes from the symbol, you see shelves of scrolls in each corner of the room. Stairs lead down and out from the room to the east and west. An eerie green light spills into the room from a chamber to the south, and a pair of burning braziers flank a heavy oak doorway, upon which sits an iron emblem fashioned in the visage of a grinning skull surrounded by eleven tear drops." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room2) to Room 2." -f "Head [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room10) to Room 10." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room9) to Room 9." -f "Head [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room8) to Room 8." -f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view z27:au44 -fow z27:au44

Room 7 - Sleeping Chambers

Features: A set of cots and bedrolls have been arranged throughout this chamber and they smell musty and rank. A single candle lights the space, with so much of its wax melted onto the floor that it is in danger of falling over. Ancient carpets and empty crates are the only other decoration in the room.   Monster: Hard Encounter     Head north to Room 5.   Head east to Room 8.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 7 - Sleeping Chambers" -f "Features|A set of cots and bedrolls have been arranged throughout this chamber and they smell musty and rank. A single candle lights the space, with so much of its wax melted onto the floor that it is in danger of falling over. Ancient carpets and empty crates are the only other decoration in the room." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room5) to Room 5." -f "Head [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room8) to Room 8." -f "Monsters|Hard Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view c43:n54 -fow c43:n54

Room 8 - Southern Corridor

Features:This long, wide corridor seems to form a nexus within the complex. A stairwell at the southern end leads up, before splitting off to the east and the west. A narrow stairway leads off from midway along the western wall. At the northern end of the passage, a narrow stairway curves down from the west, before ending at the foot of a wider stairway leading to the east. Nothing else of note stands out among the crudely carved stone.   Head north to Room 4.   Head northeast to Room 6.   Head southeast to Room 12.   Head southwest to Room 11.   Head west to Room 7.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 8 - Western Corridor" -f "Features|This long, wide corridor seems to form a nexus within the complex. A stairwell at the southern end leads up, before splitting off to the east and the west. A narrow stairway leads off from midway along the western wall. At the northern end of the passage, a narrow stairway curves down from the west, before ending at the foot of a wider stairway leading to the east. Nothing else of note stands out among the crudely carved stone." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room4) to Room 4." -f "Head [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room6) to Room 6." -f "Head [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room12) to Room 12." -f "Head [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room11) to Room 11."-f "Head [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room7) to Room 7." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View
!map -view o33:ab71 -fow t33:ab62,o42:s57,r58:z71

Room 9 - Cursed Tomb

Features: A simple stone coffin sits in the center of this chamber, eerily lit by torches burning in sconces on the walls with green flame. The only way out is the archway through which you entered.   Monster: Deadly Encounter     Head north to Room 6.  
Hidden Chest
There is a chest hidden in this room. A character must succeed on an Intelligence (Religion) or Wisdom (Insight) check (DC 15) to reveal its hiding place. Once located, the chest can only be forced to appear with a successful Charisma saving throw (DC 16). Once it appears, the chest can be unlocked with an Intelligence (Arcana) check (DC 15) or pried open with a Strength (Athletics) check (DC 30). Truly desperate treasure seekers can attempt to break the chest with weapons, but it has an AC of 20, 60 hit points, and a damage threshold of 10 (ignoring any amount of damage from a single attack under 10 damage).    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 9 - Cursed Tomb" -f "Features|A simple stone coffin sits in the center of this chamber, eerily lit by torches burning in sconces on the walls with green flame. The only way out is the archway through which you entered." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room6) to Room 6."-f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 9 - Cursed Tomb" -f "Hidden Chest|There is a chest hidden in this room. A character must succeed on an **Intelligence (Religion)** or **Wisdom (Insight)** check **(DC 15)** to reveal its hiding place. Once located, the chest can only be forced to appear with a successful **Charisma saving throw** **(DC 16)**. Once it appears, the chest can be unlocked with an **Intelligence (Arcana)** check **(DC 15)** or pried open with a **Strength (Athletics)** check **(DC 30)** to break. Truly desperate treasure seekers can attempt to break the chest with weapons, but it has an AC of 20, 60 hit points, and a damage threshold of 10 (ignoring any amount of damage from a single attack under 10 damage)." -f "Coins|160pp, 2,000gp, 6,000sp, 1,200cp" -f "Art Objects|Obsidian Effigy of Bhaal (2,000gp)" -f "Magic Items|[Potion of Hill Giant Strength](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/potion-of-hill-giant-strength), [Potion of Animal Friendship](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/potion-of-animal-friendship)"
  Map View
!map -view ad44:aq50 -fow ad44:aq50

Room 10 - Northern Ravine

Features: A deep ravine splits this chamber from its twin across the bridge to the south. The sound of water passing some thirty feet below fills the room. A short set of stairs to the southwest leads nowhere, but a wider set of stairs to the west and a narrower set of stairs to the north both lead to more brightly lit areas. A creature forced off any space along the southern edge must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 12) or fall 30 feet into the shallow creek below. The walls of the ravine can be climbed with a successful Strength (Athletics) check (DC 10).   Head north to Room 3.   Head south to Room 14.   Head west to Room 6.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 10 - Northern Ravine" -f "Features|A deep ravine splits this chamber from its twin across the bridge to the south. The sound of water passing some thirty feet below fills the room. A short set of stairs to the southwest leads nowhere, but a wider set of stairs to the west and a narrower set of stairs to the north both lead to more brightly lit areas. A creature forced off any space along the southern edge must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 12) or fall 30 feet into the shallow creek below. The walls of the ravine can be climbed with a successful Strength (Athletics) check (DC 10)." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room3) to Room 3." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room14) to Room 14." -f "Head [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room6) to Room 6." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view ar29:bm55 -fow ar29:bm55

Room 11 - Storage Room

Features: Crates and barrels and bags of linen are piled throughout this room, but they do not appear to contain anything of extraordinary value. The room is paved with flagstones and seems inordinately dry and clean compared to the rest of the complex that you have seen.   Head south to Room 12.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 11 - Storage Room" -f "Features|Crates and barrels and bags of linen are piled throughout this room, but they do not appear to contain anything of extraordinary value. The room is paved with flagstones and seems inordinately dry and clean compared to the rest of the complex that you have seen. " -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room12) to Room 12." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view c57:l66 -fow c57:l66

Room 12 - Western Junction

Features: This narrow hallway is poorly lit by a single torch and filled with short spits of stairway, leading off to the east, as well as one to the west which ends in a cramped landing for a door along its northern wall. Another plain wooden door leads to the south.   Head east to Room 8.   Head south to Room 15.   Head west to Room 11.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 12 - Western Junction" -f "Features|This narrow hallway is poorly lit by a single torch and filled with short spits of stairway, leading off to the east, as well as one to the west which ends in a cramped landing for a door along its northern wall. Another plain wooden door leads to the south." -f "Head [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room8) to Room 8." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room15) to Room 15." -f "Head [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room11) to Room 11." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view c57:r74 -fow m57:r74,c67:n74

Room 13 - First Landing

Features: This wide platform is brightly lit by a pair of flaming braziers flanking the stairs up to the south. A pair of matching stairs lead down to the east and to the west.   Head east to Room 14.   Head south to Room 16.   Head west to Room 8.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 13 - First Landing" -f "Features|This wide platform is brightly lit by a pair of flaming braziers flanking the stairs up to the south. A pair of matching stairs lead down to the east and to the west." -f "Head [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room14) to Room 14." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room16) to Room 16." -f "Head [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room8) to Room 8." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view aa60:ar77 -fow aa62:ar77,ad60:ao61

Room 14 - Southern Ravine

Features: A deep ravine splits this chamber from its twin across the bridge to the north. The sound of water passing some thirty feet below fills the room. A set of stairs leads up to the west, and a narrower set of stairs curves down to the south. A creature forced off any space along the northern edge must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 12) or fall 30 feet into the shallow creek below. The walls of the ravine can be climbed with a successful Strength (Athletics) check (DC 10).   Head north to Room 10.   Head south to Room 17.   Head west to Room 13.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 14 - Southern Ravine" -f "Features|A deep ravine splits this chamber from its twin across the bridge to the north. The sound of water passing some thirty feet below fills the room. A set of stairs leads up to the west, and a narrower set of stairs curves down to the south. A creature forced off any space along the northern edge must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 12) or fall 30 feet into the shallow creek below. The walls of the ravine can be climbed with a successful Strength (Athletics) check (DC 10)." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room10) to Room 10." -f "Head [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room17) to Room 17." -f "Head [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room13) to Room 13." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view as54:bp72 -fow as54:bp72

Room 15 - Southwest Expansion

Features: Crates and boxes with shovels and pickaxes leaning against them are scattered throughout this room. There are other signs that someone was planning a major excavation project, but piled in one corner are a collection of obviously human bones. Perhaps that stalled the digging. Perhaps the bones were the objective.   Head north to Room 12.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 15 - Southwest Expansion" -f "Features|Crates and boxes with shovels and pickaxes leaning against them are scattered throughout this room. There are other signs that someone was planning a major excavation project, but piled in one corner are a collection of obviously human bones. Perhaps that stalled the digging. Perhaps the bones were the objective." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room12) to Room 12." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view g75:r86 -fow g75:r86

Room 16 - Entryway

Features: A tremendous sculpture of a bizarre horned skull sits in the northwest corner. A set of stairs leads down to the east and curves out of sight and into darkness. The way out of this dismal crypt lies to the south and it calls to you.   Monster: Hard Encounter     Head north to Room 13.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 16 - Entryway" -f "Features|A tremendous sculpture of a bizarre horned skull sits in the northwest corner. A set of stairs leads down to the east and curves out of sight and into darkness. The way out of this dismal crypt lies to the south and it calls to you." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room13) to Room 13." -f "Monsters|Hard Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view w78:ar88 -fow w78:ar88

Room 17 - The Cage

Features: The green flames of the wall torches illuminate deep gouges in the floor and the heavy iron bars as wide around as a man's thigh which separate the southern half of the room from the northern half. The four in the center have been wrenched aside by tremendous force, rendering this massive cage largely useless.   Monster: Deadly Encounter     Head north to Room 14.    
  !tembed -title "Bhaal's Crypt - Room 17 - The Cage" -f "Features|The green flames of the wall torches illuminate deep gouges in the floor and the heavy iron bars as wide around as a man's thigh which separate the southern half of the room from the northern half. The four in the center have been wrenched aside by tremendous force, rendering this massive cage largely useless." -f "Head [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-bhaal-s-crypt-landmark#room14) to Room 14." -f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter" {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"
  Map View  
!map -view as73:bp88 -fow as73:bp88

Bhaal's Crypt Solo Encounters

CR 0: Avatar of Death   CR ⅛: Cultist   CR ¼: Night Blade   CR ¼: Zombie   CR ½: Death's Head   CR ½: Shadow   CR 1: Dread Warrior   CR 2: Reaper of Bhaal   CR 3: Wight   CR 4: Banshee   CR 5: Death's Head of Bhaal   CR 6: Zombie Clot    

Bhaal's Crypt Special Encounters

  The following encounters appear only once. When they have been slain and their rewards taken, they do not return. Notify a DM, so that they can list the slayer.  

The Iconoclast

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 5: Enchanter and CR 7: Shield Guardian Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
Bounty: The Iconoclast   This Enchanter and Shield Guardian have additional details.
  • Clear the Bhaal's Crypt Dungeon and return to the Summoning Circle (Room 6).
  • Expend 5 Lore to learn of the Iconoclast and their Guardian.
  • Complete a Fast Moderate Skill Challenge, involving one Arcana check.
  • Defeat a medium encounter. The Iconoclast and their Shield Guardian appear immediately at the end of the encounter.
Encounter Notes
The Iconoclast inhabits a special lair. These are the defining qualities.    
  • The Iconoclast starts with 80 hit points, rather than 40 and first appears with Mage Armor already cast on himself.
  • Stoneskin is the spell cast into the Shield Guardian, which it casts on itself on the first round of combat.
  • The Iconoclast has inscribed a Symbol of Fear inscribed on the northeast corner of the room.
  • !map -over circle,60,y,AP29
  • The Iconoclast has inscribed a Symbol of Hopelessness inscribed on the southeast corner of the room.
  • !map -over circle,60,b,AP44
  • These Symbols can be activated with a command word, which the Enchanter can use as a reaction if they are able to position themselves outside of the area of effect while an enemy is within it. The Iconoclast is willing to sacrifice their Shield Guardian to this spell. The Enchanter may attempt to use the Disengage action on their turn before leaving the area of effect.
    If the Iconoclast is defeated while the Shield Guardian still lives, the character may attempt a Wisdom (Perception) check (DC 16) followed by a Intelligence (Arcana) check (DC 17) to recognize the Master's Amulet around the Iconoclast's neck. The character must make the Perception check as an action on their turn. Both removing the Master's Amulet from the Iconoclast and placing it around another's neck require an Object Interaction, but a character may use an action to complete the second Object Interaction, if they choose. Once a character has the Master's Amulet around their neck, the Shield Guardian recognizes them as their master, but the character must attune to the Master's Amulet before they can issue it any commands.   If a party secures the amulet in this way, they receive experience equivalent to defeating the Shield Guardian (2,900xp).  
  • Coins:
    • 110 pp
    • 1,800 gp
    • 4,000 sp
    • 900 cp
  • Art Objects: Staff topped with a Bloodstone Carved into a Skull (100 gp)
  • Items:

Fizuth, Forsaken Champion

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 8: Blackguard Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
Bounty: Fizuth, Forsaken Champion   This Blackguard has additional details.
  • Clear the Bhaal's Crypt Dungeon and return to the Cursed Tomb (Room 9).
  • Complete a slow moderate skill challenge, involving at least two successful Intelligence (Religion) checks and one successful Wisdom (Perception) check.
  • Defeat a deadly encounter in the room.
  • Expend 2 Divine Favor to challenge Fizuth as a representative of your god.
Encounter Notes
  Each turn, on Initiative count 0, a Skeleton archer arrives from the north to assist Fizuth. If there are three skeletons alive when a skeleton is due to appear, the skeleton with the lowest hit points is restored to full health.     Fizuth's Dreadful Aspect ability recharges after 2d4 rounds, rather than on a short rest.     Fizuth's uses the Glaive +1 below. His melee attacks are magical and have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls as a result.    

Heirophant Reborn

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 9: War Priest Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
Bounty: Heirophant Reborn   This War Priest has additional details.
  • Clear the Bhaal's Crypt Dungeon and return to the Burial Chamber (Room 2).
  • Complete a roleplay session involving at least five lines of dialogue describing nightmares or visions of the Burial Chamber.
  • Complete a slow moderate skill challenge, involving at least two successful Intelligence (Religion) checks and one successful Intelligence (Investigation) check.
  • Defeat a hard encounter in the chamber.
Encounter Notes
  Heirophant Reborn inhabits a special lair. These are the defining qualities:     Heirophant Reborn appears with two Acolytes, which each have the ability Unholy Fortitude.     Unholy Fortitude. If damage reduces the acolyte to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the acolyte drops to 1 hit point instead.     Heirophant Reborn can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Heirophant Reborn regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.  
  • Maul Attack. Heirophant Reborn makes one maul attack.
  • Divine Fervor. Heirophant Reborn directs an ally he can see within 30 feet to use their reaction to move up to half their speed and makes a melee attack.
  • Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Heirophant Reborn casts a spell of 3rd level or lower from his list of prepared spells, using a spell slot as normal.

Defender of the Word

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 10: Undying Councilor Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
Bounty: Defender of the Word   This Undying Councilor has additional details.
  • Clear the Bhaal's Crypt Dungeon and return to the Ancient Archive (Room 3).
  • Complete a roleplay session involving at least five lines of dialogue describing your character putting the archived works to the torch.
  • Complete a slow moderate skill challenge, involving at least two successful Constitution saving throws and one successful Charisma saving throw to withstand the smoke and will the fire to consume the archived works. A character which does not need to breathe succeeds on the Constitution saving throws automatically.
Encounter Notes
  Defender of the Word inhabits a special lair. These are the defining qualities. While within the archive, when the Defender of the Word is present, the fire continues to rage. At the start of each character's turn, they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 12), or become incapacitated by billowing smoke until the beginning of their next turn. A creature which does not need to breathe succeeds on this saving throw automatically.     The flames can be avoided, but the intense heat makes it difficult to function except through an act of extreme will. At the start of each character's turn, they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 12), or become frightened by the fire until the beginning of their next turn. A creature with resistance to fire damage or immunity from fire damage succeeds on this saving throw automatically.     A character may retreat from the room in order to avoid these effects, but if the Defender of the Word is the only creature remaining in the Ancient Archive at the beginning of its turn, it can extinguish the flames as an action, and it disappears. If this occurs, a character must complete the slow moderate skill challenge listed in the prerequisites once more, and the Defender of the Word returns with full hit points and spell slots restored.    
  • Coins:
    • 150 pp
    • 2,100 gp
    • 8,000 sp
    • 700 cp
  • Art Objects: Ornamental Platinum Shield set with Eleven Bloodstones (1,500gp)
  • Items:


CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 11: Radiant Idol Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
Bounty: Ardor   This Radiant Idol has additional details.
  • Clear the Bhaal's Crypt Dungeon and return to the Northern Ravine (Room 10).
  • !map -view ar29:bp72 -fow ar29:bp72
  • Complete a roleplay session involving at least five lines of dialogue describing your character putting the archived works to the torch.
  • Characters present at the outset of the battle must have a minimum of 10 Divine Favor.
Encounter Notes
  Ardor inhabits a special lair. These are the defining qualities. On initiative count 0, one character currently in combat with Ardor must sacrifice 1 Divine Favor. If a character cannot or does not, Ardor disappears and all remaining creatures are expelled from Bhaal's Crypt.     Ardor has the ability to fly as a move action for 40 feet. If Ardor is not on solid ground at the end of its turn, it descends slowly at a rate of 60 feet per round until it lands on solid ground.     Ardor's Radiant Strike ability recharges after 3d4 rounds, rather than once per day.     Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Ardor fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.     Ardor can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Ardor regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.  
  • Flail Attack. Ardor makes one flail attack.
  • Resplendence. Ardor casts Charm Person on an enemy humanoid he can see.
  • Teleport (Costs 2 Actions). Ardor teleports up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space that he can see.

Bhaal's Malus Mortem

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable?
CR 12: Boneclaw Treasure Hoard Yes
Slayer(s) Date Slain
Bounty: Bhaal's Malus Mortem   This Boneclaw has additional details.
  • Clear the Bhaal's Crypt Dungeon and return to The Cage (Room 17).
  • Complete a roleplay session involving at least five lines of dialogue describing your character putting the archived works to the torch.
  • Defeat a moderate combat encounter within The Cage. Bhaal's Malus Mortem appears within the cage immediately afterward.
Encounter Notes
  Bhaal's Malus Mortem inhabits a special lair. These are the defining qualities. So long as Bhaal's Malus Mortem is present, the light throughout Bhaal's Crypt becomes dim light. Spells and effects such as Darkness and Daylight which are in effect that would change the light quality are immediately dispelled (or suppressed if they cannot be dispelled) and non-magical fires are extinguished. If there are multiple characters present, Bhaal's Malus Mortem attempts to isolate one character using Shadow Jump, prioritizing spellcasters over ranged attackers over melee attackers.     After Bhaal's Malus Mortem has been defeated, it regenerates after a week, but avoids heroes who have defeated it in the past.    

Completionist List

Date Character Quest Link
DD-MON-YEAR Adventurer's Name

Bhaal's Crypt Solo Encounters

  CR 0: Avatar of Death
CR ⅛: Cultist
CR ¼: Night Blade
CR ¼: Zombie
CR ½: Death's Head
CR ½: Shadow
CR 1: Dread Warrior
CR 2: Reaper of Bhaal
CR 3: Wight
CR 4: Banshee
CR 5: Death's Head of Bhaal
CR 6: Zombie Clot

Table of Contents

Parent Location
Discovered By
Dao Ban and Marigold Swiftwhistle
Date Discovered

Cover image: Tomb Crypt by Shawn Kassian